10 – 10:05 AM | Welcome and Opening Remarks |
10:05 – 10:45 AM | Keynote Lecture and Q&A: Matt Rogers, Climate Impacts Group |
10:45 AM-11:15 AM | Lightning Talks Group One (Graduate Students) & Break |
11:15 – 11:40 AM | Lightning Talks Group Two (Geography Undergraduates) |
11:40 AM – 12 PM | Lightning Talks Group Three (Undergraduate Students) |
Matt Rogers is a research scientist with the Climate Impacts Group at the University of Washington, specializing in the latest data and data science methods for analyzing climate projection data. Matt holds both a B.S. in Atmospheric Science from the University of Washington and M.S. in Meteorology from the University of Oklahoma.
Matt will be presenting on a web tool recently released by the Climate Impacts Group to help local governments plan for climate change impacts: the Climate Mapping for a Resilient Washington tool (or CMRW). Matt will detail the problem that this tool is designed to address, the methods used to address it, and highlight additional features that are unique to this tool that set it apart from others that are similar to it.
Lightning Talks
Group One: Graduate Students
Zhaowen Guo and Chenyue Cao, Political Science and Public Policy
Farewell Victoria: Quantifying the Value of Foreign Names
Brett Halperin, Human Centered Design & Engineering
Temporal Tensions in Digital Story Mapping for Housing Justice: Rethinking Time and Technology in Community-Based Design
Caitlin Guerin, UW Professional and Continuing Education
Potential Location Assessment of Current and Estuarine Surveys (PLACES) for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Group Two: Geography Undergraduates
Soogil Sun, Sadiiq Mohamed, and Anirit Bansal, Geography
Reducing Customs and Border Protection’s 100-mile enforcement zone in Washington State
Crystal Tan, Geography
Comparing Rail Transit in Seattle WA and Singapore
Samuel Affolder, Geography
American First Time Sub-4 Minute Miles
Zoe Belland, Geography and Political Science
Radical Urban Farming: An Abolitionist Ecology
Group Three: Undergraduates
Brandy Eckman, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Habitat Fragmentation Via Roads in King County
Ruby Leotta, Earth and Space Sciences
Changes to the Shoreline of Mud Bay, Bellingham, Washington
Anjali Manoj, Earth and Space Sciences
Deep Seated Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of the Hoh River Watershed