New, Thinking, Agile, and Patriotic was created by Linda Di Biase, Collection Development Librarian at the University of Washington while she was Acting South Asian Studies Librarian. However, the inspiration for this project was longtime UW South Asian Studies Librarian Irene Joshi, who several years ago began collecting information on Asian Indian students at the University in the early 20th century. Initial research assistance for this project was provided by Andrew Bauck. Hana Levay gave additional research support and was responsible for digitization and Web site design. Deepa Banerjee, current South Asian Studies Librarian, assisted with orthography questions.
Other Libraries staff members who assisted include Nicolette Bromberg, Special Collections; Ann Graham, Digital Initiatives; and the ever-helpful interlibrary borrowing staff of UWorld Express.
If you have any questions or comments about this website please contact Linda Di Biase at: [email protected].