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Letter to the Tolan Committee from T. Nakamura received March 4, 1942.

National Defense Migration, Fourth Interim Report of the Select Committee Investigating National Defense Migration. 77th Congress, 2nd Session, House Report No. 2124. May 1942. In American concentration camps: a documentary history of the relocation and incarceration of Japanese Americans, 1942-1945. New York: Garland, 1989.

John H. Tolan Committee
Henry Building, Seattle, Wash.

Dear Sirs: I am one of the Japanese-Americans being eventually evacuated from this area and desire information as to the disposition of property we own. Would your committee kindly help me or refer me to the proper authorities who may be able to help?

Our family have a greenhouse business here, owned by myself, in which we have planted the tomato and cucumber crops and have tended and cared for these crops right up to the present time. We did so in the hope that Japanese, if citizens of the United States, would be permitted to remain if approved by the authorities to be loyal to this country. However, we find we may be evacuated also.

These crops will be ready to harvest beginning next month, and, in the event I have to leave, I want very much that someone handle it rather than lose the crops.

I have tried to contact parties who might be interested and able to take over this business and the crops on a rental or purchase basis. My contacts are limited so I would very much appreciate some help in finding a trustworthy man who is capable of handling this business and also the proper procedure to safeguard my interests here in my absence. I have attached a copy of the description of the property and the condition of the business.

Thanking you for the favor, I am
Yours very sincerely,
T. Nakamura

For Sale or Rent

At Poulsbo, Wash., Kitsap County:
Three greenhouses, 15,000 square feet under glass. Packing house and garage for two cars or trucks. Acre and half land on water front, on main highway only 3 miles from ferry to Seattle, Wash.

Truck and all equipment for operation of this business. Principal crops, tomatoes and cucumbers in spring and summer; and chrysanthemums in fall and winter. Potted plants. Tomatoes and cucumbers are now planted and cared for, and everything ready for some experienced and responsible party to carry on. Estimated income from this crop coming in, $5,000. From chrysanthemums, $2,000.

A new residence, seven rooms, now under construction, will be finished and ready to move into this month. Also small four-room residence on this property.

No encumbrances.
Sell, $22,000, terms.
Rent, $3,000 cash for crop now planted and $100 month for duration.