Identifying microform collections
Microform collections are included in the UW Libraries Search. Search using the keywords that best describe your topic. Limit the Resource Type to “Microform”.
Several other guides will help you to find microform collections:
Primary Source Microfilm’s Guides
Available to search now are such collections as American Fiction, History of Women, Sabin, Western Books on Asia and many, many more. New guides are being added weekly.
Users may search either a guide to a single collection or search across all collections. Users can perform a full-text search or choose a fielded one by title, author, publishing information or subject. In the case of International Population Census Publications and City Directories of the United States, searches can be performed by region, country, state or city.
Microform collections available online
American Periodicals Series Online, 1740-1900
Consists of digitized reproductions of more than 1,100 eighteenth and nineteenth century newspapers and periodicals in the original microfilm reproduction series, American periodical series, I, II, and III. When completed in 2003, this database will have more than 7,000,000 pages of full text periodicals.
College Sources Online:
Features over 9,000 college catalogs in their original formats. Includes 2-year, 4-year, graduate and professional schools.
Congressional Resources:
Selected Congressional Materials Available on the Internet and in the UW Libraries.
Digital National Security Archive:
Contains over 43,000 of the “most important” declassified documents regarding critical U.S. policy decisions.
Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800
Early English Books
Reproduces works listed in Pollard & Redgrave’s Short-title catalogue, Wing’s Short title catalogue, and Thomason tracts
Eighteenth Century Collections Online
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS)
An index to the Daily Reports published by FBIS. Read more information about our FBIS collection.
Human Relations Area Files (HRAF):
eHRAF Collection of Ethnography / Human Relations Area Files:
A full-text database with information on archaeological traditions and full-text documents including books, journal articles, and dissertations. eHRAF is unique in that the text is subject-indexed for quick retrieval of information.- Guide to the Human Relations Area Files
- Research Guide: Human Relations Area Files
Testing and Assessment Information:
The Tests in Microfiche set is available in the Microform & Newspaper Collections (call number M-3211). Access to Tests in Microfiche is unrestricted.
U.S. Congressional Serial Set
Reproduces the bound, sequentially numbered volumes of all the reports, documents, and journals of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.
Primary Sources on Microfilm at UW by Topic
Selected list of major (generally at least 10 reels) microfiche and microfilm sets of primary sources. Most of these sets are collections of unpublished manuscript material. Large sets that have been individually cataloged (e.g., Early English Books, German Baroque Literature) have not been included. All material can be found in the Microform and Newspaper Collections on the ground floor of Suzzallo Library unless noted otherwise.
Labor | Native Americans & the West | Women | African Americans | Civil & Human Rights | American Politics, Politicians & Presidents |US National Security | US International Affairs – Vietnam | US International Affairs – Asia | US International Affairs – Eastern Europe | US International Affairs – Western Europe | US International Affairs – Middle East | US International Affairs – Latin American & Africa | British Politics, Government & Foreign Affairs | World War II | Soviet Union | Missions & Missionaries | History of Science | Cinema | Miscellaneous – Europe | Miscellaneous – Asia | Miscellaneous – Americas
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
American Federation of Labor and the Unions: National and International Union Records from the Samuel Gompers Era, 1877-1937 | 149 reels | A6683 | printed guide |
American Labor Unions Constitutions and Proceedings: Part I, 1836-1974 | 197 reels | A5081 | printed guide |
The Green Rising, 1910-1977: A supplement to the Southern Tenant Farmers Union Papers | 17 reels | A6612 | printed guide |
Guide to the Alaska Packers Association Records, 1891-1970 | microfiche | M1327 | printed guide |
Records of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 1895-1992
50 reels | A9702 | printed guides |
Southern Tenant Farmers Union Papers, 1934-1970 | 17 reels | A6612 | printed guide |
Native Americans & the West
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
John Collier Papers, 1922-1968 | 59 reels | A6833 | printed guide |
Papers of John Peabody Harrington in the Smithsonian Institution, 1907-1957
47 reels | A6952 | printed guide |
Papers of the St. Louis fur trade
70 reels | A8549 | printed guide |
Papers of the Society of American Indians, 1906-1946 | 10 reels | A8210 | printed guide |
Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Central Classified Files, 1907-1939
77 reels | A13214 | printed guide |
Moravian mission records among the North American Indians | 40 reels | A8387 | printed guide |
Iroquois Indians: A Documentary History of the Diplomacy of the Six Nations and Their League | 50 reels | A7384 | guide |
American Indian Correspondence. The Presbyterian Historical Society Collection of Missionaries’ Letters, 1833-1893. | 35 reels | A8384 | printed guide |
American Fur Company. Papers | 37 reels | A203 | printed guide |
The American West: overland journeys, 1841-1880 | microfiche | M3244 | printed guide |
Letters received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881 | 86 reels | A1783 | printed guide |
The Oregon Province archives of the Society of Jesus: Alaska Mission Collection | 42 reels | A7034 | printed guide |
The Oregon Province archives of the Society of Jesus Indian language collection: the Pacific Northwest tribes | 21 reels | A8141 | printed guide |
The Oregon Province archives of the Society of Jesus Indian language collection: The Alaska native languages | 28 reels | A8140 | printed guide |
George Bird Grinnell papers | 47 reels | A9929 | printed guide |
The Sheldon Jackson collection, 1835-1909 | 41 reels | A9845 | printed guide |
Records of the Washington Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1853-74 | 63 reels | A171 | printed guide |
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching papers, 1930-1942 | 8 reels | A10382 | printed guide |
Committee of Fifteen | 17 reels | A9760 | printed guide |
Campaign for Women’s Suffrage, 1895-1920 | 31 reels | A9598 | printed guide |
Margaret Sanger Papers, 1879-1966 | 101 reels | A9492 | printed guide |
The papers of Margaret Sanger | 145 reels | A9572 | printed guide |
Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony | 45 reels | A8589 | printed guide |
Papers of the League of Women Voters | 64 reels | A9667 | printed guide |
Records of the National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs, 1895-1992 | 41 reels | A9701 | Pt 1 guide Pt 2 guide |
American Association of University Women archives, 1881-1976 | 158 reels | A7234 | printed guide |
Women and Health Collection | 14 reels | A6004 | printed guide |
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 1919-1959 | 97 reels | A8464 | printed guide |
Women’s Studies Manuscript Collections from the Schlesinger Libraries, Radcliffe College. Series 1: Women’s Suffrage | 141 reels | A8637 | printed guide |
British birth control material at the British Library of Political and Economic Sciences | 10 reels | A7029 | printed guide |
National American Woman Suffrage Association Records | 73 reels | A8635 | printed guide |
Colonial discourses. Series one, Women, travel, and empire, 1660-1914. Part 1, Early travel accounts by women and women’s experiences in India, Africa, Australasia, and Canada | 25 reels | A9921 | printed guide |
Women advising women
91 reels | A8451 | printed guide |
The Women at work collection, from the Imperial War Museum, Lambeth, London:
91 reels | A9740 | printed guide |
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Papers of the NAACP (incomplete set) | 383 reels | A8473 | printed guide |
The East St. Louis race riot of 1917 | 8 reels | A9922 | guide |
Microfilm edition of the papers of the Maryland State Colonization | 31 reels | A4868 | printed guide |
Records of ante-bellum southern plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War
148 reels | A9699 | Ser A guide Ser C guide Ser F, pts. 1-2 guide Ser F, pt. 3 guide Ser F, pt. 4 guide |
Paul Robeson Collection | 9 reels | A8411 | printed guide |
Civil and Human Rights
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Gay Rights Movement: Gay Activists Alliance, 1969-1981 | 21 reels | A9675 | printed guide and online |
Gay Rights Movement: Mattachine Society of New York, Inc. 1955-1987 | 24 reels | A9664 | printed guide and online |
Human rights documents | microfiche | M-1885 | printed guide |
J.Edgar Hoover Official and Confidential File | 17 reels | A8569 | guide |
U.S. Military Intelligence Reports: Surveillance of Radicals in the U.S., 1917-1941 | 34 reels | A8286 | printed guide |
American Politics, Politicians, & Presidents
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Diaries of Henry Lewis Stimson | 9 reels | A7814 | printed guide |
Adams papers | 608 reels | A1404 | printed guide |
Grover Cleveland papers | 164 reels | A1141 | printed guide |
Papers of Eugene Debs, 1834-1945 | 21 reels | A7132 | printed guide |
Papers of the Nixon White House | microfiche | M2771 | printed guide |
Calvin Coolidge Papers | 190 reels | A5187 | printed guide |
William McKinley papers | 98 reels | A5118 | printed guide |
Theodore Roosevelt Papers | 486 reels | A5086 | printed guide |
William Howard Taft Papers | 658 reels | A5049 | printed guide |
Woodrow Wilson Papers | 540 reels | A5209 | printed guide |
The Wallace Papers | 67 reels | A5875 | printed guide |
U.S. executive branch documents, 1910-1932 | microfiche | M-3218 | printed guide |
U.S. National Security
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Documents of the National Security Council | reels | A6617 | guide |
The U.S. intelligence community: organization, operations, and management, 1947-1989 | microfiche | M-3027 | printed guide and CD-ROM |
Military uses of space, 1946 [i.e. 1945]-1991 | microfiche | M-3036 | printed guide and CD-ROM |
Nuclear non-proliferation, 1945-1991 | microfiche | M-3030 | printed guide and CD-ROM |
Presidential directives on national security from Truman to Clinton | microfiche | M-3037 | printed guide |
U.S. International Affairs – Vietnam
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files. Indochina: Internal Affairs, 1950-1954 | 44 reels | A8454 | printed guide |
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files. Indochina: Internal Affairs, 1945-1949 | 10 reels | A8455 | printed guide |
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files. Indochina: Internal and Foreign Affairs, 1955-1959 | 54 reels | A8456 | printed guide |
Echols Collection: selections on the Vietnam War | microfiche | M-3130 | printed guide |
The Peers inquiry of the massacre at My Lai | 12 reels | A9612 | guide |
Transcripts and files of the Paris peace talks on Vietnam, 1968-1973 | 12 reels | A8270 | printed guide |
U.S. International Affairs – Asia
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of China, 1910-1929 | 227 reels | A1241 | printed guide |
Despatches from United States consuls in Amoy, 1844-1906 | 15 reels | A957 | printed guide |
Despatches from United States consuls in Canton, 1790-1906 | 20 reels | A958 | printed guide |
Despatches from United States consuls in Foochow, 1849-1906 | 10 reels | A960 | printed guide |
Despatches from United States consuls in Hong Kong, 1844-1906 | 21 reels | A963 | printed guide |
Despatches from United States consuls in Kanagawa, 1861-1897 | 21 reels | A972 | printed guide |
Despatches from United States ministers to Korea, 1883-1905 | 21 reels | A966 | printed guide |
Despatches from United States ministers to Japan | 82 reels | A951 | printed guide |
Despatches from United States consuls in Shanghai, 1847-1906 | 53 reels | A969 | printed guide |
Despatches from United States ministers to China, 1843-1906 | 130 reels | A950 | printed guide |
Confidential U.S. diplomatic post records: Japan
142 reels | East Asia G1260 | printed guide |
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. India: internal affairs, 1945-1949 | 23 reels | A8182 | printed guide |
The Philippines: U.S. policy during the Marcos years, 1965-1986 | microfiche | M-3034 | printed guide and CD-ROM |
Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Siam, 1910-1929 | 18 reels | A9548 | printed guide |
U.S. International Affairs – Eastern Europe
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Confidential U.S. diplomatic post records: Russia and the Soviet Union | 145 reels | A6989 | printed guide |
The Soviet estimate: U.S. analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947-1991 | microfiche | M-3039 | printed guide |
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Bulgaria, 1945-1949 | 9 reels | A8560 | printed guide |
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Hungary, 1945-1949 | 20 reels | A8567 | printed guide |
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Czechoslovakia, 1945-1949 | 17 reels | A8565 | printed guide |
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Poland, 1945-1949 | 23 reels | A8552 | printed guide |
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Romania, 1945-1949 | 14 reels | A8568 | printed guide |
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Yugoslavia, 1945-1949 | 18 reels | A8564 | printed guide |
U.S. International Affairs – Western Europe
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Austria, 1945-1949 | 16 reels | A8563 | printed guide |
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Finland, 1945-1949 | 8 reels | A8561 | printed guide |
Despatches from United States ministers to France 1789-1869 | 67 reels | A1784 | printed guide |
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. France, 1945-1949: internal affairs | 68 reels | A10015 | printed guide |
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. France, internal affairs, 1950-1954 | 25 reels | A10019 | printed guide |
Despatches from United States Ministers to Great Britain, 1791-1906 | 200 reels | A1786 | printed guide |
Despatches from United States ministers to the German states and Germany, 1799-1906 | 106 reels | A1785 | printed guide |
The Berlin crisis, 1958-1962 | microfiche | M-3028 | printed guide |
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Greece, 1945-1949 | 53 reels | A8566 | printed guide |
Confidential U.S. State Department central files: Spain, internal affairs, 1930-1939 | 88 reels | A10016 | printed guide |
The John F. Kennedy national security files. Western Europe: national security files, 1961-1963 | 10 reels | A10013 | printed guide |
The Lyndon B. Johnson national security files. Western Europe: national security files, 1963-1969 | 10 reels | A10014 | printed guide |
U.S. International Affairs – Middle East
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Afghanistan: the making of U.S. policy, 1973-1990 | microfiche | M-3035 | printed guide and CD-ROM |
Iraqgate: Saddam Hussein, U.S. policy and the prelude to the Persian Gulf War (1980-1994) | microfiche | M-3038 | printed guide |
Iran: the making of U.S. policy, 1977-1980 | microfiche | M-3031 | printed guide and CD-ROM |
The Iran-Contra affair: the making of a scandal, 1983-1988 | microfiche | M-3029 | printed guide and CD-ROM |
U.S. International Affairs – Africa & Latin America
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 | microfiche | M-3032 | printed guide and CD-ROM |
El Salvador: the making of U.S. policy, 1977-1984 | microfiche | M-3025 | printed guide and CD-ROM |
Nicaragua: the making of U.S. policy, 1978-1990 | microfiche | M-3026 | printed guide and CD-ROM |
El Salvador: war, peace, and human rights, 1980-1994 | microfiche | M-3273 | printed guide |
South Africa: the making of U.S. policy, 1962-1989 | microfiche | M-3033 | printed guide and CD-ROM |
British Politics, Government, & Foreign Affairs
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
American papers in the House of Lords Records Office: a microfilm edition with printed calendar and index | 39 reels | A7345 | printed guide |
Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence: Palestine, 1947-1948 | 46 reels | A8533 | printed guide |
Confidential British Foreign Office political correspondence: Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1946 | 35 reels | A8532 | printed guide |
British Foreign Office-United States correspondence, [1930-1948] | 382 | A7351 | printed guide |
The Archives of the British Labour Party | microfiche | M-531 M-892 |
printed guide |
British foreign office, Russia correspondence | 986 reels | A7369 | printed guide |
World War II
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command: Oberkommando des Heeres | 26 reels | A1779 | printed guide |
Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuhrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei) | 10 reels | A3596 | printed guide |
Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics (Reichswirtschaftsministerium) | 15 reels | A1780 | printed guide |
German Foreign Ministry archives, 1867-1920 | 23 reels | A3743 | printed guide |
Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command [microform] : Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) | 117 reels | A1757 | printed guide |
Records of the National Socialist-German Labor Party (NSDAP) | 25 reels | A1781 | printed guide |
Japanese American evacuation and resettlement records, 1930-1974 | 150 reels | A10096 | printed guide and online |
Papers of the U.S. Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians | 35 reels | A7378 | printed guide |
Records of the War Relocation Authority, 1942-1946: Field Documentation | 115 reels | A9912 | printed guide and online |
Soviet Union
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Records of the All-Union Communist Party, Smolensk District, 1917-41 | 68 reels | A8421 | printed guide |
Archives of the Soviet Communist Party and Soviet State | 25 reels | A9640 | printed guide |
The GULAG press, 1920-1937 | microfiche | M-3347 | printed guide |
Department for Relations with Foreign Communist Parties (International Department of the Central Committee), 1953-1957 | 126 reels | A10092 | printed guide |
The General Department of the Central Committee, 1953-1966 = Obshchii otdel TSK KPSS, 1953-1966 gody | 117 reels | A10062 | printed guide |
Plenums of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1941-1990 | 181 reels and microfiche | A10093 and M-3396 | printed guide |
Missions & Missionaries
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Archival records from the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel | 27 reels | A8212 | printed guide |
Church Missionary Society archive. Section II, Missions to women.
58 reels | A9924 | printed guide |
Church Missionary Society archive. Section IV, Africa Missions
139 reels | A9892 | printed guide |
Africa through western eyes: manuscript records of traders, travellers, soldiers, missionaries and diplomats in Africa | 15 reels | A9834 | printed guide |
Papers of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
261 reels | A7028 | printed guide & online |
The Alaskan Russian Church archives: records, 1733-1938 | 376 reels | A8220 | printed guide |
History of Science
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
The history of science and technology. Series 2, The papers of Sir Joseph Banks, 1743-1820 | 51 reels | A8641 | printed guide |
Letters and papers of Robert Boyle: from the archives of the Royal Society | 16 reels | A8422 | printed guide |
Collections from the Royal Society: Journal Books of Scientific Meetings, 1660-1800 | 18 reels | A8665 | reel index |
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
D.W. Griffith Papers, 1897-1954 | 36 reels | A9794 | printed guide |
The Will Hays Papers, 1879-1954 | 78 reels | A9793 | printed guide |
Moskovskaia kinostudiia “Mosfilm” (1938-1945) | 12 reels | A9949 | printed guide |
Assotsiatsiia rabotnikov revoliutsionnoi kinematografii (ARRK) (1923-1932) | 14 reels | A9948 | printed guide |
Miscellaneous – Europe
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
Austrian Habsburg history: printed sources 16th-19th centuries | microfiche | M-2826 | printed guide |
Documents relating to Bosnia-Hercegovina | 24 reels | A2232 | printed guide |
The British Archives of the International Brigade to Spain in the Civil War, 1936-1939 | microfiche | M-3175 | printed guide |
Anglo-Saxon manuscripts in microfiche facsimile | microfiche | M-3416 | printed guide |
Miscellaneous – Asia
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
China through western eyes: manuscript records of traders, travellers, missionaries and diplomats, 1792-1942 | 47 reels | A9723 | printed guide |
Shanghai municipal police file | 67 reels | East Asia G1305 | printed guide |
East meets West: original records of Western traders, travellers, missionaries, and diplomats to 1852 | 22 reels | A9783 | printed guide |
Indian political intelligence files | microfiche | M-3276 | printed guide |
Political pamphlets from the Indian subcontinent | microfiche | M-2280 | printed guide |
Publications Proscribed by the Government of India | 35 reels | A7820 | printed guide |
Communist Party of Indonesia: P.K.I. documents and serials, 1952-1965 | microfiche | M-2835 | printed guide |
Indonesian nationalist movement: manuscripts and printed sources | microfiche | M-2836 | printed guide |
Javanese language manuscripts of Surakarta, Central Java | 278 reels | A8671 | printed guide |
Miscellaneous – Americas
Title | Reels | Call No. | Guide |
American Radicalism Collection | 236 reels | Tacoma TAC-459 | printed guide available in Microform Newspapers |
The Tudway of Wells Antiguan estate papers, 1689-1907 | 30 reels | A10060 | printed guide |
Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Series A, Subject correspondence files
72 reels | A8555 | Pt 1 guide Pt 2 guide Pt 3 guide Pt 5 guide |
The immigrant in America
77 reels | A9697 | printed guide and online |
The Ferrar papers, 1590-1790, in Magdalene College, Cambridge | 14 reels | A8408 | printed guide |
The James Jerome Hill Papers | 54 reels | A8025 | printed guide |