Find course reserves, articles, good reads, study abroad, ESL, and the Odegaard circulating book collection.
New Books Display, 1st floor
Course Reserves Locate materials on reserve for your class in a UW Library. (Odegaard Course Reserves 2nd floor)
Student Directed Course Reserves Students request required textbooks for placement on Course Reserves.
Find Articles Tools for discovering citations (sometimes full-text to articles and other materials for downloading or printing.
Good Reads Collection of popular fiction, graphic novels, and topical nonfiction books
Game Collection Collection of tabletop, board, and roleplaying games
Study Abroad Travel guides, language learning materials, such as the Pimsleur language program, and other travel resources. (2nd floor)
ESL Resources Recommended resources for English Language Program students and teachers. (2nd floor)
Odegaard Main Book Collection A – Z located 3rd (top) floor of the library.