Check slips, notes, dealing the relocation of four subversive Japanese from Camp Harmony, August 17-27, 1942. United States. Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. Papers of the U.S. Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. Part 1, Numerical file archive. Frederick, Md. : University Publications of America, 1984. Reel 7, 0856.

CHECK SLIP (Informal)
(Do not remove from this paper) File No.
Presidio of San Francisco, Calif.
Note: Use this slip for notes in connection with this paper. All notes will be NUMBERED CONSECUTIVELY, top to bottom. Papers should have attached all records necessary for intelligent action. A line will be drawn the full width of the slip below each note.
SUBJECT: Camp Harmony, Puyallup, Washington
No. |
Date |
From |
To |
1 |
1942 8-17 |
AC of S G-2 (CIB) |
AC of S CAD |
- Reference is made to a previous request from this office for the removal to separate relocation centers of four subversive Japanese at Camp Harmony.
- Attached herewith is copy of report on conditions at Camp Harmony by the Officer in Charge, Seattle Branch Office, AC of S, G-2, Western Defense Command and Fourth Army. It is recommended that the following additional Japanese now at Puyallup be transferred to separate relocation centers, to counteract subversive activities as outlined in the attached report:
S. HOSOKAWA (father of WILLIAM HOSOKAWA, already transferred) Kenji OKUDA William MIMBU Frank Y. KINOMOTO
Incl: Copy of rpt. fr. Seattle BIo, 8/14/42, subj: “Conditions Existing at Puyallup..” (In dup.)
2 |
8/23/42 |
Maj. Ashworth |
Col Boekel |
- Of the 4 men, S. Hosokawa, Kenji Okuda, William Mimbu, and Frank Y. Kinomoto, recommended for transfer to separate assembly centers by G-2, it appears to me S. Hosokawa, provided he is an alien, could be interned if the “Japanese Association” mentioned in paragraph 4 means either the Central Japanese Association (Beikiku Chuo Nipponjin Kai) or the Japanese Association of America.
- Kenji Okuda, William Mimbu, and Frank Y. Kinomoto, mentioned in paragraph 5, apparently are citizens and can not be interned. Therefore, they should probably be transferred to centers other than Minidoka where all of the Puyallup evacuees are scheduled to go, simply as a means of throwing them off balance for a few days.
3 |
8/23/42 |
PS&R |
Col Bendetsen |
attention invited to #2 which I concur in WHB |
4 |
8/23/42 |
W of S |
operations |
- See Notes 2 & 3
- TAke necessary action to carry out para 2 of note 2.
- Then return this paper to PS & R for purpose of compleing action– preparations of memo to G-w regarding para 2 of note 2 and regarding action taken reference para 2 note 2
- Then file all the papers CAD
illegible initials |
5 |
8/27 |
Opr Div |
PS & R |
- Transfer Orders & necessary papers airmailed special devliver to Puyallup AC for transver (Travel began 5:10 PM 8/27/42)
Kenji Okuda, wife, & 2 children to Merced AC for further transfer to Granada War Reloc. Proj. Colo.1 Wm. Mimbu, wife & 2 children to Stockton AC for further transfer to Rohwer Wr Reloc. Proj. Ark.
- Hosakawa & Kinemoto families named herein had already gofn fr Puyallup to Minidok on a rountine move prior to recipt of the correspondence. Conversation with Maj. Pash indicated that no action on these two families desired at this time. G-2 will advise CAD of their desires regarding these at a later date
- See para 3 Note 4
WD G-@ notified – 8/29 HN |
1. Somehow in the Army’s machinations, Kenji Okuda acquired a wife and two children. Kenji Okuda was transferred with his mother and sisters.