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Pacific Northwest Scrapbook Collection list

Special Collections collect scrapbooks that document Pacific Northwest history. The term scrapbook refers to an album or book made up of derivative materials. Often scrapbook compilers arranged their collected material around a common theme. Scrapbooks offer unique glimpses into a subject, or into the interests of a compiler. The personal compilations illuminate community issues, and as each scrapbook is virtually always unique, they make a valuable contribution to our regional collection. Our collection at present includes approximately 120 scrapbooks, or scrapbook sets, covering a variety of subjects from the 20th century.

Name/Title Dates Volumes Description of contents
“Cec” Smith 1923-1937 2 Northwest music – clippings, photos, momentos of Cecil Smith Band in Seattle and UW
Alaska Bureau 1911-1920 approx. 56

(Seattle Chamber of Commerce)

NOTE: When using citations from the Pacific Northwest Regional Newspaper and Periodical index, please note that when the citation references Series II, it is really Series I, and when Series I is referenced, it is really Series II.

Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition scrapbooks 1909 approx. 40 clippings from Seattle and out-of-town papers regarding the AYPE, indexed in the Regional Index
Albertson, Abraham H. 1921-1933 1 v & 1 box periodicals, souvenirs, promotions pertaining to architecture
Aldwell, Thomas T. 1890-1950 4 Olympic Power Company
Allen, John B. 1845-1903 1 negative photostats of scrapbook of obituaires of John B. Allen, state senator
American Red Cross Society 3 WWI era clippings
Ames, Edwin G. 6 financial clippings of WA banks 1914-1918, voters issues 1908-1912, voting returns and politics 1898-1909, misc political materials 1920s
Ashby, John Denny 1
Ayer, Elizabeth ca. 1918 1 compiled when a student in UW College of Architecture, photos and clippings
Backman, G.L. 1938 1 Swedish Tercentenary Association of Seattle
Bagley, Clarence B. 14 indexed by article in the Regional Index, see also Wilson, Oliver. Index-abstract, Clarence B. Bagley Scrapbooks. Seattle, 1954. scpnw 979.5 B146szwi
Balazs, Harold 1 clippings of Balazs’ career (Northwest artist), Balazs family

Barton, Clarence M.

1 clippings and photographs

Beals, Walter B.

3 Beals as subject, clippings and photographs
Bertelson, Ernest B. clippings kept with photo collection, phcoll 477 K0163-164
Botzholtz, Dagmar W. ca. 1930 1 material on Swedes in Swedish and English, some northwest (NW) related
Boyer, John E. 1933-1950 1 concerning the “Dalles Company”
Bradford, James E. 1910s 3 Bradford as subject, political career clippings, ads
Bridges, Robert 1910s 4 speeches, taxation, economic and social problems in Seattle
Brown, Edwin J. 1922 2 clippings on Brown as Seattle mayor
Bruseth, Mrs. Nels 1947-1953 3 local color articles (northwest), articles by Bruseth, astronomy
Bufvers, John 1921- 18 clippings pertaining to Swedish-American matters
Burke, Thomas 1 political career of Burke
Burnett, Charles “Tiny” 1906-1908 3 clippings, Pantages Lois Theatre
Carlson, Iver W. 1930-1956 4v & 1 envelope Carlson and the Veterans Administration
City Panhellenic Society 1948-1955 3 Seattle chapter – clippings, photos, yearbooks
Codd, Maurice 1922 1 Codd murder
Conover, Charles T. 1944-1952 2 “Just Cogitating” articles, Conover as subject
Cornelson Scrapbook miscellaneous materials on a trip to Alaska – San Diego to Skagway. missing?
Cosgrove, S.G. ca. 1907-1909 1 Cosgrove as subject, index in front
Crawford and Conover 1888-1916 6 as subject, real estate clippings, advertisments, prices
Crawford, Samuel L. early 1900s 4 microfilm B1782, A7747, see also photo collection
Dubuar, Paul 120 microfilm B1785, A2946, indexed by article in Regional Index
Edmundson, Clarence S. Hec 9 career as athlete and coach clippings, crew 1907-1916, Testimonial Dinner 1948, Spiked Shoe club, selectively indexed
Egge, Isabel 1939-1945 1 miscellaneous state history, women in pioneer history, publication dates range from 1880s – 1940s
Ferris, Joel E 1893-1895 1 Lake Washington Ship Canal and Col. T. W. Symons
First Community Development 1952- 1 clippings about studied communities – primarily Port Angeles, Winlock
Fisheries – Oceanography (UW) 1937-1955 19 information on the fishing industry, compiled by the department
Florence Crittenton Home scrapbook late 1930s – 1960s 6 folders publicity clippings about the Crittenton Home in western Washington, women, home for “unwed mothers”
Fonda, William Clark 1923-1928 6 Alaska
Force, Horton C. 1903-1911 2 theater productions in Seattle
Frederick & Nelson newspaper clipping albums 1940, 1942-46, 1948 clippings about Seattle department store Frederick & Nelson, see UW Libraries catalog for location. missing.
Friends of the Market pre 1966 – June 1976 14 clippings about the Pike Place Market
Frisbie, B.W. 8 negative photostats, indexed by article in the Regional Index
Gavit early 1900s 2 clippings related to UW class of 1911
Geithmann, Harriet 1914-1946 1 miscellaneous – some Northwest related, index in front of volume
Gill, Hiram C. 1909-1916 6 political cartoons
Goddard, Albert J. 1913-1937 5
Gorham, William H. 1907-1913 1
Gray, Maxine Cushing 1951 – ca. 1961 25 music and dance in Seattle, Argus and Post-Intelligencer reviews, personal materials
Haller, G.O. 1889-1890 3 obituary and other clippings of GM Haller, TT Minor, EL Cox, N Cox, BF Haller, GO Haller
Hartshorn, Florence M. 1928-1929 4v & 1 envelope clippings related to her crusade for a Klondike trail monument to horses that died on the trail during the Gold Rush; on side of box “Miscellaneous clippings related to Alaska, Alaskans, Sourdough Conventions and other topics.”
Holbrook F.W.D. 7 Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company (RR). missing?
Indians of North America 1912-1918 2 newspaper and magazine clippings
Industrial Expansion 1952-1983 38 clippings about Puget Sound area business expansion, both retail and industrial, later volumes have a rough index by company name
Jennings, C.W. 1884-? 2 marked “Commerce” 1898, coal mines and mining
Kelly, Edwin J. 1891-1916 8 miscellany related to the Pacific Northwest and Spokane
Kempster, Arthur L. 1890s – 1930s 8 early Seattle and Northwest business, politics, street railways, labor, crime, etc., Kempster was manager of the Seattle Electrical Co (Puget Sound Power & Light) and seemed to supervise these compilations
King County Freeholder Commission 1 box clippings, proposed charter, minutes 1900 – 1952 and 1967-1968, also Snohomish County Charter Commission 1968. photocopies.
Launder, Arthur 3
Le Sourd, Mary E. 1 Whidbey Island
Levy, Eugene 2 reviews of Orpheum theater, Levy family clippings
Lincoln High School 1916-1917, 1921-1922 2 Bulletin
Lindbergh, Charles A. 1 compiler unknown
Lockley, Fred 1901-1913 1 articles by and about Lockley
Luce, Charles F. 25 U.S.Bonneville Power Administration clippings
Mack, Russell V. 1934-1960 10
Marshall, William Isaac 1883-1905 3 materials on Whitman
McCutchen, Lydia 1947 1 letters to Lydia on the occasion of her retirement from UW Libraries
McDonald, Donald 1911-1955 5
McGilvra, John Jay 2
McMiken, Maurice 1889-1891 1 clippings of various court decisions, many concerning tide lands
McPhie 6
Meany, Edmond S 3
Meigs, General M.C. January 1972 2 clippings, charts etc. of troopship General M.C.Meigs
Mercer Island 1945-1949 3 “case history – shall Mercer Island incorporate?” missing?
Metropolitan Theatre 4
Mitchell, Margaret 1928-33, 1940-46 2 clippings on northwest activities, trip to Chicago, San Francisco, miscellaneous memorabilia
Morse, Eldridge 1876-1879 12 clippings from the Northern Star
Murphy, Richard H 1939-1949 1 press file, political
Oil scrapbooks 1970-1980 18 clippings about pros and cons of moving oil through Puget Sound region
Oman, Harold 1
Oregon scrapbook
Orpheum Theatre (Seattle) 1911-1914 4
Orpheum Theatres 1917-1924 5 clippings about performances at Orpheum/Moore theater
Orpheum Theatres (another series) 1912-1916 1 Alahambra Theatre 1916-1917
Orpheum Theatres (Omaha, Nebraska) 1902-1910 2
Orpheum Theatres (Portland, Oregon) 1915-1916 2
Oyster Industry scrapbook 1930s – 1970s 4 Brenner Oyster Company (Olympia), clippings about the western Washington oyster industry, compiled by Earl Brenner. Staff note: forwarded to MM for cataloging 6/00. missing.
Page, Don 1 Puget Sound as an integrated oceanographic center, Marine writer for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Patterson, G.T.T. 1875-1888 1
Payne, C.E. 1
Pearson, Daniel Carleton 1 Stanwood, WA
Perkins, William T. 1
Pigott, William 1914-1920 2 commerce and shipbuilding, clippings on foreign trade, 7th annual foreign trade convention in San Francisco I n1920
Powers, Michael T. 6 v & 1 box clippings of crime, police work in Seattle from the 1890s to the 1920s collected by a 33-year member of the Seattle Police Department, Mayor Gill and others also documented
Prosch, Thomas Wickham late 1880s – 1890s 5 missing number 2?
Prosser, William F. 1892 3
Putnam, Marguerite E. 1 v & 1 box clippings, photos, forms of the UW Library
Railroad scrapbooks 1909-1912 1
Redington, John “Watermelon” 1877-, 1931-1932 2
Reinig, Dio 1 Seattle history clippings
Rice scrapbooks 5 columns about Snohomish County history, River Stories, all published in the Snohomish County Tribune
Rice, Charles M. 1
Roeder Family 1
Ruegnitz, W.C. 1935-1938 2 Northwest lumber industry, wages in the lumber industry
Ryder, Maude 1922-1924 1 clippings, UW memorabilia
Salmon 1914 1 clippings and menus about salmon
Schultz, Cecilia 1922-1955 63 Moore Theatre events and performers, vol. 62 is about a trip to Germany
Seattle Advertising and Sales Club, Seattle Junior Ad Club 1924-1954 10 convention ephemera, clippings, ad campaign materials
Seattle Civic Opera Association 1930s 1 clippings and programs
Seattle Lighting Department 1928-1939 19 Seattle City Light
Seattle Repertory Playhouse 1928-1948 1 pressbook
Seattle Star 1
Seattle World’s Fair (Century 21) 1962 5 general, amusements, concessions, buildings, transportation, special days, visitors, attendance, etc.

SpecColl Stacks Oversize: T890.2 1962.L1 C46 1956 v. 1-5

Seattle. Art Museum. 7 Seattle publications on art and artists in Seattle
Semple, Eugene 1895-1907 10 clippings on Seattle, harbor district, Lake Washington canal, Columbia River, etc.
Service Men scrapbook August 22, 1943 to June 10, 1945 3 Seattle newspaper clippings about Seattle service men and women during WWII. Staff note: forwarded to MM for cataloging, 6/00. missing?
Smith, Charles Jackson 1896-1899 1
Smith, Everett 1878-1933 1 biographical information on Judge Smith: early grade reports to his death, clippings to cigar stubs
Smith, James Allen 1897-1919 9
Snively, Henry 1890s 1 clippings about Yakima and Eastern Washington
Society of Social and Moral Hygiene, Seattle 1912 1
Spencer, Matthew Lyle Inauguration of, as UW president. missing?
Stoddard, George Wellington 1931-1965 4 v & 1 box covers architect GW Stoddard and firm of Stoddard & Huggard
Streetcar strike scrapbooks July and August 1918 3 issues of the Seattle Times, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and Seattle Star relating to the streetcar strike
Strong, Annie Hall 1934-1947 1
Struve, Henry G. 1890-1891 2
Suzzallo, Henry 1915-1920 2 president of UW 1915-1926
Swedish scrapbook 1937-1038 1
Thompson, Mamie 1920-21 1 UW memorabilia
Thomson, Reginald Heber 1892-1907 1 streets and sewers
Tolmie Family 1 clippings about WF Tolmie, SF Tolmie, etc.
Torrance, Roscoe 1919-1926 1 Transferred to Photograph Collection 509
Tuesley, Walter H. 1915-1917 1
U.S. Bonneville Power Administration 1962-1967 15 boxes as subject, clippings
U.S. Fuel Administration of Washington 1917-1918 1
Underwood scrapbook 1913 1 clippings about his book, Alaska: an empire in the making, personal letters about the book
United States. Interior Department. Appropriations Acts. 1947-1955 18 legislative history of Interior deparment appropriations, Bonneville Power Administration, 79th – 83rd Congress
Ward, Dillis B. 1869-1955 2
Warner, Arthur Churchill 1889-1949 1
Washington (State) University 1892-1914 19 (University of Washington, UW)
Washington (State) University Ambulance Corps 1 (University of Washington, UW)
Washington (State) University Committee on Public Excercises 1947 1 box inaugural work sheets, (University of Washington, UW)
Washington (State) University Committee on Public Exercise 1 related to the inaugural of RB Allen, (University of Washington, UW)
Washington (State) University Committee on Public Exercises 1931, 1934-1947, 1948-1952 19 printed and typed sheets relating to commencement, (University of Washington, UW)
Washington (State) University. Committee for Reception of Parents of Freshman Students 1934-1943 2 clippings, (University of Washington, UW). missing?
Washington (State) University. Community Development, Bureau of 1 clippings concerning the Bureau, arranged by town concerned – Alderwood Manor, Kiona, Benton City, La Connor, Toledo, Winlock, Woodland, miscellaneous, (University of Washington, UW)
Washington (State) University. Education Department 1933-1939 1 (University of Washington, UW)
Washington (State) University. Forest Resources, College of 1 (University of Washington, UW)
Washington (State) University. Lewis and Clark Halls 1934, 1935 1 clippings from the UW Daily, (University of Washington, UW)
Washington (State) University. Library 1938-1969 7 (University of Washington, UW)
Washington (State) University. Library School 1930-1940 1 (University of Washington, UW). missing?
Washington (State) University. Museum 1929-1944 3 (University of Washington, UW)
Washington (State) University. Nursing Education school 1923-1931 3 clippings, another volume transferred to photo, (University of Washington, UW).
Washington (State) University. Student and Faculty Affairs 1918-1947 18 (University of Washington, UW). missing/
Washington (State). Social Security Department 1931-1938 6 clippings on federal and state relief, relief programs, social security in the state
Washington State Ferries 1938-1952 1 clippings, advertisements, photographs
Welch, Doug 2
Whitford scrapbook 1947-1948 clippings about the Pacific Northwest Cycling Association, bicycling and American Youth hostels. missing?