More Information on the Project
The Preserving the History of U.S. Agriculture and Rural Life Grant Project website focuses on information for participating institutions and includes toolkits, a list of participating states, grant proposals, and more.
Washington State Project Documentation
Washington State Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Bibliographies Project Documentation
This portion of the project was completed 2004-2005.
- Project Manual, University of Washington Libraries
- Instructions for Reviewers
- Scope of the Washington State Bibliographies
- Bibliographies Consulted
- Final Report
Washington State Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Microfilming Project Documentation
This portion of the project was completed 2006-2008.
All titles filmed by the project can be identified in the UW Libraries Catalog and OCLC WorldCat by searching title or keyword “USAIN state and local literature preservation project. Washington.” See UW’s Microfilm Duplication Service page for more information on ordering copies of the microfilm.
This project would not have been possible without the hard work of many individuals. Many thanks to Joy Paulson and Mary Ochs, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University for all their assistance and coordination of the project and to the National Endowment for the Humanities for funding the work. Many thanks also to Cindy Kaag and the Washington State University Libraries for their participation. Stephanie Lamson served as project manager for both phases of the grant with the help of Gary Menges.
Bibliographic Phase, 2004-2005
The bibliographies were painstakingly created by Katy Dichter, Katie Dodsley, Stephanie Lamson and Jonathan Lischalk. Special thanks to the scholarly review panel who diligently ranked the titles by their future importance for scholarly research: David Coon, Robert Ficken, Richard Kirkendall, William Lang, Jack Rogers, Joseph Taylor, and Donald Theoe. And many thanks to the team of librarians who donated their time reviewing the bibliographies in their areas of subject expertise: Carol Green, Cindy Kaag, and Louise Richards.
Microfilming Phase, 2006-2008
Esther Benson, Emily Thompson, Jennifer Baillie, Erin MacDonald, Maddie Rauzi, and Brendan Lax worked tirelessly collating titles page by page to make sure titles were complete, copying missing pages from other volumes, and quality controlling the resulting microfilm frame by frame. Their work, and the work of Brad Boer and Erica Dreabit at OCLC Preservation Resources, insured that we will meet the needs of future researchers as much as possible. In many cases, we collected and preserved the last two or three copies known to exist of several early Washington State serials documenting the agriculture and rural life of the region.
Since many of the top-ranked titles on the bibliographies were incomplete and only held by a few institutions, the project required us to borrow many materials. Many thanks are due to the following individuals and institutions for their assistance in loaning materials:
- Barb Grayson and Heidi Nance, UW Libraries Interlibrary Loan
- Cindy Kaag and Jill Palmer, Washington State University Libraries
- May Chau and Cheryl Middleton, Oregon State University Library
- Dona Bubelis and Martin Burgess, Seattle Public Library
- Joanne Halgren and interlibrary loan staff, University of Oregon Libraries
- Laurie Fortier and Kathryn Hamilton-Wang, Washington State Library
- Joe Wible, Miller Library of Marine Biology, Stanford University
For their assistance in loaning or providing materials, we are especially grateful to:
- Shawna Gandy and Oregon Historical Society Research Library for providing missing pages and volumes of Timberman.
- Rose Krause and Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture (NWMAC) for donating volumes of Ranch and Washington Farmer for microfilming and addition to the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
- Dan Lech and National Agricultural Library (NAL) for donating several titles including Ranch, Washington Farmer, Northwest Fruit Grower, Timberman, and others. These titles were microfilmed and/or added to Special Collections.
Microfilming Washington Farmer, 2008-2009
An additional title, Washington Farmer (41 volumes, 37,000+ pages), was microfilmed in 2008-2009 with funding from the University of Washington Friends of the Libraries and a grant from the Washington State Library with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Many thanks to Emily Thompson for her considerable work on this portion of the project.
Special thanks to Esther Benson for designing the original version of this website.