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No region has a more dramatic and consequential labor history than the Pacific Northwest. The Labor Archives of Washington (LAW) was founded in 2010 to preserve and make accessible the records of working people and their unions, documenting the local, national, and international dimensions of the labor movement in this region.

The Labor Archives is a collaborative project of the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies and the University of Washington Libraries. Funding for the Archives comes largely from the labor movement. The contributions of dozens of unions and hundreds of individuals make this possible (see Founders Circle information).


    Labor Archives Advisory Committee

    The Labor Archives is a unit of the Special Collections Division of the University of Washington Libraries. It is guided by an Advisory Board drawn from labor, academic, and community leaders of Washington State.


    Michael McCann, Committee Co-Chair

      Professor of Political Science
      University of Washington

    Lisa Oberg, Committee Co-Chair

      Interim Director of Special Collections
      University of Washington Libraries

    James Gregory

    Professor of History
    University of Washington

    Anne Jenner

    Pacific Northwest Curator
    Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries

    Ian Kennedy

    Past President, International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local 52

    Terri Mast

    Secretary Treasurer
    Inlandboatmen’s Union of the Pacific

    Eugene Vrana

    Director of Educational Services (Retired)
    International Longshore and Warehouse Union

    Robin Walker

    Director of Educational Services, Librarian
    International Longshore and Warehouse Union