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Cataloging Policy & Practice Committee


The Cataloging Policy and Practice Committee (CPPC) serves as a forum for discussion, coordination, and recommendation of cataloging policies and practices affecting the University of Washington Libraries at the national, regional, and local levels. Cataloging encompasses descriptive cataloging standards such as RDA, DCRM, and DACS, MARC 21 bibliographic, authority, and holdings formats, and emerging practices in metadata and linked data formats. The committee identifies pathways that enable catalogers to develop and maintain their knowledge and expertise to implement policies successfully in their work; and establishes best practices and guidelines for minimum and maximum levels of cataloging that meets standards, addresses backlogs, and ensures that the Libraries provides discovery to materials that support teaching and research in a timely manner. The group has the authority to implement, train, and assess new and updated policies and practices within the scope of its work.


  • Adam Schiff, chair Principal Cataloger, Cataloging and Metadata Services
  • Diana Brooking, Slavic Cataloging Librarian, Cataloging and Metadata Services
  • Tim Cameron, Library Specialist I – Supervisor, Acquisitions & Rapid Cataloging Services
  • Cate Gerhart, Music/Media Cataloging Librarian, Cataloging and Metadata Services
  • Erin Grant, ex officio Director, Cataloging and Metadata Services
  • Junghae Lee, Electronic Resources Management Librarian, Cataloging and Metadata Services
  • Martha McTear, Special Collections Cataloging Librarian, Cataloging and Metadata Services
  • Jian Ping Lee, Chinese Cataloging and Metadata Librarian, East Asia Library
  • Steve Shadle, Head, Serials Cataloging Unit, Cataloging and Metadata Services
  • Mary St. Germain, Head, Near East Section, International Studies


At each meeting, the chairs will invite UW representatives on Orbis Cascade standing groups and other organizations related to cataloging and metadata to give updates on those groups’ activities and impacts on UW cataloging policies and practices.

All CPPC meetings are open to all Libraries staff. Typically CPPC co-chairs and core members meet monthly on the third Wednesday of each month. Meetings may be cancelled if there are no active agenda items. Interested library staff members are strongly encouraged to attend meetings and provide feedback for relevant discussions. At each meeting, the chairs will invite UW representatives on Orbis Cascade standing groups and other organizations related to cataloging and metadata to give updates on those groups’ activities and impacts on UW cataloging policies and practices.


[email protected]