Letter from Kenji Okuda to the Ring family dated December 20, 1942. Ring Family Papers, Acc. 4241, Box 1, folder 13. University of Washington Libraries: Manuscripts, Special Collections, University Archives.
Amache, Colorado
Dec. 20, 1942
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Ring & Eleanor,
In this Christmas season, the strength of the Christian spirit has been fortifying and strengthening. Material gifts have their worth, but more than that the gift of Christian love and understanding is important. ‘Twas the December of a short year ago that this memorable day was taken as just another holiday – today its importance and worth takes on added significance as your gifts of love and understanding have been felt especially in the times of our trials and struggles.
As the year 1942 passes into history, may I say from the bottom of my heart a
Merry Christmas & a
Happy New Year
Kenji Okuda
P.S. Our family is sending you a mere token of our appreciation of your interest and kindness – I hope you like it.