Letter from W.F. Dyde to Robert W. O’Brien dated April 17, 1942. UW, Vice-President for Student Affairs, Acc. 71-38, Box. 9. UW Libraries Special Collections.
April 17, 1942
Mr. Robert W. O’Brien
Assistant to the Dean
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
Dear Mr. O’Brien:
Your letter of April 11th, addressed to President Stearns has been passed to me for reply.1
As far as I know, the Associated Press announcement to which you refer has caused us no embarrassment. At their March meeting the Board of Regents took action regarding the admission to the University of Colorado of American-born Japanese. I enclose a copy of the conditions imposed by the Regents on the admission of such students.
You will notice that the regents have indicated that we can receive a limited number, and the limitation is regarded as within the discretion of the Regents. We are willing to do our part under proper safeguards, but I do not think we want to have a concentrated movement of Japanese students to the University of Colorado.
Yours very truly,
W.F. Dyde
Assistant to the President.
1. There is no copy of this letter available.