Elizabeth Bayley Willis Papers. Box 1. Manuscripts and University Archives, UW Libraries.
Area D Block 5 Apt. 78
Camp Harmony
Puyallup, Wash
May 20, 1942
Dear Mrs. Willis,
How are you? I am well, inspite of the food and cold living quarters. Before I continue any further I must thank you for all that you have done for me. As soon as we get settled down I will devote my time in designing. I have not seen Kinuye, because she is probably in another area. I hope some day we can have visiting day so that we can get together and draw.
The camp in which I live consists of about 2,900 Japanese. Really, I have not seen so many all together in all my life. There are many cabins which are divided into blocks. Each cabin has a small wood or oil stove, and a bed for each person. The mattresses are filled with straw. The first night was terrible but eventually we got use to the bed.
Unless one has a job it is very boring doing nothing but loaf. As soon as I can I am going to apply for a job.
During the first few days the weather was sultry. As a result I am quite tanned and freckled. Now a days it is so rainy and muddy that we have to stay in all day.
We don’t not yet have a recreation hall but on Saturdays we have our dances. On such occasions there are more spectators than dancers. I hope that we will have a regular place to spend our leisure time very soon for we get quite tired just playing cards and walking about.
I miss school and all my school friends. I hope that someday we may all go back to normal life, enjoying peace and freedom. I thank you again for the many art supplies you have given me from the bottom of my heart.
Sincerely yours,