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Media:scape Mobile

STF funded collaboration technology allowing small groups to work interactively anywhere in the library.
media:scape mobile

The media:scape mobile is collaboration technology allowing teams of 2-4 to work interactively without interruption anywhere in the library not designated as quiet

Odegaard has media:scape mobiles available for use on a first come, first use basis.

Media:scape mobile technology:

  • 42 inch HD LCD monitor with USB inputs
  • 4 pucks in the media well/tray that allow everyone using the unit equal access to share information.
  • 2 VGA connections
  • 1 HDMI connection
  • 1 Mini DisplayPort connection
  • Wheels to reposition unit.


How it works

Media:scape was designed for a “walk-up and connect” experience. Open → Connect → Share.

Media:scape connection
-Open the media well and take out a Puck
-Connect the Puck to your laptop
-Share what’s on your laptop by pressing the Puck


Watch a YouTube video about how media:scapes work.

There is no software to download or install. Users interact using the software available on their laptops or portable devices.  The mobile unit allows easy transport anywhere four wheels will allow.

While the media:scape mobile is relatively easy to transport, do pay close attention to the diagrams and use information attached to the unit.  It is probably best if two people assist in moving the unit.

Funding for the media:scape mobile was provided through the Student Technology Fee.