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Events and Workshop Criteria

The Open Scholarship Commons (OSC) is a space that welcomes all UW community members and, where possible, the global community, to join in events, workshops, and class workshops celebrating new knowledge creation and dissemination.

  • New knowledge creation events include those that re-envision and reimagine scholarly production and teaching processes to include more open and inclusive ways of working and storytelling.
  • Knowledge dissemination events include those focused on the process, skills, and tools to move scholarship outside of the walls of the University and into the hands of the community.

Examples of new knowledge creation and dissemination may include:

  • Community engaged scholarship, public scholarship, and citizen science events and workshops
  • Data visualization
  • Digital publishing workshops
  • Going Public yearly symposiums
  • Open access
  • Open data
  • Open education resources
  • Privacy
  • Research ImpactStorytelling (digital/data)
  • Text mining

If you are planning a public-facing event or workshop that falls into these categories and would like to have it listed on the OSC events calendar, please fill out our submissions form.