When the University of Washington was founded in 1861,
its cornerstone was a gift from pioneers who valued the role that education plays in building a better world. Today, their optimism and belief in unlimited possibilities is manifested in a world-class public university with a world-class library. You can carry forward their bold vision by making a gift of materials to the UW Libraries.
What we need
We endeavor to accept only those gifts that are in good condition and that support the needs of our academic and research community. Because of space constraints and costs associated with sorting, reviewing, and processing gift materials, we are very selective. We welcome the opportunity to review your gift before it is delivered. Here are types of materials we prefer:
- Current materials that support academic and research needs of UW students and faculty.
- Older materials that support new programs, current needs, or emerging research.
- Materials that support diversity, equity, and inclusion within existing collection areas.
- Rare, unique, and archival materials that will enhance Special Collections.
For information or to confirm whether your donation meets our collection guidelines, contact the Gifts Program at 206-543-1859, Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PST/PDT.
Conditions, Use, Acknowledgment
Upon receipt, all gift materials become the property of the University of Washington Libraries. We reserve the right to determine retention, location, cataloging treatment, preservation, and other considerations relating to the use and disposition of gifts. Materials not selected for addition to our collection may be donated to other institutions, sold, recycled, discarded, or otherwise disposed of.
Items may be added as first, additional, or replacement copies. Be assured that your gift will be handled responsibly and with care. We regret that we are not able to notify donors of the final disposition of their gifts or return items not added to our collection.
The University Libraries is committed to providing socially and environmentally responsible disposition of gift materials not needed for our collection. Whenever possible, we share or trade useful surplus gift materials with other libraries. We also sell or recycle materials that we are not able to redistribute. Although we are not able to accept gifts for the sole purpose of redistributing them, the Gifts Program staff will gladly suggest other options.
Each gift to the University Libraries is acknowledged. Acknowledgment letters typically include the date of receipt and a brief description of the gift. We are not able to provide a monetary value for your gift. We recommend that you prepare a detailed inventory and include a copy with your donation to support your charitable tax deduction.