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Bibliography of Seattle Strikes

Berner, Richard. C. Seattle in the Twentieth Century. Seattle: Charles Press, 1991-.

Brecher, Jeremy. Strike! Boston: South End Press, 1997.

Demirel, Sinan. The Roots of Large-Scale Collective Action: Tacoma and the Seattle General Strike. M.A. thesis, University of Washington, 1995.

Frank, Dana. Purchasing Power : Consumer Organizing, Gender, and the Seattle Labor Movement, 1919-1929. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Frank, Dana. “Race Relations and the Seattle Labor Movement, 1915-1929.” Pacific Northwest Quarterly 86 (1994-1995): 35-44.

Friedheim, Robert L. The Seattle General Strike. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1964.

Larrowe, Charles P. Shape-Up and Hiring Hall: A Comparison of Hiring Methods and Labor Relations on the New York and Seattle Waterfronts. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1955.

Levi, Margaret and David Olson. “The Battles in Seattle.” Politics & Society 28(3): 309-329.

Magden, Ronald L. A History of Seattle Waterfront Workers. Seattle: International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union 19 of Seattle and the Washington Commission for the Humanities, 1991.

Markholt, Ottilie. Maritime Solidarity: Pacific Coast Unionism, 1929-1938. Tacoma: Pacific Coast Maritime History Committee, 1999.

Strouthous, Andrew. US Labor and Political Action, 1918-24 : A Comparison of Independent Political Action in New York, Chicago, and Seattle. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000.

Willis, Terry R. Unemployed Citizens of Seattle, 1900-1933: Hulet Wells, Seattle Labor, and the Struggle for Economic Security. Ph.D., University of Washington 1997.