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Error: Off-Campus Access Denied

Current UW Students, Faculty, and Staff

Off-campus access to most of the databases, electronic journals and other electronic resources offered by the UW Libraries is available only to current UW students, faculty, and staff. Status is confirmed by the SDB for students or Workday for faculty/staff.

If you are a member of one of these groups and feel you received this message in error, please contact us. In your message, please provide:

  • your UW NetID (we do not need your password; please do not provide it)
  • the referring URL
  • and the resource you were trying to access.

Note: if you have just registered for classes or changed your status with the UW, access through the proxy will likely not take effect until the next day.

Other Users

Other users, including alumni, are welcome to come into any UW Library and use electronic resources on campus.

Note: having a UW Libraries borrowers card does not entitle users to off-campus access to UW-licensed resources.

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