Camp Harmony News Letter
Vol. 1 No. 5 — Puyallup, Wash. — June 2, 1942
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Camp Harmony’s newly organized twelve-piece orchestra, the Harmonaires, will play once a week in each of the four areas. This week’s schedule is as follows: Tuesday, Area B; Wednesday, Area A; Friday, Area C; Saturday, Area D.
The band, led by Koichi Hayashi is comprised of Terry Kumagai, Mas Tomita, Ben Ninomiya, trumpets; Roy Yoshitomi, Henry Suzuki, trombones; Yosh Tomita, George Ogata, Kaoru Kitayama, Thomas Sasaki, saxaphones; Mary Amano, piano; Yoichi Ito, guitar; Joe Owaki, drums. Featured soloist is violinist, Louie Sato, and vocalists, Terry Kumagai and Koichi Hayashi.
Hayashi said the band was looking for girl vocalists and asked girls interested apply to him.
In response to the name to replace the News-Letter contest, some 30 odd, in fact very odd, names were submitted. They are now being judged by the staff and the name judged best-fitted to this publication will replace the “News-Letter”. The originator of the name will be awarded a prize.
Some of the names submitted are, the Camp Harmony – Bugle, Clarion, Gazette, Whistle, Notes, and Abalone.
Names for the paper may still be submitted at the Publication’s office in Camp Headquarters under Area D’s north grandstand.
Pension checks may be cashed at Area D Headquarters.
An exceptionally bright picture of the Tulelake Relocation project was spread throughout Camp Harmony this week. Letters received from members of this advance crew which left here last week described an unusally attractive situation at the Northern California center.
Tom Uyeno of Seattle, who headed the local detachment, reported to headquarters that there is freedom of movement within the camp which runs a mile one way and a mile and a half the other.
There is plenty of space for athletics, he wrote, while accommodations re excellent. Rooms are almost twice as large as those here, and each has at least five windows. Walls are insulated.
Food is served family style with eight to a table, and there is no waiting in line nor limit on quantity, Uyeno pointed out.
Work is now being assigned to all men. The Army is to administer the camp until relocation is completed, Uyeno’s letter stated.
The camp is divided into blocks of 64 families, four families to a building. Each block is served by two women’s rest rooms, one man’s rest room, one mess hall, a recreational hall, laundry room and ironing room.
“Typhoid shots will be given only on the days announced and they are absolutely necessary, ” Miss Teru Uno, nurse, said. “It is the responsibility of each individual to see that he gets all three shots for his protection.”
The hospital staff will give the shots from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Area D; Thursday, Areas B and C; Friday, Area A.
Visiting at the hospital in Area D will be confined to family members.
Spiking all rumors of a mass removal to Tulelake, George Inouye, Area A Relocation officer, reiterated that the sign-up for the Tulelake relocation center is unofficial and is being conducted only for convenience in the event the government issues a call for more volunteers.
Of the 640 families in Area A 300 families have already signed up.
Coupon books, which will be used in place of cash at area canteens, will be sold at the money order office in each area this week. The canteens are expected to open after coupon sales are completed, it was learned today from WCCA headquarters.
Sales of the books will begin Wednesday afternoon for Area B, Thursday for Area C, Friday for D and Saturday for Area A. Coupon books will cost $2.50 each and each family will be allowed to buy as many books as required.
Canteen officials warned that if coupons are detached from the books they will not be accepted.
It was indicated that supplies, temporarily at least, will be limited in quantity due to the government’s curtailment of delivery services. The exact date for opening of the canteens has not yet been set.
Service coupons issued to workers will also be accepted.
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Tulelake volunteers, who left Camp Harmony recently, were welcomed as pioneers of the North California colony by Elmer S. Shirrel, acting project director. Shirrel stated, in an information bulletin from Tulelake, that the aim of colonists would be to raise food to aid in the country’s war effort. The valley, according to Shirrel, is fertile and well-adapted to farming.
“Colonists” were applied for recreational work, warden duty, social service work, nursery school work, newspaper work and block managing.
The educational program envisages elementary and high schools by fall, according to the bulletin. Training courses for nursing school teachers and adult education classes will be opened this summer.
A community enterprise section, such as community stores, gardens and theatre to be used for both motion pictures and recreational purposes, has been established for Tulelake colonists.
Frank Tanabe, the News-Letter’s Tulelake correspondent, edited the colony’s first newspaper on his second day in camp. Headlining the Tulelake paper was a fire in the administration staff apartment, and also the work of the colonists in repairing damage to the lake levees caused by heavy winds.
Dental cases should be reported to first aid stations in their areas, and dentists will determine whether work can be done there or at the hospital, Dr. Robert Higashida said.
Three dentists go daily to Area A, two to B, two to C and three to D.
The “Harmonaires”, newly formed nisei band led by Koichi Hayashi, will make their Area “A” debut tomorrow evening at Mess hall #4 with dancing scheduled from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The Wednesday dance classes have been shifted to Saturday from 7 to 9 p.m. for this week. —–
Area D’s library, with more than 500 books and magazines donated by the Seattle Public Library and the University Christian Church, will be opened sometime next week, Margaret Echigoshima, educational director, said yesterday.
William Makino will be head librarian with Mrs. Yoshi Hosokawa and Miss Toshiko Baba as assistants.
Old comic books may be donated to the library.
This week noted an important change in the Area C administrative force with Tom Arai taking over the Area directorship. In his absence Area administration had been headed by Teruji Umino. Umino has taken over the office of Personnel Manager and Headquarters Commandant.
Educational classes for the 9-12 year old group in Area C was started last Monday with Mrs. Mary Kozu as head, and will meet from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. daily except Sunday in Mess halls No. 1 and 2. The teaching staff includes Kimiko Okazaki, spelling and penmanship; Thomas Okabe, science and mathematics; Mrs. Mary Kozu, English and composition; Nobutake Iko, geography and history; and Chie Watanabe, music.
Kindergarten classes for the 3-4-5 age group as well as a primary group for the 6-7-8 year old youngsters were organized last week. Two hour classes are held every morning except Sundays in the mess halls.
“Recreation will be a full time program by the end of the week,” Bob Hosokawa, Recreation and Morale officer, said yesterday. He is concentrating now on a entertainment program for isseis, with a meeting scheduled in a few days to discuss music and folk dances.
A movie, first of a series, was shown in Area B last week by Mr. Floyd W. Schmoe.
The Harmonaires will play for the beginners’ classes every Monday and Thursday from 3 to 5 p.m. at the recreation hall in Area D. Howard Sakura is in charge of these dance classes.
Go and shogi sessions for all issei men are held daily from 9 a.m. to 8:45 p.m. in the room behind the bakery hall, [end of sentence illegible].
[the name in the article is spelled both Norisado and Norisada]
Funeral services for Mrs. Tome Norisado, 58, formerly of Fife, were held last Friday, May 29, at Dormitory B in Area D with the attendance of more than 400 people. Mrs. Norisada died at Pierce County hospital on May 27 following an operaton for stomach ulcers.
Mrs. Norisado was taken to the Tacoma hospital on May 17, two days after she arrival [sic] here, and was operated on May 20.
She is survived by her son, Tom, and two daughters, Dorothy and Norma.
The body was taken to the Tacoma Cemetery by the Buckley King undertakers, accompanied by Norio Kasai, Makoto Kibe and the family of the deceased.
Otsuya services were conducted by the Rev. T. Machida. Chief Chaplain T. Kobayashi and Area Chaplain Shizuo Yamada arranged the funeral.