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Vol. 1 No. 11

Four articles in this issue have been censored including an editorial on page 2. These are the only examples of post-publication censorship visible on the Newsletter.

Camp Harmony News-Letter

Vol. 1 No. 11 — Puyallup, Wash. — August 1, 1942

Page 1



With the arrival this week of sandpaper, glue and paint Camp Harmony’s model plane enthusiasts lacked only the shipment of soft pine wood to launch the four-area model plane contest sponsored jointly by the Seattle Civilian War Commission and Frederick & Nelson’s department store.

All material for the “solid” models, needed in large numbers by the air wardens service, is being provided by the Civilian War Commission.

“The shipment of soft pine has evidently been delayed but we expect it by Monday at the latest,” Rube Hosokawa, recreation director, declared.

Open to contestants of all ages, the model plane contest is scheduled to close August 7, the deadline for entries competing for the first prize of a $25 war savings bond for the best model.

Plans for the models are already here and builders may choose from a list in-
(Cont’d on pg. 4)


Camp Harmony was visited yesterday by six representatives of the International Red Cross.

The visitors toured all four areas and spent a full day inspecting conditions and interviewing various center residents.

The six, who came from Washington, D.C., were Dr. Wann, Dr. Christie, Mrs. Workman, Miss Bakkie, Miss Carter and Mr. Wingate.


Paychecks for the month of June 27 to July 26 were sent to San Francisco Thursday, and should arrive in about two weeks, K.L. Harding, WCCA Finance Officer, said today. The payroll amounting to $24,632.58 will be disbursed to 2,671 workers.

The 120-page payroll was submitted to San Francisco a day and a half after the end of the fiscal month, setting a new record for speediness by the time keepers.

Smallest paycheck received in Camp Harmony to day was one for eight cents paid to a girl in Area B, while the largest were those of $16 for workers with professional ratings, W.C. Hill, Center Cashier, declared.


Free coupon books for the month of August will probably be ready for distribution during the first week of August, Kermit Livingston, WCCA service division head, indicated this week.

Center Cashier W.E. Hill, upon completion of the issuance of May-June paychecks, will again handle the distribution of coupon books.

The schedule for distribution of coupon books will be as follows: Tuesday, Area B; Wednesday, Area C; Thursday, Area A; Friday and Saturday, Area D.


The chief finally broke down and earmarked the latest batch of lollipops for the “beppin-sans” who pour our tea, and we say it was high time he did.

For reasons about which the gals are free to speculate to the limit, the male members of the NEWS-LETTER staff have an undisguised partiality toward the waitresses, and the strain of muffling their sentiments all these weeks was beginning to get them down.

The gals who bring around our second helpings are wearing out a lot of shoe leather in serving the center and take a lot of punishment from diners who are short on satisfaction and rough with their tongues.

This recognition comes a little late but the mess hall angels are the first feminine contingent to crash this department.


The remaining “movies” on Camp Harmony’s picture schedule will not be shown to center residents due to the lack of suitable projectors, Rube Hosokawa, recreation and morale director, announced this week.

Hosokawa explained that the two projectors which were donated by John Motoda of Area C had been withdrawn by the owner.

Richard Weir, WCCA morale and education director, indicated that efforts were being made to
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Page 2

Three articles have been censored on this page including the editorial, only 2 articles are legible.


Pierce County hospital authorities have been notified that 112 center residents are awaiting their blood tests, preparatory to donating their pint of blood for the Pierce County blood plasma bank.

Area D headed the list of donors with 50 persons already signed up followed by Area A which had 18 donors when the three-day campaign closed July 25.

Tom Kanno, chairman of the drive, pointed out, however, that those who still wish to donate their blood may do so by signing up at their respective area information offices.

Both areas B and C had relatively few candidates. Area C with 17 donors, topped Area B’s 15 candidates.

Headed by Center Manager J.J. McGovern, the WCCA administrative staff members who offered their blood included all other officers.

Notices will be posted immediately upon designation of the date that blood tests will be held. It was indicated by Chairman Kanno that Pierce County Hospital doctors would probably undertake the job of taking blood since the local hospital staff is already overworked.


Area B’s first marriage ceremony was performed last Saturday evening, when Miss Mieki Teraoka was married to Hideo Mori, both of Area B with the Reverend Terao officiating.

The bride, attended by Toyoko Kurokawa and Deanna Tomita, was given away by her brother-in-law, Paul Tomita. Toshizo Mori, brother of the groom, was best man.

Music for the occasion was provided by Tomeo Takayoshi who rendered a vocal selection. A reception and dance followed the ceremony, with music by the Harmonaires.

The Camp Harmony

EDITOR IN CHIEF .......................... Dick Takeuchi
Associate Editor ......................... Dyke Miyagawa
Editorial Assistants ..................... Makiko Takahashi, Taka Oka
Art Editor ............................... Keith Oka
Sports Editor ............................ Kenji Tani
Reporters ................................ Ruth Yoshimoto,
Gertrude Takayama,
Mitsuko Yagi, Hanako Okamoto
Area Correspondents ...................... Tadako Tamura, Kiyo Okawa
Staff Artists ............................ Hisashi Hirai, Eddie Sato

Page 3

One article has been censored on this page.


The Seattle Industrial Labor Union Council, representing thousands of CIO members in Seattle and King County, placed itself on record last week as “unalterably opposed” to Senate Bill 2293, better known as the Stewart Bill.

In communications to Senators Bone and Wallgren of Washington and to the author of the measure, Senator Stewart of Tennessee, A.E. Harding, executive secretary of the council, denounced the bill as “utterly ridiculous” and “contrary to the very principles for which we are waging war.”

The Stewart Bill, now awaiting U.S. Senate action, would empower the Secretary of War to place in custody for the duration of the war all Japanese in the United States, whether aliens or citizens and would in the words of Senator Ball of Minnesota, “put 100,000 American citizens in concentration camps without hearings or anything else.”


If you’re having trouble with your radio, you can have it fixed free of labor costs.

In charge of the new center-wide service are Paul Tsunehara, formerly of Seattle, and Chester Sakura from Eatonville.

Both are experienced radio repair men now working in the Area D Electric Shop.

Sakura explained this week that all a “customer” has to do is fill out a form describing his radio’s ailments and send the form to the D Electric Shop. Forms will be available at all Area information offices.

“We’ll fix the radio for nothing, and we’ll pick it up and deliver it for nothing.” he said.

He added, however, that non-profit charges will have to be made for all necessary parts.


Adequate surgical apparatus has been installed in Camp Harmony’s hospital, and fewer cases calling for major operations are being sent out to outside hospitals, Teru Uno, head nurse, declared today.

Miss Uno pointed out that two successful appendectomies have been performed thus far by center doctors.

Suma Kato, B-3-7 was operated on Tuesday, July 28, and is reported favorably recovering, while Busaku Yuji, D-4-127, operated on July 17, was released from the hospital Thursday.


(Cont’d from pg. 1)
secure another projector so that the center will continue to have its movies.

Meanwhile, Hosokawa revealed that a silent projector may be procured as a temporary measure in order that the younger children may continue to enjoy the pictures as of before.


It’s home to the sea for “Chico” Abe, the Honolulu sailor boy who was the hero of a NEWS-LETTER feature story two issues back.

Through the efforts of his union, “Chico” secured Army permission to leave the center for New York City — his home port since 1940. He left the Puyallup station on the Union Pacific at 4:58 p.m. today.

To the NEWS-LETTER staff members who saw him off, the sea-faring nisei lad confided he had given up trying to develop “land legs” after five weeks of laborious wanderings in the center.

“I guess I was born for the sea,” he said, “and I’m plenty glad I’ll be shipping out again.”

“Chico” also revealed plans of applying for entrance to the United States Maritime Commission school for an engineer’s license.

“But before I do anything else,” he added, “I’m going to get me a job on the Great Lakes, or maybe on a tug or ferry boat in New York harbor, to convince myself that I’m really back on water.”

Page 4


A call was issued this week for clothing menders to volunteer their services in order that old clothing, donated to the JACL emergency defense council before evacuation, may be distributed to the needy in Camp Harmony.

Miss Hisa Kurosaka, supervising the clothes mending program, is presently carrying on the work with a small handful of workers.

“We feel that this is a worthy cause and request the cooperation of every one who is not employed at the present time,” Miss Kurosaka said.

All material is being furnished by the emergency defense council fund.

Those wishing to participate in this work may sign up with Miss Kurosaka at D-1-116 or at the work room, D-5-60.


Overalls and Lil’ Abner boots were in sartorial order for the Roustabout’s Ball held Tuesday night in the D Recreation Hall.

The dance, an invitational affair, was sponsored by the area operation crews.

A hill-billy song was rendered by Tad Kuniyuki and Kazuo Sato while George Taki and his ‘Little Art Theatre’ group enacted several skits during the intermission program M.C.’d by Tom Kinomoto.

Music by the Harmonaires featured Renbo Yoshitomi and his sweet trombone.

“Chick” Ishihara and Terry Kumagai handled the vocals.


The Japanese Advisory Council acknowledges the receipt of a $50 gift from the families of Naokichi Sakamoto and Ichitaro Akita. The respective families of the above deceased wish to thank all who attended the funeral and express appreciation for the many condolences and aid bestowed on them.


The NEWS-LETTER is herewith announcing the end of its protracted and much lamented paper famine.

With the arrival of 160 reams of mimeography paper this week, we can now assure the center of a regular weekly diet of news, editorial comment and features.


Mr. & Mrs. Shigeo Urakawa
July 22, boy, Area C

Mr. & Mrs. Roy Yano
July 22, boy, Area A

Mr. & Mrs. Nachide Koyano
July 21, boy, Area D

Mr. & Mrs. Imayanagita
July 29, boy, Area D

Sadaji Ishibashi, Age 71
July 27 at Pierce County Hospital, Tacoma

Ichitao Akita, Age 39
July 18 at Pierce County Hospital, Tacoma

Naokichi Sakamoto, Age __
Seattle, Washington

Shizuye Kimura, Age 23
July 29, Seattle Wash.

Lois Hiroko Tanabe, D-4-94 to Toshio Taniguchi, Tule Lake, California, July 28.


(Cont’d from pg. 1)
cluding American, German or Japanese planes.

Completed models may be turned in after the August 7 deadline although the entrants will not be eligible for the prizes, according to Seymour Standish, War Commission official.

All models submitted in the contest will become the property of the War Commission and will be used to aid the air wardens of western Washington in distinguishing enemy and friendly craft.


Celebrating the close of school, youngsters of Area A gathered at Pitcher Field yesterday and had a regular picnic of their own.

More than 365 school children and 27 teachers headed by Area Education Director Jeanne Mori participated in the all-day event.

From 9 to 11:15 a.m. the youngsters frolicked on Pitcher Field but with the approach of lunchtime, the youngsters retired to the grassy area to the east of the camp and partook of ice cream, sandwiches, and other picnic standbys.

Highlighting the afternoon program was a kiddie’s story hour which featured a librarian from the Seattle Public Library.

Sanni Kaneko’s flatfooted “bulls” took over the “D” recreation hall Friday with their all-area Policeman’s Ball.

The dance floor was decorated with traffic signs and crowded with the largest attendance at any Camp dance to date.

The coppers did all right on the dance beat according to all reports.

Highlighting Area B’s activities this week was the introduction of Junior Government Day Wednesday.

School children, voting among themselves, elected the following students.

Area Director, Tommy Deguchi; Personnel Manager, Osa Edamura; Morale and Recreation, Roy Osaka; Athletic Officer, Charles Chihara; Education Officer, Setsuko Furumoto; Postal Officer, Tsukasa Kato; Information Officer, Saburo Kusumoto; Operation Manager, Stanly Yamashita; Supply Manager, Tom Mukai; Sanitations Manager, Hideo Watanabe; Chief of Police, Katsumi Koyama; and Chief Fire Marshal, Fujio Suhara.

Page 5



With 20 doubles teams on the firing line, plans are now being formulated to have an inter-area doubles tennis tourney in A this coming Wednesday, August 5.

Yoshito Fujii, who is in charge of tennis in A, announced that the 20 teams will be made up as follows: from A — 9, B — 3, C — 3 and D — 5.

Interest will naturally center on a clash between the two top-seeded doubles pairs in the tourney, the Frank Watanabe – Tom Tsubota duo from D and the highly regarded Yoshito Fujii – Masaru Ohtani couple from A.

Following the doubles tourney on Wednesday, a girls tennis tourney is being planned for either Friday or Saturday, Fujii revealed. In charge will be Hisa Kurosaka of D.


Area A’s Pitcher Field will receive more than its quota of punishment Sunday when 200 “beef-tossers” will boom each other around the in Camp Harmony’s second mammoth sumo “taikai.”

With the junior sumo-toris already having competed in a tourney of their own last Tuesday, Sunday’s event is generally restricted to those over 14.

First matches will begin at 10 a.m. with 9:30 p.m. being the closing time. Chairman Tura Nakamura said the huge field will be divided up into four classes, A, B, C, and D.

Competing in the class A division will be such “loin-cloth strong men” such as Mizuki, Amabe, Fujino, Kurose, Kawahara, Imada, and Morita of A; Yamamoto and Kiyohara of B; Tamura of C; and Yanagimachi, Hirai, Yano, Baba, Kashino, Kasai, Uchida, and Sugiura of D.

As far as team honors go, it will be a battle royal between the A and D “beef trust” with the sumo fans eagerly awaiting a return match between Mits Mizuki of A and “Haribo” Yanagimachi of D.


Area A’s star-studded casaba five laid claim to the camp’s mythical basketball crown this week after it had added D to its roll of victims Thursday, the margin being 37-16. The game results follow:

D — T. Katsuyama (r), B. Nakasone, Y. Kasai, T. Takisaki (2), W. Yanagimachi (3), I. Sakai (1), S. Kashiwagi (2), and F. Watanabe (4).

A — T. Kurimura, H. Daty (4), S. Murao (8), S. Ogishima (4), S. Karikomi (1), M. Fujino (6), D. Itami (2), M. Okazaki (4) and J. Hata (8).


Blasting the white pellet around the tricky terrain of the “K and K Kountry Club” layout for a 18 hole score of 54, Mits Kashiwagi stroked his way to the A flight championship crown during the recent golf tourney held in Area A.

Kashiwagi, who qualified for the final round with a score of 30, was unbeatable in the match play as he posted a 24, three under par, for the first nine holes. His 30 during the second nine hole session gave him a total of 54, three strokes ahead of Sparky Kono who clubbed out a 26-31 score.

Meanwhile Isamu Miyake lashed out a 62, eight over par, to annex the B flight diadem. His nearest rivals were Yone Ota, of Area B and Frank Yoshitake of A.

An unexpectedly large field of 58 divot-diggers turned out for the tourney with eight qualifying for the match plays in each flight.


Feminine divot-diggers of Area A will get a crack at smashing ole man par over the roughs of the “K and K Kountry Club,” with an open tourney slated for Sunday.

Play will begin in the morning with each entrant to tour the nine-hole course twice.

This tourney follows closely on the heels of the recent inter-area men’s golf session.


Showing all-around power, Area’s doubles tennis teams routed the invading C squad in four straight matches Wednesday evening on the A court. The results follow:

Men’s doubles — Y. Fujii-M. Horiuchi (A) d. G.Y. Kurata-H. Hidaka, 7-5; S. Otani-Y. Jitodai (A) d. S. Tai-F. Mizukami, 6-0; N. Tazuma-T. Maki (A) d. N. Hashiguchi-H. Yamada, 7-5.

Women’s doubles — Mary Inouye-Martha Inouye (A) d. Shimizu sisters, 6-5.

Staging a three run outburst in the sixth and final canto, Area D’s highly-touted girls’ softball team racked up a 7-4 win over the A all-star girls squad in an inter-area game played recently on A’s Pitcher Field.

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Steady Masaru Ohtani has beeen seeded number one in Sunday’s open tennis tourney to settle the men’s singles championship of Area A.

Seeded in the number two slot is lanky Mas Horiuchi while Y. Jitodai and Nob Tosaya follow in that order.

Matches will start at 9 a.m., Yoshito Fujii, chair of the tourney, said. The entry list revealed that close to 30 are entered.

A few of the top first round pairings have M. Ohtani pitted against Andy Morimoto, A. Susumi facing Frank Okada, Waston Asaba swinging against Ryoichi Akada, Y. Jitodai paired with T. Maki and Akira Hoshide battling T. Suyama.

Drawing first round byes are Mas Horiuchi, Hiroshi Eguchi, Kenji Okuda, S. Ohtani, and Nob Tosaya.


The NEWS-LETTER wishes to correct an erroneous announcement which appeared on the sports page of the last issue stating that Sunday sports events were prohibited.

The announcement, credited to Richard Weir, WCCA education and recreation director, prohibited only the playing of inter-area games on Sundays which will interfere with church activities.


Area C marshalled its strength on the diamond to break even during its softball and basketball tiffs with A earlier this week.

Spearheading the C attack on the diamond was its girls’ all-star aggregation which smothered the A lassies 14-5 behind the fastball twirling of young Toshiko Wakamatsu. C copped the other softball tilt when its junior boys all-star team edged out A 6-5.

But on the “maple court” it was a different story as A swept both ends of the double bill. In the first game, the A’s second team all-star five raced away to a sparkling 26-17 win while in the nightcap the first team, paced by Dyke Itami and Shig Murao, notched up a close 22-18 win. For the losers Tome Fujii starred.


Area B robbed A from making a clean sweep of their inter-area tri-sports contests Wednesday when they trounced the home team in volleyball.

Area A chalked up victory one of the evening when all-star court quintet rolled back B, 37-27. The home teams continued its winning way when the junior boys and the old men’s softball aggregations registered a twin killing, the scores being 5-0 and 10-5 respectively.

But B reversed its form on the volleyball court with their three girls’ teams taking two matches out of three, and the boys duplicating it.

Although B was able to take four out of six volleyball matches, it was unable to defeat either the A’s married women’s or the all-star first teams which had previously defeated the B teams on their home ground.


With announcement by Royal Brougham of the P-I that he had another baseball film available, Athletic Director Chick Uno announced this week that he had forwarded an application to have the film screened in here in the near future.

The first baseball films shown in here recently had six showings, playing before an estimated 2,700 persons.


Before a huge crowd of 1,500 which packed every corner of Area D’s outdoor boxing bowl last Thursday, a hardy band of leather-pushers from B fell a 4-3 victim to the home team.

What the boys lacked in skill, they made up in gameness as the fight fans saw plenty of leather-throwing. George Morihiro, 110, drew first blood for the B team when he hammered out a decision over Taun Kawako, 98.

But Katsy Miya, 118, of D knotted the count when he stopped Augie Aratani, 118, in the first round. However, Harry Morisaki, 122, came back for B to fashion a win over “Chico” Abe.

D went ahead 3-2 when Sab Kanemitsu, 125, and Hideo Onoda, 143, slugged out decisions over Ben Deguchi, 125, and Yutaka Habu, 137, respectively.

After Hiro Uchida, 159 of D and George Morisaki, 149, had tangled to a draw, Bako Kinoshita, 142, won for the invaders when he decisioned Yas Onoda, 142. But in the final and deciding bout of the team match, Frank Tsuboi, 155, of D scored a decisive one-round win over “Boobsy” Yamaoka, 155.