WTO Element
Dublin Core element ; searchable/nonsearchable ; public/hidden
Title ; searchable ; public
All items must have a title. For Alternate Titles create a Note. Transcribe from item; if there is nothing to transcribe, formulate a title based on the content of the item (rather than the format). Sometimes a title should not be transcribed because the title is too “generic;” thus a title beginning “World Trade Organization” can be reduced to the acronym “WTO.” This is necessitated by the way search results display: only the first 25 characters of a title display; we don’t want generic terms to fill this character space; however an Alternate Title Note should be added spelling out the full form of the title. Photographs generally need a formulated title; the (flexible) format for formulating photograph titles utilizes four facets in the following order: (1) Activity/Event (2) Object/Person (3)Space (4) Time; within each facet, three areas can be identified in the following order: (1) Specifically of (2) Generally of (3) About. Thus a formulated title could be as follows: “Rally with a speaker in front of Borders Bookstore, Downtown Seattle.” Omit initial articles. Use (generally) AACR2r form rules.
Creator ; searchable ; public
Name of the individual(s) or organization(s) responsible for the content. Form of personal names is Lastname, Firstname Middlename/initial, date. Describe organizations as specifically as possible (down to the chapter and subcommittee levels, for example). This is a controlled field. Authority File #1: OCLC (using OCLC Passport for Windows). Authority File #2: DRA’s LC Authority Files at (Subject) http://lcmarc.dra.com/db/LCAUTH/subject.html and at (Author) http://lcmarc.dra.com/db/LCAUTH/author.html.Authority File #3: try the U.W. Libraries catalog for a name form. Authority File #4: Pacific Northwest Regional Newspaper database (uses InMagic software) at http://db.lib.washington.edu/pnw/. A local authority file has been constructed for valid name forms in the database. This is available upon request (ask Theodore Gerontakos or Gillian Murphy). For unknown creators, enter <[Unknown]>. Multiple names are okay; separate multiple names with <br>. If the Creator is determined from a resource other than the item, create a Note. Also create Notes for name cross references; however a thorough list of name variants will be available elsewhere in the WTO database (i.e. name variants Notes do not need to be exhaustive). [Originally we planned to clarify creator roles/contributions by using MARC Relator Codes (located at http://lcweb.loc.gov/marc/relators), but this was changed due to (1) the extra time involved (2) the difficulty in determining the role of an organization/person in many documents.]
Publisher ; searchable ; public
Organization responsible for making the resource available. This is a controlled field, using the local authority file based on the authority files cited above (see Creator field). When Creator is an organization, enter parent organization. Enter both Creator and Affiliation, even when identical. Separate multiple affiliations with <br>. If the Affiliation is determined from a resource other than the item, create a Note. Some Creators require specific Affiliations, even if this Affiliation is not listed in the document. Thus, for example, People for Fair Trade are always affiliated with Public Citizen. These necessary creator/affiliation pairs are enumerated in the local authority file.
Place of Publication
None; searchable ; public
Geographic place from which the item came (if an event is advertised, the location of the event is entered below, in the Geographic Coverage field). Derive place names from LC subject headings. <[Unknown]> should be used when place is unknown.
Date ; searchable ; public
Enter the most significant date (this of course is cataloger’s judgment). If the document announces an event, enter the date of the event. If a date does not apply, leave blank. Do not use “?” or “ca.” or “approx.” etc. Use ISO format (YYYY or YYYY-MM or YYYY-MM-DD).
Description ; searchable ; public
Useful access information not included elsewhere. Separate multiple notes with <br> <br> (that is, with a double break). 14 types of notes are currently in use, in the following order: (1) Alternate Title; (2) Name Cross Reference; (3) Further Affiliation; (4) Source of Bibliographic Information (when not taken from item); (5) Library Holdings; (6) Additional Timeline Information; (7) Related Resource(s); (8) Original Source and/or Credits; (9) Additional Geographic Information; (10) Additional Physical Details; (11) Marginalia (writing on document that is not part of original document: be selective in choosing what to represent); (12) Sponsors/Endorsers; (13) Contents; (14) Miscellaneous. Selected examples of Notes: (1) Alternate Title: one form only: “Alternate title: [title].” (2) Name Cross Reference: “Coordinated Bargaining Committee also known as…,” “Individual participants include…,” “Speakers include…,” “Contact name(s):….” (3) Further Affiliation: “Also affiliated with…,” “Further affiliations: …,” “Organizations involved include: …,” “Film screening for International Solidarity Night,” “Benefit featuring….” (4) Source of Bib Info: “Creator name from handwritten note attached,” “Creator name from handwritten note and printed email attached,” “[Affiliation / Creator name] inferred from [web sites listed on flier].” (5) Library Holdings: “Library has 4 copies.” (6) Additional Timeline Information: “Also advertises[featuring a date].” (7) Related Resources: “Affiliated web page url:…,” “Preliminary version of the flier titled ‘WTO chamber of horrors.'” (8) Original Source/Credits (sometimes can be listed as a name cross reference): “Photo [on poster] by…,” “Illustration on flier by [transcribed name],” “Cartoon on flier by …,” “An article that appeared in ‘Labor’s voice : a publication of the King County Labor Council, AFL-CIO,’ Vol. 31 No. 4, Fall 1999, pp.1-2,” “The Memo from Mike Dolan is one of several electronic mail correspondences; the first message was sent from Jason Mark to Juliette Beck, Juliette Beck forwarded that message generally to ‘WTO Media’ which apparently included Mike Dolan, Mike Dolan then forwarded the message to a range of people including Patti Goldman, and Patti Goldman forwarded the message to ‘bethatej’ and Ann Hedreen; it is this final forwarded message that is in the WTO Seattle Collection.” (9) Additional Geographic Information: (no examples at present). (10) Additional Physical Details: “Laminated sign,” “Two-sided cardboard cutout mounted on carrying stick,” “Cutout represents a [teargas canister/Cop in riot gear, etc.].” (11) Marginalia: “Attached note describing use of …,” “Attached notes include: printed email by creator, resource credits from the donator,” “Text on photograph: …,” “Note in margin: ….” (12) Sponsors/Endorsers: discontinued note.List these names as name cross references. (13) Contents: a description of contents; any variety of formats okay. (14) Miscellaneous: “Donator of Resource: …,” “Announces a [conference / celebration / talk / protest / film screening / teach-in / workshop / forum ] [ in / at ]…,” “All proceeds …,” “Slogan(s) on flier: …,” “Slogans on banners include: …,” “Sea turtles are visually represented and emphasized in this march.”
Description ; searchable ; public
Enter 1 of 3 values: <Before WTO>, <During WTO>, <After WTO>. If those don’t apply, leave blank. When an adequate guess can be made, use a question mark, as follows: <Before WTO?>. When the item describes an event, enter the value that corresponds to the date of the event (not to the publication date of the item).
Intended Purpose
Description ; searchable ; public
Describes the intent/content of each individual object. 11 possible values, single values only and no value okay: (1) Academic, (2) Costuming, (3) Education, (4) Event Publicity (use for advertising), (5) Messaging, (6) Mobilization, (7) News, (8) Opinion, (9) Oral History, (10) Organizational Maintenance, (11) Personal Communication.
Issue Area
Description; searchable ; public
Describes the creator’s or, if not available, affiliation’s issue area; each creator is associated with a single issue area. See local authority file for a list of creators and their issue areas. 19 possible values, single values only and no value okay: (1) Anarchist, (2)Democracy, (3) Development, (4) Direct Action, (5) Environment, (6) Faith, (7) Food and Agriculture, (8) Health, (9) Human Rights, (10) IGO Monitoring, (11) Independent or Alternative Media, (12) Labor, (13) Law, (14) Media, (15) Minorities, (16) Socialist, (17) Trade, (18) Women, (19) WTO.
Subject ; searchable ; public
Headings from LCSH. TGM okay for images. Separate multiple values with <br>. List of all subject headings currently in use available from Theodore Gerontakos or Gillian Murphy.
Geographic Coverage
Coverage ; searchable ; public
Describes the geographic coverage of the content of the resource. If an event is advertised, enter the place of the event. Enter <Country–State or Province–City>. Derive place names from LC subject headings. No value okay.
Object Type
Type ; searchable ; public
Enter resource type or “specific material designation.” Use “Document Type Terms for Unpublished Materials and Printed Ephemera” at http://staffweb.lib.uw.edu/monos/catdocs/Doctype.htm . Enter object type only; additional physical details can go in “Physical Description” or in an Additional Physical Details Note. A list of all object types currently in use is available from Theodore Gerontakos or Gillian Murphy.
Physical Description
No DC match ; non-searchable ; public
“Other” physical details; specifically, the size of the resource and its condition (all resources were described in “good” condition). Format: “Size: [H] x [W] cm.<br>Condition: good.”
Source ; searchable ; public
Contains the box/folder/accession number of the resource as it is stored in MSCUA. Every item follows this format: “WTO Seattle Collection, #5177-003, [box# / folder#].”
Language ; non-searchable ; hidden
Language of the content. Not used in public display at present. Completely spell-out the language.
Contributor ; searchable ; public
Contributor of all resources should be “WTO History Project.” If WTO History Project is not the contributor, correct contributor should be listed. Any additional contributors can be listed in a Miscellaneous Note.
Source ; searchable ; public
The institution where the item is physically located. Most of our resources are in UW MSCUA;almost all Repository fields therefore should read “University of Washington Libraries. Manuscripts, Special Collections, University Archives.” Repository of interviews is “www.WTOHistory.org.” If repository is not in fact UW MSCUA, the correct repositroy should be listed.
Rights ; non-searchable ; hidden
Only three values are possible: “Public” or “Restricted” or “Unclear.”
Transmission data
Format ; non-searchable ; hidden
Any potentially useful information concerning the digital conversion process; for example, date scanned.
Complex Title
No DC match; searchable ; hidden
Used to identify “complex titles” (multi-page documents). At present we have given each multi-page object a unique title for the complete object, and each page contains a variation on that unique title. For example, the object titled “WTO : what’s at stake” has the complex title “Wtostake;” each page in the object has its own complex title as follows: “Wtostake 1,” “Wtostake 2,” “Wtostake 3,” etc.
Organizations Mentioned
Description ; non-searchable ; hidden
This field will be a list of all organizations mentioned in the resource. It is a field not completed at the time this data dictionary was written (October 2001); it is not yet displayed to the public and is not yet searchable. It should be a controlled field using the local name authority file based on the authority files cited in the Creator field above.
Type ; searchable ; hidden
Describes the nature or genre of the content of the resource. Select a value from the Dublin Core Type Vocabulary athttp://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/ . For this database, use Text for items that were originally text (this includes digital images of pages of text) and StillImage for items that were originally images.