Camp Harmony News-Letters
Vol. 1 No. 1 — Puyallup, Wash. — May 5, 1942
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All in Area A, without exception, were to have completed their medical examinations by this afternoon, Teru Uno, head nurse, declared today.
Doctors available on a 24-hour call are Suzuki, Koike, Akamatsu and Shigaya, Miss Uno said.
American doctors who aided with the examination were Dr. T.S. McGowan of the Public Health Service and Dr. Magnusson, Pierce County Health Officer.
Hot water will be available in the laundry houses starting today Fred Takagi, personnel manager, said. There will be no excuses for people washing clothes in the shower rooms.
Takagi also asked persons borrowing eating utensils from the mess halls return them immediately as the latter are running short of such items.
Hereafter, Takagi said, persons carrying food to the sick, etc., must furnish their own plates and cups.
Head Waiter Haruo Fujino announced waitresses, dishwashers and cooks are wanted for the mess halls. All interested are asked to contact Fujino at 2-57.
Those applying for work must report to the post-office after breakfast, Al Ouchi, timekeeper, announced today.
All orders for merchandise to be purchased outside of the area have been cancelled until further notice, Tura Nakamura, Section One leader, announced today.
Unsigned notices received by this office will not be accepted for publication, no matter by whom authorized to issue such items.
Temporary offices of the News-Letter will be at No. 57, Ninth Ave. Notices will be received also at No. 55, Fourth Ave, c/o Kenji Tani, and at No. 64, Ninth Ave., c/o Dick Takeuchi.
Care should be taken when writing letters to outside friends, especially when there is a possibility that excerpts of such letters may be reprinted in the outside press. Some such letters describing conditions within Camp Harmony have been misinterpreted and publicized although the writers may have had no such intent.
Families wishing to be relocated within this area, either for lack of room or to be near relatives, are asked to contact their section leaders immediately, George Kakehashi, Area Operations Manager, announced this afternoon.
All persons who worked last Tuesday and Wednesday were asked to check in their time with Al Ouchi by 6 p.m. tonight at the postoffice. LOST… Ten ladies’ jackets and one black key case. Will finders see Tad Fujioka at the postoffice.
Mail is held for the following persons at the post office:
Kaz and Robert Yamasaki, Kay Murakami, Mrs. George Kimur, Shizuko Masuda, Joe Nishi, Mr. Otsuki, Sueko Hasegawa, Mr. Fusa Haramatsu, Keitaro Hatakeyama, Sad and Suke Sumura, K. Ishii, Yuri Uchida and Kazuko Umino.
Manzanar, Calif.,—Heralded by a lusty wail, Manzanar’s first bouncing baby arrived two weeks ago in the Manzanar Emergency Hospital, tipping the scales at 6 lbs.
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Section 4 scored a clean sweep in this morning’s marble tourney when two of its members, Fumio Shibata and Yoichi Asaba walked off with “Big Ring” and “Sen-Sen” crowns respectively.
The tournament was held at the athletic field between Fourth and Fifth Avenue. About 75 boys between the ages of six to ten years old participated.
Arthur Sasaki, athletic officer who directed the tourney, announced that a similar competition will be held tomorrow morning for boys between the ages of 11 through 13.
Sasaki also revealed that a half-hour boxing lesson will be given to 9-10 years old boys by “Chick” Uno from 9 a.m. tomorrow at the athletic field.
Other sports events will be begun just as soon as the proper facilities are ready, Sasaki announced.
“Nothing to say just now,” Bill Mimbu, area director said today as he wheeled his baby out for a sunning.
All interested in recreation leadership positions are asked to report to Mrs. Michi Watanabe at 2-4 immediately.
Mail delivery service, for the time being, will be once daily while outgoing mails will close at 4 p.m. Area Postmaster Kameo Nakamura announced today.
Persons may call at the post-office for mail although a regular delivery service is now in operation.
Outsiders writing to friends within the area are asked to designate the Area, the Section and the Apt. number; then “Camp Harmony, Puyallup, Wash.”
Money orders are not being accepted for the present, but stamps are being sold Nakamura said.
Tools must be brought in by 4:30 p.m. at the latest, Sat Kodama, in charge of the tool shed, emphasized today.
Toilet paper is scarce and should be used sparingly, warned supply officer “Tinky” Yoshida today.
Cooperation with all sanitation regulations were asked by Sanitation “Sparky” Kono.
Among these are:
Don’t expectorate around the area grounds.
Don’t drain wastes down the shower room drains.
Don’t empty bed pans and baby chamber pots in the shower rooms but do so in the rest rooms.
Following is the list of government officials in charge of the camp:
Supt. — Robert Turner
Assist. Supt. — John Hofsteader
Personnel — Ernie LaForest
Mess and Lodge — Norman Chapman
Mess and Lodge Assist. — Clyde Randall
Tools and Equipment — Hill
Finance — Otto Snidor
Finance Assist. — Neil Gregerson
Head Steward — Del Merril
Foreman of Labor Gang — Pitcher
Food in Warehouse — Burham
Timekeeper — Keyes
Chief of Police — Bob Forrest
Assit. Chief of Police — Clay
Section 2 — Leader Mits Kashiwagi asks that section brooms be returned to the head of each row after it is used.
Section 3 — Andy Morimoto has taken the place of Johnson Shimizu as leader and today said an office will soon be established in Apt. 1.
Section 4 — Leader Mac Kaneko asks that anyone in the area who wished to help care for babies under two years old inquire at 4-29. A trained pediatrician is in charge, Kaneko said.
Section 5 — Leader Tatsumi Goto asked that people be in their quarters by the 9 p.m. curfew hour. He urged discontinuance of taking showers after the curfew hour.
Section 6 — This proved to be the busiest section yesterday as 39 Alaskans checked in. This raises the total of Alaska Japanese in the area to 104, Section Leader Mike Hagiwara reported.
Hagiwara asked that persons refrain from hoarding wood as ample supplies will be delivered regularly. He also urged that a “quiet hour” be observed between 10 p.m. and 6:30 a.m.
[Typed at the bottom of the page are what appears to be stray lines, perhaps some error in this particular copy. The three lines are:
now is the time for all good
priorities vital to the completion
Priorities vitaal to the completion of defense]