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Minidoka Project Information Bulletin, August 19, 1942

Minidoka Project Information Bulletin No. 5 dated August 19, 1942 Hiroyuki Ichihara Papers. Reel 2. Manuscripts and University Archives, UW Libraries.

Minidoka Project
Eden, Idaho

No. 5 — August 19, 1942 — Harry L. Stafford, Project Director

New arrivals at the Minidoka War Relocation Authority Project will first register and be assigned to apartments which have been constructed for use as your homes. Obviously construction is not complete.


Registration is in this room. As soon as the head of the family registers, the family will go to the laundry building immediately back of this building where you will see the physician, then receive your apartment assignment. A guide will take you to your apartment and the head of the family should remain at the apartment to receive and sign for your beds, bedding and baggage.


Apartments are of three sizes and a family will be assigned on the basis of the number in a family. Wherever possible family groups or relatives will be assigned to apartments near to each other. Where possible reassignments to other apartments will be made later to locate persons near their place of employment.

Moving from the apartment to which you have been assigned to another must NOT be done without approval of the Housing Superintendent.


Single beds, mattresses and blankets as required will be issued to each family whose head will receipt for the goods issued and will be responsible for its care and return.


The dining hall serves the residents of the block in which it is located. For the time being meal hours will be observed as follows:

Breakfast 7:00 – 8:00 A.M.
Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 P.M
Supper 5:00 – 6:00 P.M


Incoming mail will be distributed by the Block Manager. Outgoing mail should be dropped in a box in Dining Hall 15 until the regular mail box is installed outside the Block Manager’s offices — Block 16, Bldg. 1 and Block 17, Bldg 12.


Residents are requested to remain out of the area where construction is in progress to avoid possible personal injury and interference with construction personnel.


The water in the canal running near the buildings is swift and treacherous. It is privately owned for irrigation purposes and all of us on the project are forbidden to use it. Children MUST be watched particularly that they do not get near it.


A small canteen with a stock of essential toilet and personal items is located temporarily in 6-9-B. It is operated by a resident of the community and profits accruing will be used for community needs. Community stores will be established later.


Persons who are ill and require a special diet should consult Dr. Neher, Chief Medical Officer. Those with small babies will also consult Dr. Neher about food formulas.

The hospital unit will be completed within a few days. First aid and sick calls may be made to Ward 10 of the hospital group.


Water on the project comes from four deep wells, all of which are not yet in operation. Water should not be wasted. Hot water will be available in a few days when the necessary plumbing fixtures are received.

Laundry tubs may have to be pressed into service for facial and hand washing until showers are installed. Some cold showers are available in the men’s washrooms. Women may use the showers in Blocks 1, 6 and 13 which are reserved for them exclusively.

Valves, fittings and other fixtures are necessary before completion of the sewage plant. Until then we must use the outdoor latrines. Two women’s and one men’s latrines have been constructed for each block.


The placement office will be located temporarily in Block 2, Bldg. 15. Office hours will be 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Persons wishing work assignments should report to placement office the first thing the morning following housing.


A Block Manager will be appointed for each block to serve as liaison between the residents and the administrative office. His duties will be many and varied. All appointments are on a temporary basis. He will attempt to serve the residents of his block to the best of his ability. Report lost and found articles to him, leaky roofs, broken windows, doors that stick, etc. He will have a limited amount of cleaning supplies and equipment for your block. His office will be Block 2, Bldg. 11, Apartment A.


Schools, local government, recreation and other aspects of a good community have received much attention in the planning of this Center. When more residents arrive a local governing body will be formed, a school board elected and opportunity provided for the creation of recreation, stores, and other community services.


the yellow sheets which will be found in some of the apartments and vestibules which have been placed there by the contractors. These are check sheets for future work to be done and are only to be removed by the contractor.

21 February 1997