September 25, 1942
Ten more students were expected to leave Hunt by the end of this week to continue their studies at approved colleges.
Student relocation certificates were received Wednesday by Carl V. Sandoz, counselor, for Fukumi Ashida and John Okada, Scottsbluff, Neb.; Tetsu Morita, Frank Sakai, Noboru Tosaya and Midori Sakamoto, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; William Morita, Washington State College, Pullman; Toru and Kiyoshi Sakahara, Frank Sugino and Roy Yamagishi, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
The release of five more students from Hunt raises to 21 the number of students who have thus far been given an opportunity to continue their college education.
It was not without a trace of disappointment that many of us watched the apparently futile efforts of the National Student Relocation Council during early days at the assembly center. Many were openly critical of reolcation possibilities for college students.
But the untiring efforts of relocation officials like Joseph Conard in Berkeley, “Bob” O’Brien of the University of Washington, Joan Hatton and Joan Russell, seem to have spurred the program toward realization of its aims.
The Relocation Council has shown sagacity in their recommendation of students to be released. Selections were made keeping in mind the student’s scholastic record, his personality, his background. Students representing the finest type of nisei youth will make their impression on many a wary community.
It is their fortunate privilege to be able to continue their interrupted education. Upon them will rest the obligatory task of reshaping prejudices, of creating a true understanding of things Japanese-American. That is their duty.
They carry with them to their colleges and universities a heavy responsibility. For theirs is the task of showing to many a heretofore nisei-less college town that they are regular, saddle-shoed “Joes”, all-American. It is a privilege. It is also a duty. — RCT.
A meeting of all former University of Washington students will be called within the next week by the Community Services Office to discuss the most serviceable disposition of books contributed by the University of Washington and the University Bookstore, and a gift of eleven magazine subscriptions received from friends at the University.
In a season’s meassge to all former students accompanying the donation, President L. P. Sieg wrote, “With the hope that American born students of Japanese ancestry will be able to hold their faith in America during these trying days.”
A number of used books including English composition textbooks, fiction and non-fiction were contributed by the University, some of the newest publications, mostly biographies, were the gift of the Bookstore.
The magazine subscriptions were for Mademoiselle, Current History, National Geographic, Reader’s Digest, Life, Fortune, Atlantic Monthly, Time, New Public, Harper’s and the University’s publication, Columns.
Schmoe, Townsend Address UW Men
At a meeting called last Friday night at D.H. 23 to bring former University of Washington students together, Floyd Schmoe of the American Friends Society and George L. Townsend, Community Activities Supervisor, cleared up questions arising out of relocation problems of students and ex-students now colonized at Hunt.
Schmoe reiterated his previous statements made since his arrival here about the particular importance of relocation as soon as possible.
Townsend, giving the WRA slant on the questions, advised the students not to go out on undercutting jobs.
“Low-paying jobs are what give you the stigma of being called economic threats to the so-called American standard of living. Your job should be no less than you ability and the pay should be no less than the prevailing wage,” Townsend said.
The importance of spending time here profitably was also stressed.
“Take jobs here that are a challenge to you,” Townsend counselled.
“The retraining program which is being shaped can be utilized for the benefit of many here. The steno-pool is one branch of this project. In a few weeks when machinery arrives general electric, farm machinery, woodworking, and general metal shop classes will be inaugurated,” Townsend revealed.
At the same meeting it was decided to have a special shelf reserved in the High School library for the books and magazines received by the students from the University of Washington and the University Bookstore.
Plans are pending to reserve the use of the library on certain nights for university student study purposes. Jerome T. Light, High School Principal, was asked to make the arrangements.
A social hour followed the discussions.
O’Brien Back at U. of W.; Lauds N.W. Nisei
Japanese in the United States must get into the war effort, or there will be no place for them in this country when peace comes, Robert W. O’Brien delcared to the Seattle Times after his return two weeks ago to an administrative post at the University of Washington from nearly six months’ service with the National Student Relocation Council.
O’Brien spoke of many former University of Washington Japanese students who have successfully re-entered civilian life, and 100 who have been accepted in the armed forces.
“These nisei know they are not winning the war by staying in relocation camps,” O’Brien said.
“The biggest possible boost to their morale was the opening of enlistment in an army combat unit and President Roosevelt’s endorsement of the move.”
O’Brien’s job took him to all 10 relocation camps and to many of the 400 colleges designated as suitable for furthering the education of more than 1,000 nisei released from the camps.
University of Washington nisei have accounted for themselves admirably, according to O’Brien.
“Typical of th eight positions they now hold is that of Jack Maki, formerly an instructor in the Far Eastern Department at the University.
“Maki is interpreting Tokyo propaganda broadcasts for the Federal Communications Commission in Washington, D.C., There are nine former students attending the Army Intelligence School at Camp Savage, Minn. One is an instructor at the Naval Intelligence school at Boulder, Colo., and another at the Army Meteorological School at Haverford College, Penn.”
O’Brien said that the American-Japanese are fully aware of the prejudices they must overcome in establishing themselves.
“It is a tremendous and discouraging job for many of them who go into communities where manpower is needed, perhaps with a job selected for them by one of the agency offices in the Midwest.
“But the sincere ones always are accepted. Martha Okuda is another former University of Washington teaching fellow, who also worked with the Family Society in Seattle, and now is teaching sociology at the University of Nebraska,” O’Brien said.
Among the hundred or more students now in the Army, Sergt. Pat Hagiwara of Ketchikan, Alaska, is typical. He was a member of the National Guard in Alaska, and when he was called into service was sent to a camp in Illinois, he said. He is the star of the camp’s basketball team.
“Other athletes at the University who have continued their sports at colleges and in non-military zones are Frank Watanabe, who was the No. 2 tennis player at the University, now at Syracuse University, and Ike Yoshino, who made the varsity basketball squad at the University of Denver.”
O’Brien also told of several former U. of W. students who have not left the camp, but have preferred to remain part of the governing bodies within them. Bill Hosokawa, former Tokyo and Seattle newspaper man, now editing the Heart Mountain Sentinel at the center in Wyoming, was mentioned.
Dick Takeuchi of Seattle, also a journalism student at the University, was editor of the Minidoka IRRIGATOR at Hunt, Idaho.
At Tule Lake, California, Frank Miyamoto, a former sociology teaching fellow at the U. of W., is making a study of the effects of evacuation on the personality of the nisei. Abraham Hagiwara, another University student whose home was in Alaska, also has a responsible position in Minidoka, O’Brien said.
Oberlin Finds No Cause to Regret Admitting Nisei
OBERLIN, OHIO — Expressing its friendship for Japanese American students at Oberlin College, the Oberlin News-Tribune said in a leading editorial: “As the school year nears its close it is appropriate that we in Oberlin should be conscious of the fact that not once since their arrival on the college campus last fall have we had cause to regret the friendly welcome we extended at that time to the group of Nisei students who have become our fellow Oberlinites. Though of Japanese ancestry, they have in every way behaved according to the best traditions of the land of their birth and rearing and citizenship–the United States. We hope that the Nisei themselves have found the people of Oberlin to be as genuinely American in their attitudes as the Nisei have proved to be.”
The editorial continued with a discussion of an informal talk recently made by a Chinese American, Hung Wai Ching, a resident of Hawaii. Mr. Ching, who is active in community work in Honolulu, described the successful operation of American democracy in Hawaii where Japanese residents were not only loyal, but had the unhesitating trust of all the other racial groups on the islands. This, Mr. Ching claims, is a tribute to impartial government, an excellent public school system, and instruction in American standards of democracy and good sportsmanship.
Two Popular Former U. of W. Coeds Announce Their Recent Troths
Of interest to the friends of the bride-elect here, is the announcement made by Mrs. T. Koriyama of the engagement of her daughter, Tama, to Sgt. Harry Murotani in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Miss Koriyama, a rising junior at Guilford College, who is wellknown in Greensboro from appearances she has made on civic programs, is formerly of Seattle where she attended the University of Washington. Her fiance is a native of California, who is presently stationed in Ft. Bragg.
Dr. Clyde A. Miller, president of Guilford College, and Mrs. Milner were hosts with a party at their home Sunday to announce the engagement. Guests were members of the faculty and student body.
With a pink heart-shaped cake inscribed “Mariye and Henry” in white lettering, Miss Mariye Morimoto, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs Sakataro Morimoto made known here betrothal to Henry Kiga, son of Mrs Helen Seo, last Saturday evening at the home of her sister, Mrs. Taka Ono, Block 1-7-A.
The bride-elect was graduated from Broadway High School in Seattle in ’39, attended the University of Washington, and was a member of the Fuyo Kai. Mr. Kiga, also a Broadway graduate and a former University of Washington student, is now employed by Drew Pearson of Washington, D.C.
Among the guests present ere Misses Ruth Tahara, Marie Namba, Masako Koizumi, Hisa and Momye Tada, Marie Shiama, Margery Yamamura, Sue and Midori Kajikawa; Mesdames Elsie Nomura, M. Harada, Marcia Nokahara, Ruby Aoki, Sasaki and Mr. and Mrs. Sato.