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Odegaard Library Tabling and Pop-up Event Policy and Procedures


Odegaard Library welcomes tabling and pop-up event requests from University of Washington departments and groups whose goal is to raise awareness of services that support the academic success, health, and wellbeing of undergraduate students at the UW. Examples of previous groups that have tabled in Odegaard include: LiveWell, Community Standards and Social Conduct, Student Legal Services, UW Resilience Lab, Forefront Suicide Prevention, and UW Libraries. You may also use this form to submit requests for donation boxes, music in the library, or other events that make use of general library space.


  • The primary purpose of the event should be to raise awareness of services and resources that are available to all students, without additional fees, credits, or contracts, or to help students connect with one another and engage with their communities.
  • Events must abide by the Libraries Code of Conduct, including no selling, soliciting, or fundraising.
  • Events should not be intended for recruitment purposes.


To request a tabling or pop-up event, please fill out this request form.

Resources for Registered Student Organizations (RSOs):

The HUB provides tabling space and supplies for RSOs. Additional info can be found here.


  • For more information, please contact Odegaard Library Administration at [email protected].
  • You can also visit a service desk or ask us!