Last Update: August 1, 2008
Field Name
DC Mapping |
Authority File |
Comments |
Title: searchable, public/staff field |
Brief descriptive phrase of the building or public space in the photograph. Use the name of the building or public space at the time of photograph was taken. If the name is unknown, use a generic name, such as “house” or “storefronts.” For views of city use term “cityscape” along with general location of where the photographs was taken. Put year the photograph was taken in parenthesis after the title, using ca. if date is approximate. Do not abbreviate names. Note: Title will display next to thumbnails, with rephotograph pair displayed next to each other. Examples (of rephotography pairs): Union Station (1979) Union Station Courthouse (2008)
Snoqualmie Falls Power Company Transformer House (1979) University of Washington Tacoma Library (2008)
700 Block of Pacific Avenue (1979) 700 Block of Pacific Avenue (2008)
Cityscape from Market Street (1979) Cityscape from Market Street (2008) |
View or Description
Title: searchable, public/staff field |
View and/or aspect of the object shown. May include:
Examples Looking toward the south
Overall view of façade, from across the street
Detail view of ceiling |
Photographer |
Creator: searchable, public/staff field |
Name of photographer. Use: last name, first name. |
Date (display)
Date: not searchable, public/staff field |
Date that the photograph was taken. Use: [numeric day] Month [year]. Note year if only that is known. If precise date is unknown, use ca. Examples ca.1979
10 July, 2008 |
Date (search)
Date: searchable, staff-only field |
Reflects the searchable version of Date (display) field. If the date is a single year, it is the same in both fields. If the Date (display) field uses a “circa” (e.g. ca. 1979), the Date (search) field contains the expanded version so that searching will find dates covered by the “circa” date. Five years on either side of the “ca.” Example For “ca. 1915” in Date (display) field: 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920 |
Earliest date |
None: not searchable, staff-only field |
Reflects the earliest date recorded in the Date (display) field. Input it using the ISO 8601 format (YYYY, or YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD as needed). Note: If Date (display) is a single date, then Earliest date and Latest date will be the same. If Date (display) contains a “ca.” date, then this field will have the earliest date recorded in Date (search). |
Latest date |
None: not searchable, staff-only field |
Reflects the latest date recorded in the Date (display) field. Input it using the ISO 8601 format (YYYY, or YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD as needed). Note: If Date (display) is a single date, then Earliest date and Latest date will be the same. If Date (display) contains a “ca.” date, then this field will have the latest date recorded in Date (search). |
Building or public space (LC)
Subject: searchable, public/staff field |
The recognized name of the building or public space, according to the LCAF. (If not in LCAF, then use the Tacoma Public Library Pierce County Building Index.) List prominent buildings even if they are not the primary subject of the photograph but are visible. Note: Separate multiple entries with a semicolon (;). Example Union Station (Tacoma, Wash.)
Building or public space (TPL)
Subject: searchable, public/staff field |
The recognized name of the building or public space according the Tacoma Public Library Pierce County Building Index. (Use only if the building is not listed in the LCAF.) List prominent buildings even if they are not the primary subject of the photograph but are visible. Note: When taking the name from the Pierce County Building Index and the name does not have the geographic subdivision in parenthesis (city, Wash.), add it to title as appropriate. Separate multiple entries with a semicolon (;). Examples
Stadium High School (Tacoma, Wash.)
Wright Park (Tacoma, Wash.) |
Architect or designer (LC)
Creator: searchable, public/staff field |
Name of the architect or designer, if known. Use firm names as appropriate. Check LCAF first. Note: If multiple there are multiple entries, put <br> between each one. Examples Burnham and Root
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959 |
Architect or designer (ULAN)
Creator: searchable, public/staff field |
Name of the architect or designer, if known. Use firm names as appropriate. Check ULAN if the name is not in LCAF Note: When name is not listed in either authority files but the architect is known, construct personal name: Last name, first name. If multiple there are multiple entries, put <br> between each one. Examples Mock, Ernest
Sexton, F.A. |
Coverage: searchable, public/staff field |
The specific address in buildings in photograph. Abbreviate street names as they appear in the Tacoma Public Library’s Pierce County Building Index. Examples 1717 Pacific Ave.
1152-56 Fawcett Ave.
900 block, Commerce St. |
Subject: searchable, public/staff field |
Identify what is in photograph at the time that the picture was taken. Focus generally on the types of buildings, structures, objects, and spaces that take up most of the photograph. Construct the subject term using the location facets. Note: Separate each term with a semicolon (;). Examples Derelict buildings – Washington (State) – Tacoma
Intersections – Washington (State) – Tacoma
Drawbridges – Washington (State) – Tacoma |
Coverage: searchable, public/staff field |
The country, city, and state where the photograph was taken. Use hierarchal format. Example United States – Washington (State) – Tacoma |
Latitude |
Coverage: public/staff field
GPS coordinates in decimal degree format – carried to four places to the right of the decimal. A positive value indicates north of the Equator (i.e. North America). Example 47.1234 |
Longitude |
Coverage: searchable, public/staff field
GPS coordinates in decimal degree format – carried to four places to the right of the decimal. Areas west of the Prime Meridian (i.e. North America) should be indicated with a negative sign. Example -146.1234 |
Notes |
Description: searchable, public/staff field |
Descriptive narrative information about the photograph and its subjects that is otherwise not recorded elsewhere. Note: Use <br> between separate notes. |
Associated image(s) |
Relation: searchable, public/staff field |
File name for paired photograph(s).
More images |
Relation: not searchable, public/staff field |
When the photograph is of a subject that has a corresponding subject heading in the Tacoma Public Library Photo Archive Provide, create a link to a search for those images. |
File name |
Identifier: not searchable, public/staff field
The file names will be used to sort the images in a search. Images that constitute a rephotographic pair must have identical file names except for the year that they were photographed. The following naming convention applies to the files: location-decadeview##-year.jpg
– Location: When the address is available, use it for the building, along with first three letters of the street. Use abbreviated version of block (identifying it with “b”) or intersection when available, connecting them with an ampersand. If address is not available, use first name of place in photograph. 1717 Pacific Avenue = 1717pac 900 block, Commerce Street = 900bcom South 19th Avenue and Commerce Street = s19com Wright Park = wri Cityscape of Tacoma = tac
– View number: When the photograph is of a building, note whether the shot is of an exterior (with an “e”) or interior (with an “i”) then the shot number in the series of photographs. Begin every sequence of photographs with the decade the photograph in which the first photograph was taken, followed by 01. Number each image in the series sequentially. First exterior shot from 1922 =e192001 Sixth interior shot from 1979 = i197006 If the photo is of a cityscape or a public space, such as an intersection, identify the direction the camera is facing in: East facing shot taken in 1945 = e1904001 Southwest facing shot taken in 1979 = sw197001
– Year: Put the exact year that the photograph was taken. If unknown put down date listed after the “ca.” ca. 1979 = 1979 2008 = 2008
Examples (of rephotographic pairs):
1717pac-i197015-1979.jpg 1717pac-i197015-2008.jpg
wri-s193002-1933.jpg wri-s193002-2010.jpg |
Digital collection |
Relation-Is Part Of: not-searchable, public/staff field |
Tacoma Then and Again |
Order number |
Identifier: searchable, public/staff field |
Number that users can reference to order a copy of the digital image. Begin with UWT-TTA-00001 and number sequentially. |
Ordering information |
Description: not searchable, public/staff field |
Instructions for ordering. |
Repository photo or negative ID number |
Identifier: searchable, public/staff field |
Unique identifier assigned by the repository to the photograph or negative. Example: CYS-T122 |
Repository |
Source: not searchable, public/staff field |
The institution holding the original photograph. Example: Tacoma Public Library, Northwest Room |
Repository collection |
Relation-Is Part of: searchable, public/staff field |
Contains the collection name represented as a phrase. Example: Cysewski Collection |
Object Type
Type: searchable, public/staff field; required field |
Describes the genre or type of material. Example: Photograph |
Physical description
Format: not searchable, public/staff field |
Includes additional descriptive information about type of material or medium, color, and dimensions. Terms for visual materials should be taken from Graphic Materials: Rules for Describing Original Items and Historical Collections. |
Digital reproduction information |
Format: not searchable, public/staff field |
Describes the digital conversion process, date scanned, etc Example: Scanned from photographic print using… |
Type: searchable, staff-only field |
Describes the nature or genre of the content of the resource. Select a value from the Dublin Core Type Vocabulary at Examples: Text |
Copyright holder |
Rights: not searchable, public/staff field |
Individual or institution that retains copyright to the visual image. |
Administrative notes
None: searchable in dev, non-searchable in live; staff-only field |
Notes for staff only, notes of an administrative nature. |