Memo from the Registrar’s Office on the evacuation of Japanese students dated April 22, 1942. UW, Vice-President for Student Affairs, Acc. 71-38, Box. 9. UW Libraries Special Collections.
All Japanese students should be sent to Mr. Harold Adams, 204 Clark Hall, for verification of evacuation. Mr. Adams will issue an authorization which they will present to Mrs. Ethelyn Toner, 211 Education Hall. She will fill out a withdrawal form which the student will be directed to present to Window “A” a the Comptroller’s Offices for refund of fees under existing rules for students withdrawing for service in the U.S. armed forces.
Some students may wish to try to arrange to carry on their work in absentia by reading and paper writing. They should make arrangements with their instructors and Extension Service before they leave the campus. They shall be entitled to no refund and will be required to pay a special examination fee of $2.50 per course to the Extension Service. Changes of registration must be put through sections for any courses remaining in their schedule for which they cannot make arrangements with the Extension Service.
The question of credit for seniors close to graduation and adjustment of specific requirements should be referred to the dean of the college in every instance. There steps will be taken to see that the request is cleared through the departments involved and the Graduation Committee.
Partial credit now allowed under faculty rules until the fifth week might be allowed during the fourth week in certain cases. Such questions would be handled by the college dean on an individual basis.
Registrar’s Office
April 22, 1942