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10 – 11 AM Lightning Talks
11 AM – 12 PM Lunch Break
12 – 1 PM Keynote Presentation

Lightning Talks

Ather Sharif, graduate student, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
VoxLens: Making Online Data Visualizations Accessible With an Interactive JavaScript Plug-in

Ather Sharif, graduate student, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
UnlockedMaps: A Web-Based Map for Visualizing the Real-Time Accessibility of Urban Rail Transit Stations

Russell Hugo, staff, Language Learning Center
The Folk Linguistic Online Mapping tool (FLOM) – Challenges, Opportunities and Next Steps

Summer Delehanty, undergraduate student, College of Built Environments
Mapping Bird Window Collisions around UW

Nutvara Jantarathaneewat, graduate student, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Development of a Prototype of a Mobile Mapping System for Road Asset Data Collection and Evaluation of the Rural Road Network in Thailand

Luis Angel Guerrero Hoyos, graduate student, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Co-seismic Landslides and Reactivations

Chi-Ying Huang, graduate student, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Assessing Environmental and Social Vulnerabilities to Natural Hazards in Coastal Communities: A Case Study of the Gulf Coast

Nick Walker, graduate student, Computer Science and Engineering
Using Location Data from Smartphones to Time a Small Marathon

Kaylan Soares, undergraduate student, Landscape Architecture
A Geospatial Analysis of Income Disparities in Los Angeles County