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User Feedback Surveys

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Triennial Survey

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In Library Use Survey


The Libraries conducts large-scale user surveys to help us understand faculty, graduate, and undergraduate student needs, satisfaction, and priorities. We use these results to improve Libraries services, resources, and spaces. The Libraries has conducted extensive large-scale surveys of faculty and students since 1992.

How We Use Survey Results

Results are used for improvements, Libraries budget narratives, UW Student Technology Fee (STF) proposals, and to demonstrate Libraries impact on research, teaching, and learning. Results from recent surveys helped us to:

  • Upgrade our physical facilities to provide better teaching, learning and work environments. This includes added electrical outlets in many libraries for laptops and other mobile devices, as well as new classrooms, Zoom pods, and quiet study spaces in Odegaard Undergraduate Library
  • Retain access to high use e-journals and other online resources and purchase other scholarly items
  • Prioritizing Digital Rights Management (DRM)-free subscriptions to reduce access limitations and other use restrictions on ebooks
  • Providing support for tools and strategies to track, document, and communicate research impact
  • Developing the Open Scholarship Commons, an interdisciplinary and technology-rich space that provides centralized access, support and services for the creation and dissemination of open and digital forms of scholarship
  • Strengthening support and outreach related to data managementdata visualizationopen access publishing, and the Electronic Theses and Dissertations program