About the Collection
The University of Washington Libraries is a depository for publications from the United States federal government, Canada, the United Nations, the European Union and the State of Washington. We collect international intergovernmental organizations in addition to those that are depository and we selectively collect documents from Seattle and King County. There are many unique resources in our collection of published government information and data, including the U.S. Census, a large number of international statistical publications, the laws of the United States, Washington State and the City of Seattle, printed and electronic finding aids, major indexes, and more. The largest part of our collection consists of United States government publications dating from the 19th century to the present.
Services & Equipment
Kian Flynn
International Documents & Geography Librarian
Cass Hartnett
U.S. Documents Librarian
Emily Keller
State & Local Documents Librarian
Theresa Mudrock
Canadian Studies Librarian