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Recalls and Due Date Changes

How do I get a book that is checked out to someone else?

  • All UW borrowers may use UW Libraries Search to request books that are currently checked out by another borrower.
  • Current UW faculty, students and staff are encouraged to request the item from Summit – in most cases you can get a copy from another library before the other person would need to return the UW copy
  • Items due in more than 14 days will have the due date changed to 14 days from the date of the request
  • Items due in 14 days or less will keep the original due date

Why was the due date of my book changed?

  • The item was requested (recalled) by another borrower or for reserves
  • You are guaranteed a 14 day checkout unless the item is needed immediately for reserves or if the item has a shorter loan period
  • Current UW faculty, students and staff are encouraged to check UW Libraries Search to see if there is a copy available from a Summit library – in most cases you can get a copy from another library before you need to return the UW copy
  • Non-renewable items are subject to overdue fines.