All volumes shelved in UW Libraries, Special Collections Reference Area
Latest edition shelved in UW Libraries, Special Collections Reference
Reverse directory begins/included with this year
Available on CD-ROM (view only; no printing). Inquire at Special Collections Reception Desk
Available on Microfilm in Special Collections Microfilm Cabinet
Aberdeen 1903/04, 1905, 1907, 1928/29, 1941, 1959, 1961-82, 1984, 1988-89, 1993-[Check latest holdings]
Including Cosmopolis, Elma, Hoquiam, Montesano, Ocean Shores, Satsop and Westport
979.748 D62 [-1994] (Polk’s)
F899.A2 P64 [1995-] (Polk’s)
Aberdeen 1912/13 Business directory of Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett, Anacortes, Olympia, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Centralia, Chehalis, Renton, Puyallup and neighboring towns
F899.S4 F67 1913 (Foster Directory Company)
Adams County 1906
Alaska 1882/83 Disturnell’s business directory and gazetteer of the west coast of North America
F852 .D57 (Disturnell)
Alaska 1901 Dawson City, Yukon Territory and Alaska directory and gazetteer 1901
Microfiche MB-772 scmic
Alaska 1902 Alaska-Yukon directory and gazetteer
Microfilm B1819
Alaska 1902, 1903, 1905/06-11/12, 1915/16
979.8 D62 (Polk’s)
Alaska 1932/33 Alaska directory & gazetteer
F902 A5 (Alaska Directory & Gazetteer Co.)
Alaska 1945 Alaska business directory
979.8 AL18i (Alaska Information Service)
Alaska, Southeast see Southeast Alaska
Alderwood Manor1949, 1957, 1962
979.734 D62we (Well’s index to southwest Snohomish County)
Algona Shelved under: Auburn 1969-70, 1972-75, 2000
F899 A85 P64 (Polk’s)
Algona Shelved under: South King County 1976-83, 1985, 1987, 1991, 1997 (newer volumes shelved under: Auburn/Federal Way)
Anaconda, Montana 1905, 1906
Anacortes 1903, 1905/06, 1941
979.733 D62 (Polks’s)
Anacortes1952, 1956, 1960
979.733 D62wa (Wells index to Anacortes & western Skagit county)
Anacortes1963, 1965
979.733 D62pa (Polk’s)
Anacortes 1912/13 Business directory of Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett, Anacortes, Olympia, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Centralia, Chehalis, Renton, Puyallup and neighboring towns
F899.S4 F67 1913 (Foster Directory Company)
Anchorage, Alaska 1961
979.82 D62a (Polk’s)
Anchorage, Alaska 1976/77, 1977/78, 1979-89, 1991, 1994-[Check latest holdings]
F914 A5 P6 (Polk’s)
Anderson Island see Pierce County
Arlington 1948, 1952, 1955
979.734 D62w (Wells)
Ashford see Pierce County
Asotin County 1927
979.638 D628 (Robert G. Bailey and Paul B. Blake: “The Bailey Way”)
Astoria, Oregon1948, 1957, 1959
Auburn 1969-70, 1972-75, 2000
F899 A85 P64 (Polk’s)
Auburn Shelved under: South King County 1976-83, 1985, 1987, 1991, 1997 (newer volumes shelved under: Auburn/Federal Way)
F897 K4 P6 (Polk’s)
Auburn 1909 The Tacoma-Seattle interurban directory embracing a complete alphabeticial list of business and private citizens of Puyallup, Auburn, Kent, Renton
F899.P89 P64 (Polk’s)
Auburn 1958
F899.A94 A92 (City & Suburban Directory Co.)
Baker City, Oregon 1950, 1953, 1958, 1959
Bannock County, Idaho 1907
979.665 D62 (Polk’s)
Beaux Arts 1996+ see Seattle suburban
Beaverton, Oregon 1956/57 Business and professional directory and guide book
979.544 V243b (D.G.& Beatrice)
Bellevue 1959-60, 1962-78
F899.B42 P74 (Polk’s)
Bellevue 1979-85 (ceased in 1985)
F899 B42 B44 (Polk’s)
Bellevue 1996+ see Seattle suburban
Bellevue 1971 East side business directory
F899 B42 E3 (Bellevue American)
Bellingham 1903/04-1905/06, 1906, 1911, 1918, 1942, 1950, 1952, 1954-57, 1959-82, 1984-85, 1987-92, 1994-2001, 2003-[Check latest holdings]
979.732 D62 [-1994] (Polk’s)
F899.B44 P65 [1995-] (Polk’s)
Bellingham 1890, 1891
979.731 D62b (Speirs & Anderson)
Bellingham 1912/13 Business directory of Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett, Anacortes, Olympia, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Centralia, Chehalis, Renton, Puyallup and neighboring towns
F899.S4 F67 1913 (Foster Directory Company)
Bend, Oregon 1950, 1957
F884 B45 P6 (Polk’s)
Beverly see Grant County
Black Diamond 1997+ see South King County
Boise, Idaho 1979-85, 1987-88, 1994-[Check latest holdings]
F752 A3 B6 (Polk’s)
Boise suburban, Idaho 2002-[Check latest holdings]
Bonner County, Idaho 1912/13
979.63 D628 (Polk’s)
Bonney Lake see Pierce County
Bothell Shelved under: North King County, south Snohomish County 1974
F897 S66 P68 (Polk’s)
Bothell Shelved under: North Seattle suburban 1975-76
F897 S66 P682 (Polk’s)
Bothell Shelved under: North Seattle suburban 1977-78, 1980/81-83, 1985
Bozeman, Montana 1904/05, 1906/07
978.647 D62 (Polk’s)
Brier see Seattle suburban
Bremerton1942, 1950, 1954-55, 1957-60, 1962-84, 1986-88, 1990
Ceased with 1990 edition
979.741 D627 [-1986] (Polk’s)
F899.B74 B75 [1986-] (Polk’s)
Bremerton 1905/06 Business directory and mercantile register of Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Everett, Ballard, Bremerton, Vancouver, Oregon City, Salem, and neighboring towns
979.5 B964 (Mercantile Directory Company)
British Columbia 1860-1900
Microfilm B1890
British Columbia 1882/83 Disturnell’s business directory and gazetteer of the west coast of North America
F852 .D57(Disturnell)
British Columbia 1882/83, 1884/85, 1887, 1891-93, 1895, 1897/98
979.524 D62wi (Williams)
British Columbia 1889, 1901, 1903, 1905, 1910
F1086.5 H46 (Henderson)
British Columbia 1900-1910
Microfilm B1832
British Columbia 1911-1919
Microfilm B1831
British Columbia 1920-1929
Microfilm B1889
British Columbia 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922-1924
979.524 D62w (Wrigley’s)
British Columbia 1928-1932
F1086.5 W75 (Wrigley’s)
British Columbia 1933-1945, 1947, 1948
F1086.5 W75 (Sun Directories) Microfilm B1821 scmic
British Columbia 1948-1954
Microfilm B1888
Buckley see Pierce County
Burien 1960, 1962-63, 1965, 1967-1968, 1970-1975
F899.B86 P74 (Polk’s)
Burien Shelved under: South King County 1976-83, 1985, 1987, 1991, 1997
F897 K4 P6 (Polk’s)
Burien Shelved under: Seattle suburban 1996
Burlington 1903, 1905/06, 1941
979.733 D62 (Polks’s)
Burlington 1952, 1955, 1959, 1962
979.733 D62wc (Wells)
Burlington Shelved under: Mount Vernon 1962, 1965, 1973-77, 1979-81, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989-91, 1993
979.733 D62p (Polk’s)
Burlington Shelved under: Mount Vernon 1998-[Check latest holdings]
Butte, Montana 1895-97, 1899, 1906-08, 1912-15
Camano Island1948, 1952, 1955 Wells index to the Stillaguamish Valley and Camano Island
979.734 D62w (Wells)
Carbonado see Pierce County
Cascade Mountains towns 1865
Centralia 2001-[Check latest holdings]
Including Chehalis, Napavine
F899.C383 P64 (Polk’s)
Centralia 1941/42, 1958, 1960-61, 1963-65, 1967-85, 1987-2000
Including Chehalis, Napavine
979.751 D621 (Polk’s)
Centralia 1912/13 Business directory of Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett, Anacortes, Olympia, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Centralia, Chehalis, Renton, Puyallup and neighboring towns
F899.S4 F67 1913 (Foster Directory Company)
Chehalis Shelved under: Centralia 2001-[Check latest holdings]
Including Centralia, Napavine
F899.C383 P64 2002 (Polk’s)
Chehalis 1941/42, 1958, 1960-61, 1963-65, 1967-85, 1987-2000
979.751 D621 (Polk’s)
Chehalis 1912/13 Business directory of Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett, Anacortes, Olympia, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Centralia, Chehalis, Renton, Puyallup and neighboring towns
F899.S4 F67 1913 (Foster Directory Company)
Chehalis County 1903/04, 1905
Chelan County 1910/1911 Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Okanogan counties directory
Chouteau County, Montana 1905/06
Clark County 1907 (Du Ross), 1921 (Polk’s)
Clarkston Shelved under: Quad Cities, Idaho/Washington 1997-1998
F754.M6 P64(Polk’s)
Clarkston Shelved under: Lewiston 2000, 2004-[Check latest holdings]
F754.L6 P64 (Polk’s)
Clyde Hill see Seattle suburban
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 1912/13
Crook County, Oregon 1921
979.577 D62 (Polk’s)
Crook County, Oregon 1950
Coulee City see Grant County
Dawson City 1901 Dawson City, Yukon Territory and Alaska directory and gazetteer 1901
Des Moines, Washington see 1997 South King County and 1996 Seattle suburban
Deschutes County, Oregon 1921
979.577 D62 (Polk’s)
Deschutes County, Oregon 1950
Douglas County 1910/11 Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Okanogan counties directory
979.76 D62 (Polk’s)
Dupont see Pierce County
Duvall see Seattle suburban
See individual listings under these cities: Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond
Eatonville see Pierce County
Edgewood see Pierce County
Edmonds1949, 1957, 1962
979.734 D62we (Well’s index to southwest Snohomish County)
Edmonds 1970, 1971, 1973
F899 E3 P64 (Polk’s)
Edmonds Shelved under: North King County, south Snohomish County 1974
F897 S66 P68 (Polk’s)
Edmonds Shelved under: North Seattle suburban 1975-76
F897 S66 P682 (Polk’s)
Edmonds Shelved under: North Seattle suburban 1977-78, 1980/81-83, 1985
F897 S66 P683 (Polk’s)
Edmonds 1996+ see Seattle suburban
Edmonds 1949, 1957, 1962
979.734 D62we (Wells)
Elbe see Pierce County
Electric City see Grant County
Ellensburg1941/42, 1952/53, 1954/55, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1965-66, 1968-69, 1971-72, 1974-78, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1992-93
979.771 D628e [-1986] (Polk’s)
F899.E4 P64 [1992-] (Polk’s)
Ellensburg Shelved under: Yakima-Kittitas Counties 1996
F897 Y18 P64 (Polk’s)
Elmer see Grant County
Enumclaw 1967-68, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1976-77
F899 E5 P64 (Polk’s)
*Enumclaw 1997+ see South King County | 1998+ see also Pierce County
*Uncertain if these two directories cover different areas of Enumclaw.
Ephrata1953, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1965, 1967-68, 1970, 1972-75, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1987-88, 1990-91, 1993
979.768 D62 (Polk’s)
Ephrata 1996+ see Grant County
Eugene, Oregon 1921
Everett 1893-94/95, 1901/02, 1903, 1906, 1941, 1950, 1952-54, 1956, 1960, 1962-82, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990-91
979.735 D62 (Polk’s)
Everett 1998-99
F899 E84 E93 (Polk’s)
Everett 1912/13 Business directory of Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett, Anacortes, Olympia, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Centralia, Chehalis, Renton, Puyallup and neighboring towns
F899.S4 F67 1913 (Foster Directory Company)
Everett1950, 1954 Wells index to greater Everett
979.735 D62w (Wells)
Everett 1898/99 Bard’s & Co.’s classified business directory of Olympia. Tacoma, Puyallup, Seattle, Everett, Port Townsend, Fairhaven, New Whatcom and Port Angeles for the years 1898-1899
HF5065 W2 B37 1898 (Bard’s)
Everett 1905/06 Business directory and mercantile register of Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Everett, Ballard, Bremerton, Vancouver, Oregon City, Salem, and neighboring towns
979.5 B964 (Mercantile Directory Company)
Everett 1912/13 Business directory of Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett, Anacortes, Olympia, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Centralia, Chehalis, Renton, Puyallup and neighboring towns, 1912-13
F899.S4 F67 1913 (Foster Directory Company)
Everett, South1949, 1961 Wells index to South Everett
Fairbanks, Alaska 1961, 1973-[Check latest holdings]
979.84 D62 [1973-1999] (Polk’s)
F914.F16 P64 [2000-](Polk’s)
Fairbanks, Alaska 1937/38, 1946
Fairhaven 1890, 1891
979.731 D62b (Speirs & Anderson)
Fairhaven 1898/99 Bard’s & Co.’s classified business directory of Olympia, Tacoma, Puyallup, Seattle, Everett, Port Townsend, Fairhaven, New Whatcom and Port Angeles for the years 1898-1899
Federal Way 1997 see South King County 2000 see Auburn
Fife see Pierce County
Fircrest see Pierce County
Fort Lewis see Pierce County
Fox Island see Pierce County
Fraser Valley, B.C. see Lower Fraser Valley, B.C.
Gallatin County, Montana 1904/05-06/07
Garden Island, Alaska 1937/38, 1946
Gearhart, Oregon 1948, 1957, 1959
F884 A8 P6 (Polk’s)
George see Grant County
Gig Harbor see Pierce County
Graehl, Alaska 1937/38, 1946
979.8 FAI
Graham see Pierce County
Grand Coulee see Grant County
Grandview Shelved under: Sunnyside 1961, 1963, 1965-66, 1968-69, 1971-72, 1974-76, 1978-80, 1983-85, 1987, 1989-91, 1995
Grant County 1910/11 Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Okanogan counties directory
979.76 D62 (Polk’s)
Grant County 1996, 1998-99, 2001-[Check latest holdings]
Including Beverly, Coulee City, Coulee Dam, Electric City, Elmer City, Ephrata, George, Grand Coulee, Hartline, Marlin, Mattawa, Moses Lake, Othello*, Quincy, Royal City, Soap Lake, Stratford**, Warden, Wilson Creek
*2001 directory only
**1996-1999 directories only
Grays Harbor 1903/04, 1905, 1907
Grays Harbor County 1928/29
Great Falls, Montana 1904/05, 1906/07
978.656 D62 (Polk’s)
Hartline see Grant County
Helena, Montana 1906-08
Hoquiam see Aberdeen
Hunts Point see Seattle suburban
Idaho 1884/85, 1889/90-1891/92 Oregon and Washington state gazetteer and business directory (Does not include Idaho past 1891/92)
979.5 D62 (Polk’s)
Idaho 1903/04, 1906 Idaho state gazetteer and business directory
979.6 D62 (Polk’s)
Idaho 1928-30, 1946 Telephone directory
979.5 In81t
Idaho 1900-01 Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Montana directory of the superintendents and principals of public schools, 1900-1901
Issaquah see Seattle suburban
Jefferson County, Oregon 1921
Juneau, Alaska 1961, 1973, 1975-76, 1978/79, 1981, 1984-85, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993-95
979.82 D62 (Polk’s)
Juneau, Alaska Shelved under: Southeast Alaska 1996-[Check latest holdings]
F914 J9 P65 (Polk’s)
Juneau, Alaska 1914/15
979.8 J95 (Van Winkle and Fox)
Kalispell, Montana 1901/02
978.631 D62 (Polk’s)
Kapowsin see Pierce County
Kelso1948, 1958-79, 1981-82, 1984-85, 1987-92, 1994-2000, 2002-[Check latest holdings]
Including Carrolls, Castle Rock, Kalama, Longview and Woodland
979.756 D62 [-1999] (Polk’s)
F899 K3 P64 [2000-] (Polk’s)
Kenmore see Seattle suburban
Kennewick1952/53, 1954-56, 1959-84, 1986-89, 1991-92, 1995
979.797 D62 (Polk’s)
Kennewick Shelved under: Tri-Cities 1996- [Check latest holdings]
Kent 1909 The Tacoma-Seattle interurban directory embracing a complete alphabeticial list of business and private citizens of Puyallup, Auburn, Kent, Renton
F899.P89 P64 (Polk’s)
Kent Shelved under: Auburn 1958
979.742 D6282 (City & Suburban Directory Co.)
Kent 1968-70, 1972-75
F899 K43 P64 (Polk’s)
Kent Shelved under: South King County 1976-83, 1985, 1987, 1991, 1997
King County, North see North King County and South Snohomish County
King County, South see South King County
King County 1953, 1956, 1962 Health, welfare and recreation services directory of King and Snohomish Counties, Washington
HV98 W2 H42
King County 1908-21, 1922-29, 1929-39, 1941, 1944, 1950, 1958-59 Directory of lawyers, King County, Washington
340 K58d (King County, Wash. County Clerk)
King County 1975, 1977, 1979/80, 1981/82 Directory of Seattle-King County manufacturers
T12 D562 (Research Dept., Seattle Chamber of Commerce)
Kirkland Shelved under: Bellevue 1959-60, 1962-78
979.742 D625 (Polk’s)
Kirkland Shelved under: Bellevue 1979-85
F899 B42 B44 (Polk’s)
Kirkland 1996+ see Seattle suburban
Kirkland 1971 East side business directory
F899 B42 E3 (Bellevue American)
Kittitas Shelved under: Yakima-Kittitas Counties 1996
Kittitas County Shelved under: Yakima-Kittitas Counties 1996
Klamath County, Oregon 1948
F884 K62 P6 (Polk’s)
Klamath Falls, Oregon 1948, 1959, 1980
Kootenai County, Idaho 1905
Kootenai County, Idaho 1912/13
La Conner 1903, 1905/06, 1941
979.733 D62 (Polk’s)
La Conner 1952, 1955, 1959, 1962
979.733 D62wc (Wells)
La Conner Shelved under: Mount Vernon 1998-[Check latest holdings]
La Grande, Oregon 1950, 1953, 1959, 1981
F884 L14 P6 (Polk’s)
La Grande, Washington see Pierce County
Lake Forest Park see Seattle suburban
Lakebay see Pierce County
Lakewood 1959 v.1
F899 L5 L35 (City & Suburban Directory Co.)
Latah County, Idaho 1907
Lewis County 1904
Lewiston, Idaho Bound with: Moscow, Idaho 1907
979.633 D62 (Polk’s)
Lewiston, Idaho 2000-[Check latest holdings]
F754 L6 P64 (Polk’s)
Lewiston, Idaho Shelve under: Quad Cities, Idaho/Washington 1997-1998
Lewistown, Montana 1904/05
Lincoln County 1906
Livingston, Montana 1904/06-1906/07
978.661 D62 (Polk’s)
Longbranch see Pierce County
Longmire see Pierce County
Longview Shelved under: Kelso 1948, 1958-79, 1981-82, 1984, 1985, 1987-92, 1994-[Check latest holdings]
979.756 D62 [-1999] (Polk’s)
F899.K3 P64 [2000-] (Polk’s)
Lower Fraser Valley, B.C. 1953, 1960, 1963
F1089 F7 L6 (B.C. Directories)
Lynnwood1949, 1957, 1962
979.734 D62we (Well’s index to southwest Snohomish County)
Lynnwood 1967, 1969-71, 1973
F899 L88 P64 (Polk’s)
Lynnwood Shelved under: North King County, south Snohomish County 1974
F897 S66 P68 (Polk’s)
Lynnwood Shelved under: North Seattle suburban 1975-76
F897 S66 P682 (Polk’s)
Lynnwood Shelved under: North Seattle suburban 1977-78, 1980/81-83, 1985
F897 S66 P683 (Polk’s)
Lynnwood 1996+ see Seattle suburban
Lynnwood 1949, 1957, 1962
979.734 D62we (Well’s)
Maple Valley see South King County
Marlin see Grant County
Marysville 1948, 1951, 1958
979.734 D62wm (Well’s index, Marysville and east)
Mat-Su Valley, Alaska 1999-[Check latest holdings]
Including all or part of Big Lake, Houston, Palmer, Skwentna, Sutton, Talkeetna, Tanana, Trapper Creek, Wasilla, Willow
F914.M3 M37 (Polk’s)
Mat-Su Valley, Alaska 2001
F914.M3 I54 2001 (Polk’s)
Mattawa see Grant County
McChord AFB see Pierce County
McKenna see Pierce County
Medina see Seattle suburban
Mercer Island Shelved under: Bellevue 1959-60, 1962-78
979.742 D625 (Polk’s)
Mercer Island Shelved under: Bellevue 1979-85 (ceased in 1985)
F899 B42 B44 (Polk’s)
Mercer Island 1996+ see Seattle suburban
Milton see Pierce County
Minnesota 1904/05 pt. 1-2 Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Montana gazetteer and business directory
Monroe 1947, 1950, 1954, 1959 Wells index to Snohomish-Monroe
Montana 1904/05 pt. 1-2 Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Montana gazetteer and business directory
978 D62 (Polk’s)
Montana 1900-01 Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Montana directory of the superintendents and principals of public schools, 1900-1901
Moscow, Idaho 1907
979.633 D62 (Polk’s)
Moscow, Idaho1962, 1964, 1966-67, 1969, 1971-80, 1983, 1985
979.792 D62p (Polk’s)
Moscow, Idaho Shelved under: Quad cities, Idaho/Washington 1997-1998
F899 M8 P64 (Polk’s)
Moscow, Idaho 2000
F754 M6 P642 (Polk’s)
Moscow, Idaho 1928, 1929, 1946 Telephone directory
Moses Lake 1955, 1957, 1959, 1965-66, 1968, 1970-71, 1973-77, 1979-82, 1985
979.768 D621 (Polk’s)
Moses Lake 1996+ see Grant County
Mount Vernon 1903, 1905/06, 1941
979.733 D62 (Polk’s)
Mount Vernon 1952, 1955, 1959, 1962
979.733 D62wc (Wells)
Mount Vernon1962, 1965, 1973-77, 1979-81, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1993
979.733 D62p (Polk’s)
Mount Vernon 1998-2002, 2005-[Check latest holdings]
Mountlake Terrace 1969, 1971, 1973
F899 M66 P64 (Polk’s)
Mountlake Terrace Shelved under: North King County, south Snohomish County 1974
F897 S66 P68 (Polk’s)
Mountlake Terrace Shelved under: North Seattle suburban 1975-76
F897 S66 P682 (Polk’s)
Mountlake Terrace Shelved under: North Seattle suburban 1977-78, 1980/81-83, 1985
F897 S66 P683 (Polk’s)
Mountlake Terrace 1996+ see Seattle suburban
Mountlake Terrace 1949, 1957, 1962
Multnomah County, Oregon 1939, 1945
979.545 So13 (Social service directory)
Nanaimo, B.C. 1890
979.525 D622 (Williams’)
Napavine see Centralia
Newcastle see Seattle suburban
Nez Perce County, Idaho 1927
979.638 D628 (Bailey and Blake)
Normandy Park see South King County and Seattle suburban
North Dakota 1904/05 pt.1-2 Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Montana gazetteer and business directory
North King County, south Snohomish County 1974
North Seattle suburban 1975-78, 1980/81-83, 1985
F897 S66 P682 (Polk’s)
F897 S66 P683 (Polk’s)
North Seattle suburban Shelved under: Seattle suburban 1996
Oak Harbor 1965
Okanogan County 1910/11 Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Okanogan counties directory
Olympia 1902/03, 1906, 1936, 1941, 1946-49, 1951/52, 1954-55, 1957-58, 1960-79, 1981-82, 1984-90, 1992-93, 1995-[Check latest holdings]
979.746 D62 [-2001] (Polk’s)
F899.O5 R56 [2002-] (Polk’s)
Olympia 1912/13 Business directory of Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett, Anacortes, Olympia, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Centralia, Chehalis, Renton, Puyallup and neighboring towns
F899.S4 F67 1913 (Foster Directory Company)
Olympia 1908/09 Society blue book, Tacoma and Olympia
979.7 So13 (Blue Book Co.)
Olympia 1898/99 Bard’s & Co.’s classified business directory of Olympia. Tacoma, Puyallup, Seattle, Everett, Port Townsend, Fairhaven, New Whatcom and Port Angeles for the years 1898-1899
HF5065 W2 B37 1898 (Bard’s)
Olympia 1905/06 Business directory and mercantile register of Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Everett, Ballard, Bremerton, Vancouver, Oregon City, Salem, and neighboring towns
979.5 B964 (Mercantile Directory Company)
Oregon 1882/83 Disturnell’s business directory and gazetteer of the west coast of North America
F852 .D57 (Disturnell)
Oregon 1884/85, 1889/90-1919/20, 1925/26, 1931/32 Oregon and Washington state gazetteer and business directory
979.5 D62 (Polk’s)
Oregon 1900-01 Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Montana directory of the superintendents and principals of public schools, 1900-1901
Oregon City, Oregon 1905/06 Business directory and mercantile register of Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Everett, Ballard, Bremerton, Vancouver, Oregon City, Salem, and neighboring towns
979.5 B964 (Mercantile Directory Company)
Oregon City, Oregon 1969
F884 O6 P6 (Polk’s)
Orting see Pierce County
Pacific, Washington Shelved under: South King County 1976-83, 1985, 1987, 1991, 1997
F897 K4 P6 (Polk’s)
Pacific, Washington 2000+ see Auburn
Pacific Coast 1878, 1880/81, 1886/87 McKenney’s Pacific coast directory of business and professional men of California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Montana
979 D62 (McKenney’s)
Pacific Coast 1862-64 Hand-book almanac for the Pacific states : an official register and business directory
979 H191 (Bancroft and company)
Pacific Coast 1867, 1871/73, 1876/78 The Pacific coast business directory containing the states of California, Oregon, and Nevada, the terriroties of Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Utah and the colony of British Columbia
979 D628 (Langley)
Pacific coast, North 1870 A directory for the navigation of the North Pacific Ocean with descriptions of its coasts, islands, etc., from Panama to Behring Strait and Japan ; its winds, currents, and passages
Pasco1952/53-57, 1959-62, 1964-83/84, 1986-89, 1991-92, 1995
979.797 D62 (Polk’s)
Pasco Shelved under: Tri-Cities 1996-[Check latest holdings]
Pendleton, Oregon1948, 1951, 1953, 1955, 1957, 1960, 1981
Pierce County 1996-99
Including Anderson Island, Ashford, Bonney Lake, Buckley, Carbonado, Dupont, Eatonville, Edgewood, Elbe, Enumclaw, Fife, Fircrest, Fort Lewis, Fox Island, Gig Harbor, Graham, Kapowsin, La Grande, Lakebay, Longbranch, Longmire, McChord AFB, Mckenna, Milton, Orting, Pacific, Puyallup, Roy, Ruston, South Prairie, Spanaway, Steilacoom, Sumner, Tacoma, University Place, Vaughn, Wauna, Wilkeson
See also individual listings for these cities: Enumclaw, Pacific, Puyallup, Tacoma
Pocatello, Idaho 1907
Port Angeles1941/42, 1948, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1962-63, 1965-66, 1968-81, 1984, 1986/87-88, 1990-91, 1993-2000
979.738 D62 [-1994] (Polk’s)
F899.P8 P64 [1995-] (Polk’s)
Port Townsend 1962
Portland, Oregon 1865, 1867, 1869, 1874-75, 1877, 1879, 1884, 1887, 1890-91, 1895, 1898-1900/01, 1903-04, 1907/08-09, 1911-18, 1920-21, 1924-29, 1931, 1934-41, 1950, 1952-65, 1967-70, 1972-83, 1985-86/87
979.546 D62 (McCormick and Polk’s)
Portland, Oregon 1996
F884 P8 P84 (Polk’s)
Portland, Oregon 1873, 1874
979.546 D62s (Samuel’s)
Portland, Oregon 1891, 1893, 1907/08 Portland blue book and Pacific Coast elite directory
979.546 D62p
Portland, Oregon 1895 Portland business directory
979.571 D62
Portland, Oregon 1902 Members of clubdom
979.546 M511
Portland, Oregon 1905/06
979.5 B964 (Mercantile Directory Company)
Portland, Oregon 1923 Membership directory and classification of business houses
979.546 C35m (Portland Chamber of Commerce)
Portland, Oregon 1970(?) International trade directory of Oregon and Southern Washington
HF3163 P8 P67 (Portland Chamber of Commerce)
Portland, Oregon 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1924, 1926
979.743 SOCR (Social Register Association)
Portland east suburban, Oregon 1966, 1969, 1976, 1982
Prosser Shelved under: Sunnyside 1961, 1963, 1965-66, 1968-69, 1971-72, 1974-76, 1978-80, 1983-85, 1987, 1989-91, 1994-95
Puget Sound 1887, 1888
979.723 D62 (Polk’s)
Puget Sound 1872 Puget Sound business directory and guide to Washington Territory, 1872
979.723 D62 1872 (Murphy & Harned) HF5065 W2 P83 1872
Pullman Shelved under: Moscow, Idaho 2000
F754 M6 P642 (Polk’s)
Pullman Shelved under: Quad Cities, Idaho/Washington 1997-1998
F899 M8 P64 (Polk’s)
Pullman1962, 1964, 1966-67, 1969, 1971-80, 1983, 1985
979.792 D62p (Polk’s)
Pullman 1946
979.5 In81t (Inland Motor Freight)
Puyallup 1885, 1889
979.745 D62 (Polk’s)
Puyallup 1909 The Tacoma-Seattle interurban directory embracing a complete alphabeticial list of business and private citizens of Puyallup, Auburn, Kent, Renton
F899.P89 P64 (Polk’s)
Puyallup1950, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1958-59, 1961-62, 1964-65, 1967-86, 1988-89
979.744 D62p [-1984] (Polk’s)
F899.P89 P64 [1985-] (Polk’s)
Puyallup 1998+ see Pierce County
Puyallup 1912/13 Business directory of Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett, Anacortes, Olympia, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Centralia, Chehalis, Renton, Puyallup and neighboring towns
F899.S4 F67 1913 (Foster Directory Company)
Quad Cities, Idaho/Washington 1997-98
See also individual listings for these cities: Pullman, Moscow
Quincy1967, 1969, 1971, 1973, 1975-78, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1987
F899 Q84 P64 (Polk’s)
Quinicy 1996+ see Grant County
Redmond Shelved under: Bellevue 1976-78
F899.B42 P74(Polk’s)
Redmond Shelved under: Bellevue 1979-80, 1982-85
F899 B42 B44 (Polk’s)
Redmond 1996+ see Seattle suburban
Redmond 1971 East side business directory
F899 B42 E3 (Bellevue American)
Renton 1909 The Tacoma-Seattle interurban directory embracing a complete alphabeticial list of business and private citizens of Puyallup, Auburn, Kent, Renton
F899.P89 P64 (Polk’s)
Renton 1950, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1961, 1963-64, 1966, 1968-75
F899.R46 P74 (Polk’s)
Renton Shelved under: South King County 1976-83, 1985, 1987, 1991
F897 K4 P6 (Polk’s)
Renton 1996+ see Seattle suburban
Renton 1929/30 Official Renton city directory, 1929-30
F899 R46 O33 1929 (King Printing Co.)
Renton 1912/13 Business directory of Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett, Anacortes, Olympia, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Centralia, Chehalis, Renton, Puyallup and neighboring towns
F899.S4 F67 1913 (Foster Directory Company)
Renton 1957 Renton, Washington : home of the famous Boeing 707
Richland 1952/53-57, 1959-62, 1964-83/84, 1986-89, 1991-92, 1995
979.797 D62 (Polk’s)
Richland Shelved under: Tri-Cities 1996-[Check latest holdings]
F899 P38 P65 (Polk’s)
Roy see Pierce County
Royal City see Grant County
Ruston see Pierce County
Salem, Oregon 1961
F884 S2 P6 (Polk’s)
Salem, Oregon 1905/06
979.5 B964 (Mercantile Directory Company, including several Puget Sound area cities)
Seahurst Shelved under: South King County 1976-83, 1985, 1987, 1991, 1997
Seaside, Oregon 1948, 1957, 1959
F884.A8 P6 (Polk’s)
Seatac see Seattle suburban
Seattle 1889-1937,
1938-43/44, 1948/49, 1951, 1953-81, 1983, 1985-1989/90, 1994, 1996
F899 S43 S42 (Polk’s)
Seattle 1999
F899 S43 I54 (Polk’s)
Seattle 1878 Choir’s pioneer directory of the city of Seattle and King County, History, business directory, and immigrant’s guide to and throughout Washington Territory and vicinity Published the commencement of every year
Connect to digitized version
F891 .C54 1878 (Choir)
Seattle 1879 Directory of the city of Seattle and vicinity–1879
F899.S4 P57 1879 (Pitt) Photocopy
Seattle 1890, 1891/92, 1892/93
979.743 D62c (Corbett)
Seattle 1909 The Tacoma-Seattle interurban directory embracing a complete alphabetical list of business and private citizens of Puyallup, Auburn, Kent, Renton
F899.P89 P64 (Polk’s)
Seattle 1912/13 Business directory of Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett, Anacortes, Olympia, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Centralia, Chehalis, Renton, Puyallup and neighboring towns
F899.S4 F67 1913 (Foster Directory Company)
1935, 1937, 1939, 1940-41 Seattle numerical business directory
F899.S4 S436 (Seattle City Business Directory Co.)
Seattle 1973-74, 1976 Cole’s metropolitan householders directory : Seattle
F899 S4 C6 (Cole’s)
Seattle 1872 Puget Sound business directory and guide to Washington Territory
979.723 D62 1872 (Kirk C. Ward)
HF5065 W2 P83 1872 (Bound with other titles)
Seattle 1876 Business directory of the city of Seattle for the year 1876
979.743 D62w 1876 (Kirk C. Ward)
HF5065 W2 P83 1972
Seattle 1882 Residence and business directory of the city of Seattle for the year 1882
979.743 D62e (Elliot & Sweet)
Seattle 1884/85, 1888/89 Seattle city directory
979.743 D62sd (RARE) (Seattle Directory Co.)
Seattle 1885/86 Seattle city and King County directory, 1885-86
979.743 D62mc (McIsaac)
Seattle 1891/92, 1893-99, 1900-24 Seattle pioneer pocket guide
979.743 RSP (Royer’s)
Seattle 1897 Telephone directory, November 1897
HE8841 S62 S95 1897 (Sunset Telephone and Telegraph)
Seattle 1898/99 Bard’s & Co.’s classified business directory of Olympia, Tacoma, Puyallup, Seattle, Everett, Port Townsend, Fairhaven, New Whatcom and Port Angeles for the years 1898-1899
HF5065 W2 B37 1898 (Bard’s)
Seattle 1898, 1901, 1907/08, 1910, 1911-14, 1921, 1923, 1926-41/42, 1947/48, 1954/55, 1958/59, 1961/62 Social blue book of Seattle
979.743 B62 (Northern Pub. Co.)
Seattle 1901, 1902 Members of clubdom
979.743 M51
Seattle 1902 Plymouth Congregational Church. Yearbook and directory
979.743 Sel4y
Seattle 1905/06 Business directory and mercantile register of Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Everett, Ballard, Bremerton, Vancouver, Oregon City, Salem, and neighboring towns
979.5 B964 (Mercantile Directory Company)
Seattle1905/06 Seattle-Tacoma blue book
F899 S43 S48 1905 (Polk’s)
Seattle 1908 Polk’s Seattle guide, introducing strictly new features in the form of street and avenue guide, new map of city and suburbs, street car directory … public buildings, halls, blocks, docks, piers and warves
979.743 P759s (Polk’s)
Seattle 1909 Plummer’s business and professional directory of Seattle
979.743 D62pL (Plummer’s)
Seattle 1911 Social index
979.743 SOC
Seattle 1909-1912 Directory for the Independent Telephone company
979.743 In2d (Independent Telephone Co.)
Seattle 1914-17, 1924, 1926 Social register, Seattle
979.743 SOCR (Social Register Association)
Seattle 1915, 1916 Social register, summer
979.743 SOCS (Social Register Association)
Seattle 1917, 1920/21 Classified business directory
979.743 P84c (Post Intelligencer)
Seattle 1917/18 Seattle social directory
979.743 SOD
Seattle 1918 War directory of United States government offices in Seattle and Pacific Northwest. October 1, 1918
979.743 C35wa (Seattle, Wash. Chamber of Commerce and Commercial Club)
Seattle 1920 Seattle social service directory
979.743 So13 Oversize (Seattle, Wash. Chamber of Commerce and Commercial Club)
Seattle 1925
N PAM 724 (Union Record)
Seattle 1926 Information directory
979.743 D62i Oversize (Directory Information Co.)
Seattle 1926
N PAM 240 (O’Gorman)
Seattle 1927 Porter map guide and directory
F899 S43 P67 1927 Rare
Seattle 1927-35, 1936, 1937, 1940, 1941 Catholic northwest progress. Reference directory and buyers’ guide for Seattle
979.743 C28r
Seattle 1928 A handbook of the social service resources of Seattle
979.743 So132 1928 (University of Washington. Dept. of Sociology)
Seattle 1934 Business directory, Seattle, 1934. General information about the “largest city of its age”
979.743 D62s (Seattle post-intelligencer)
Seattle 1935
N PAM 704 (Seattle Daily Times)
Seattle 1949, 1962 Federal directory
979.743 D62sf (Seattle Federal Business Association)
Seattle 1950/51 Buyers’ guide of Seattle and King county
979.743 C355b (Seattle, Wash. Chamber of Commerce)
Seattle 1951/52, 1955, 1960, 1964, 1969 Directory of Manufacturers, Seattle-King County area, Washington
T12 D56 (Seattle Area Industrial Council of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce)
Seattle 1952 Seattle Japanese telephone directory, 1952
F899 S49 J373 1952
Seattle 1953, 1956, 1962 Health, welfare and recreation services directory of King and Snohomish Counties, Washington
HV98 W2 H42 (Health and Welfare Council of Seattle and King County)
Seattle 1967, 1969, 1973, 1990-91 Latest shelved in Special Collections Reference. Japanese American community directory
F899 S49 J33 (Seattle Chapter JACL)
Seattle 1971 Chinese community phone directory for the state of Washington
F900 C5 S42 (Seattle Chinatown Chamber of Commerce)
Seattle 1973, 1977, 1978 Korean community directory
F900 K6 K67 (Washington State Korean Student Association, Seattle-Washington State Korean Association)
Seattle 1975, 1977, 1979/80, 1981/82 Directory of Seattle-King County manufacturers
T12 D562 (Research Dept., Seattle Chamber of Commerce)
Seattle 1978, 1979, 1983 Seattle people’s yellow pages
HN80 S6 P462 (Metrocenter YMCA)
Seattle 1979, 1985, 1988, 1990 Latest shelved in Special Collections Reference. Greater Seattle area clubs & organizations
H2513 S4 G74 (Seattle Public Library)
Seattle 1981/82, 1984/85 Latest shelved in Special Collections Reference. Directory of major manufacturers, central Puget Sound region
HG4057 P84 D56 (Research Dept., Seattle Chamber of Commerce)
Seattle 1983/84, 1985/86, 1987 Greater Seattle business directory/Membership directory & buyers’ guide
HF296 S4 (Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce)
Seattle, North suburban Shelved under: North Seattle suburban 1975-76, 1977-78, 1980/81-83, 1985
F897 S66 P682 (Polk’s)
F897 S66 P683 (Polk’)
Seattle, South see South King County
Seattle suburban 1996
Including Beaux Arts, Bellevue, Brier, Burien, Clyde Hill, Des Moines, Duvall, Edmonds, Hunts Point, Issaquah, Kenmore, Kirkland, Lake Forest Park, Lynnwood, Medina, Mercer Island, Mountlake Terrace, Newcastle, Normandy Park, Redmond, Renton, Seatac, Shoreline, Tukwila, Vashon, Woodinville, Woodway, Yarrow Point
See also individual listings for these cities: Bellevue, Burien, Des Moines, Edmonds, Kirkland, Lynnwood, Mercer Island, Mountlake Terrace, Redmond, Renton, Tukwila
Sedro Woolley 1903, 1905/06, 1941
979.733 D62 (Polks’s)
Sedro Wooley1953, 1956, 1959, 1963 Wells index to Sedro-Woolley and eastern Skagit County
979.733 D62ws (Wells)
Sedro Woolley Shelved under: Mount Vernon 1962, 1965, 1973-77, 1979-81, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989-91, 1993
979.733 D62p (Polk’s)
Sedro Woolley Shelved under: Mount Vernon 1998-[Check latest holdings]
Shelton 1960, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1968-69
F899.S5 P64 (Polk’s)
Shelton 1972
F899.S5 J65 (Johnson’s)
Shoreline see Seattle suburban
Shoshone County, Idaho 1905
Shoshone County, Idaho 1912/13
Skagit County See also individual listings for cities in Skagit County: Mount Vernon, Burlington, Sedro Woolley, La Conner, Anacortes
Skagit County 1903, 1905/06, 1941
979.733 D62 (Polk’s)
Skagit County 1952, 1955, 1959, 1962
979.733 D62wc (Wells)
Skagit County Shelved under: Mount Vernon 1998-[Check latest holdings]
F899 M82 P64 (Polk’s)
Skagit County, Central 1952, 1955, 1959, 1962 Wells index to Central Skagit
979.733 D62wc (Wells)
Skagit County, Eastern1953, 1956, 1959, 1963 Wells index to Sedro-Woolley and eastern Skagit County
979.733 D62ws (Wells)
Skagit County, Western1952, 1956, 1960 Wells index to Anacortes and western Skagit County
Slaterville, Alaska 1937/38, 1946
Snohomish 1947, 1950, 1954, 1959 Wells index to Snohomish-Monroe
Snohomish County See also individual listings for cities in Snohomish County: Bothell, Edmonds, Everett, Kenmore, Lynnwood, Mountlake Terrace
Snohomish County 1953, 1956, 1962 Health, Welfare & Recreation Services Directory
HV98 W2 H42
Snohomish County, South Shelved under: North King County, South Snohomish County 1974
F897 S66 P68 (Polk’s)
Snohomish County, South Shelved under: North Seattle suburban 1975-76
F897 S66 P682 (Polk’s)
Snohomish County, South Shelved under: North Seattle suburban 1977-78, 1980/81-83, 1985
F897 S66 P683 (Polk’s)
Snohomish County, South Shelved under: Seattle suburban 1996
F899 S43 P64 (Polk’s)
Snohomish County, Southwest1949, 1957, 1962
979.734 D62we (Well’s index directory, Southwest Snohomish County)
Soap Lake1953, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1965, 1967-68, 1970, 1972-75, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1987-88, 1990-91, 1993
979.768 D62 (Polk’s)
Soap Lake 1996+ see Grant County
South Dakota 1904/05 pt. 1-2 Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Montana gazetteer and business directory
South Fairbanks, Alaska 1937/38, 1946
South King County 1976-83, 1985, 1987, 1991, 1997
Including Algona, Auburn, Black Diamond, Burien, Des Moines, Enumclaw, Federal Way, Kent, Maple Valley, Normandy Park, Pacific, South Seattle
See also individual listings for cities in South King County: Algona, Auburn, Burien, Enumclaw, Kent, Pacific
F897 K4 P6 (Polk’s)
South King County 1999
F899 K4 I54 (Polk’s)
South Prairie see Pierce County
Southeast Alaska 1996-[Check latest holdings]
F914 J9 P65
Spanaway see Pierce County
Spokane 1892-93, 1895-1928, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1952/53-1959, 1961-62, 1964-92 , 1994-2000, 2003-2004, 2006
See also: Spokane suburban
979.785 D62 (Polk’s)
Spokane North & West 2001-2004, 2006
F899.S7 P65 (Polk’s)
Spokane South & East 2002-2004, 2006
F899.S7 P655 (Polk’s)
Spokane (P.N.D.A.) 1892
Spokane Falls 1889-90
979.785 D62 (Polk’s)
Spokane Valley 1937
979.785 D62v
Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma & vicinity 1950 Chinese business directory
N PAM 862 (Chinese Publicity Bureau)
Spokane 1914/15 Blue book, a social and club register of Spokane
979.785 B625 (Blue Book Publishing Co.)
Spokane, Suburban 1960-62, 1964/65-66, 1968-80, 1983-84, 1986-90, 1992, 1994-98, 2000
979.784 D62 Oversize (Polk’s)
Steilacoom see Pierce County
Stillaguamish Valley and Camano Island1948, 1952, 1955 Wells index to the Stillaguamish Valley and Camano Island
979.734 D62w (Wells)
Stratford see Grant County
Sumner see Pierce County
Sunnyside Shelved under: Yakima 1941, 1942, 1949, 1951, 1953
979.774 D62 (Polk’s)
Sunnyside 1961, 1963, 1965-66, 1968-69, 1971-72, 1974-76, 1978-80, 1983-84, 1987, 1989-90, 1991, 1994-95
F899.S86 P64 (Polk’s)
Sunnyside Shelved under: Yakima-Kittitas Counties 1996
Tacoma 1885, 1889-1921, 1924, 1926-27, 1928-31, 1933, 1937, 1942, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953-63, 1965-84, 1986-89, 1991-92, 1994 (see next two entries)
979.745 D62 (Polk’s)
Tacoma 1996-1999 Shelved under: Pierce County
Tacoma 2000-2001, 2004-[Check latest holdings]
F899.T2 P65 (Polk’s)
Tacoma 1905/06 Seattle-Tacoma blue book
F899 S43 S48 1905 (Polk’s)
Tacoma 1924
N PAM 522 (Federation of Social Agencies)
Tacoma 1940
979.745 T118c (Tacoma Times)
Tacoma 1912/13
979.7 D62 (Foster Directory Co.)
Tacoma 1881 (v.1)
Tacoma, suburban1958, 1960, 1968-73, 1975-83, 1986-88, 1990-92, 1994 (see next two entries)
979.744 D621 (Polk’s)
Tacoma, suburban Shelved under: Pierce County 1996-99
F897.P6 P64
Tacoma, suburban 2000-2001
F899.T2 P64 (Polk’s)
Tacoma-Seattle interurban 1909
NF899.P89 P64 (Polk’s)
Tacoma. See Fairhaven; Olympia, Tacoma, Puyallup 1898/99 Seattle, Everett…
HF5065 W2 B37 1898 (Bards & Co., New York)
Tacoma. See Olympia and Tacoma 1908, 1909
N979.7 Sol3 (Blue Book Co.)
Tacoma. See Fairhaven; Olympia, Tacoma, Puyallup 1898/99 Seattle, Everett…
HF5065 W2 B37 1898 (Bards & Co., New York)
Tacoma. See Portland, Oregon 1905/06
N979.5 B964 (Mercantile Directory Company, including several Puget Sound area cities)
Tacoma. See Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett… 1912, 1913
NF899.S4 F67 1913 (Foster Directory Company)
Tacoma. See Seattle 1950
N PAM 862 (Chinese Publicity Bureau)
Tri-Cities 1996-[Check latest holdings]Including Kennewick, Pasco, Richland and West Richland See also individual listings under these cities: Pasco, Kennewick, Richland
Tukwila Shelved under: South King County 1976-83, 1985, 1987, 1991
F897 K4 P6 (Polk’s)
Tukwila 1996+ see Seattle suburban
Umatilla County, Oregon 1948
Union County, Oregon 1950
F884 L14 P6 (Polk’s)
University Place see Pierce County
Vancouver, B.C. 1900-1910
Microfilm B1832 (Henderson’s)
Vancouver, B.C. 1906-1907, 1909-1916, 1918, 1921
F1089.5 V22 H46 (Henderson’s)
Vancouver, B.C. 1911-1919
Microfilm B1833 (Henderson’s)
Vancouver, B.C. 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924
979.524 D62w (Wrigley’s)
Vancouver, B.C. 1933
F 1086.5 W75 (Wrigley’s)
Vancouver, B.C. 1934
Microfilm B1821 (Wrigley’s)
Vancouver, B.C. 1951-78
979.524 D621 (B.C. Directories)
Vancouver, B.C. 1979-83, 1985-1995/96, 2001
F1089.5 V22 V24 Oversize (B.C. Directories)
Vancouver Island, B.C. 1912-1915, 1917, 1920
Vancouver, Washington 1921, 1940, 1946/47, 1950, 1952, 1954-55, 1957, 1959-60, 1962-63, 1965-1983/84, 1986, 1988
979.755 D62 (Polk’s)
Vancouver, Washington 2000-2001 Nothing published 1989-1999
F899.V2 V3 (Polk’s)
Vancouver, Washington 1907
979.755 D62 1907 (Du Ross)
Vancouver, Washington 1923 First Methodist Episcopal Church
979.755 V271o
Vancouver, Washington 1905/06 Business directory and mercantile register of Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Everett, Ballard, Bremerton, Vancouver, Oregon City, Salem, and neighboring towns
979.5 B964 (Mercantile Directory Company)
Vashon see Seattle suburban
Vaughn see Pierce County
Victoria, B.C.1951-60, 1962-74
979.525 D621 (B.C. Directories)
Victoria, B.C. 1975-91, 1993-96
F1089.5 V6 G73 Oversize (B.C. Directories)
Victoria, B.C. 1860 First Victoria directory, comprising a general directory of citizens
979.525 D62 (Mallandaine)
Victoria, B.C.1890
979.525 D622 (Williams’)
Victoria, B.C.1908, 1910/11-1915, 1917, 1920
F1089.5.V6 H45 -1910/11
979.525 D62h 1912- (Henderson’s)
Victoria, B.C. 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923
Walla Walla 1905, 1911, 1916/17, 1937, 1939, 1941, 1949/50-1959, 1961-62
979.796 D62 (Polk’s)
Walla Walla 1892
979.796 D62d (Deane’s)
Walla Walla 1979
F899 W3 W35 (Hart)
Warden see Grant County
Warrenton, Oregon 1948, 1957, 1959
Washington State 1882/83 Disturnell’s business directory and gazetteer of the west coast of North America
F852 .D57 (Disturnell)
Washington State Shelved under: Oregon and Washington State gazetteer and business directory 1884/85, 1889/90, 1891/92, 1901/02-1919/20, 1925/26, 1931/32
979.5 D62 (Polk’s)
Washington State 1900-01 Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Montana directory of the superintendents and principals of public schools, 1900-1901
979.5 In8o (Intelligence)
Washington State 1905/06 Business directory and mercantile register of Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Everett, Ballard, Bremerton, Vancouver, Oregon city, Salem and neighboring towns
979.5 B964 (Mercantile Directory Co.)
Washington State 1975, 1976/77-1977/78 Washington Black Business Directory
HD2346 U52 W395
Wauna see Pierce County
Wenatchee1940, 1942, 1949/50, 1952, 1954, 1956-58, 1962-63, 1965-84, 1986-[Check latest holdings]
Including Cashmere, Chelan, East Wenatchee, Leavenworth, Waterville
979.764 D62 [-1994](Polk’s)
F899.W4 P64 [1995-] (Polk’s)
Westport, Oregon 1948, 1957, 1959
White Center Shelved under: Burien 1962-63, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1970-75
F899.B86 P74 (Polk’s)
White Center Shelved under: South King County 1976-83, 1985, 1987, 1991
F897 K4 P6 (Polk’s)
Wilkeson see Pierce County
Wilson Creek see Grant County
Woodinville see Seattle suburban
Woodway see Seattle suburban
Yakima 1905/06
979.773 D62 (Polk’s)
Yakima1941, 1942, 1949, 1951, 1953-56, 1961-92, 1994
979.774 D62 (Polk’s)
Yakima Shelved under: Yakima-Kittitas Counties 1996
F897 Y18 P64 (Polk’s)
Yakima 1997-[Check latest holdings]
F899 Y15 P64 (Polk’s)
Yakima 1901
Yakima County 1905/06
979.773 D62 (Polk’s)
Yakima-Kittitas Counties 1996
See also individual listings for these cities: Ellensburg, Sunnyside, Yakima
F897 Y18 P64 (Polk’s)
Yarrow Point see Seattle suburban
Yukon Territory 1901 Dawson City, Yukon Territory and Alaska directory and gazetteer 1901
Microfiche MB-772 scmic
Yukon Territory 1902
979.8 D62a (Alaska-Yukon Directory Co.)
Microfilm B1819 scmic
Yukon Territory 1903, 1905/06-11/12, 1915/16
979.8 D62 (Polk’s)
Yukon Territory1936, 1938, 1940, 1942, 1945, 1947, 1948
F1086.5 W75 (Sun Directories) Microfilm B1821 scmic