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Letter to J.J. McGovern dated August, 11, 1942

James Y. Sakamoto Papers, box 10. Manuscripts and University Archives Division, UW Libraries.

August 11, 1942

Mr. J.J. McGovern, Manager
Puyallup Assembly Center
Puyallup, Washington

Dear Mr. McGovern:

On behalf of a large number of evacuees who do not read English, I wish to request that the decision to place Japanese language literature in storage, perhaps for the duration, be reconsidered.

I am sure you understand the position of these evacuees who have no reading matter in the only language they understand. Naturally they are worried as to what they can do for spare time recreation in the relocation center. The disappointment at not having their books is a double blow inasmuch as they gave them up with the feeling that the books would be returned to them after they left this camp, or after they had been relocated.

As the same time it is not our intention to jeopardize the program of the WCCA or the WRA in any manner. We are prepared to assist in segregating undesirable literature from the harmless type along whatever standards of judgment the authorities may establish. This censorship could be undertaken here and the approved books returned to their owners, or all the books involved could be forwarded to the relocation center and the censorship undertaken there.

The public is prepared to abide by whatever decision is made, but I am sure the evacuees will appreciate whatever efforts you may be able to make to liberalize this ruling.

Sincerely yours,
[no signature]