Letter from President Wilkens to L.P. Sieg dated March 19, 1942. Correspondence Series, 2/7 Ernest H. Wilkins, Box 58, Nisei folder, Oberlin College Archives.
March 19, 1942
President L.P. Sieg,
University of Washington,
Seattle, Washington.
Dear President Sieg:
Many thanks for you letter of March 10. May I venture to compliment you on its excellence both in spirit and in form?
While it is too late for us to take in any new students in the current semester, we are starting a full length term of sixteen weeks on June 8. that term will run until late September and the Fall Term will start early in October.
We have here in our Sophomore Class a young man from Seattle, Harry Yamaguchi, who is making an excellent record scholastically and personally.
On his recommendation I am very glad to say to you that if any or all of the four students named below should be able to arrange to come to Oberlin beginning with the Summer Session, they would be welcome:
Kenji Okuda
Norio Higano
Richard Imai
Koichi Hayashi
We could not undertake to provide any financial help for them in their first term of attendance: but if in that term they should do well scholastically and otherwise and should then continue in Oberlin, our scholarship resources would be as available to them as to any other students.
I should be glad to know at your convenience whether we may expect any of them.
If one or more of these should be unable to come, I should be glad to have you nominate a substitute.
Yours sincerely,