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Identifier Field

Field name: Your choice (default = “Identifier”)

DC Element: Identifier

A unique and unambiguous reference to the resource, most often some kind of identification number. This could be an existing number from the original collection (say, a slide number or a book call number), or it could be an I.D. or accession number made up especially for the digital collection.

Each resource should have its own unique number. This will make it easier for you as the collection administrator and it may also help users of your collection to be able to refer to a unique identifier for a particular image or text.

Examples of field names:

  • Resource Identifier
  • Slide Number
  • Negative Number
  • Accession Number
  • Image Number
  • ISSN

Examples of data:

  • Hegg 236
  • UW34
  • 1478

Recommended format:

  • As always, be consistent. Remember that in CONTENT dashes or hyphens will cause the 2 parts of a number to be viewed as 2 separate keywords.

Examples of formal identification systems:

  • Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
  • Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
  • International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
  • International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)