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Japanese American Incarceration: A Selected Bibliography of Works Held at the University of Washington Libraries

Background readings on Japanese Americans and Incarceration

De Nevers, Klancy Clark. The Colonel and the Pacifist: Karl Bendetsen, Perry Saito, and the Incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2004.
Suzzallo General Stacks
D769.8.A6 D44 2004


Daniels, Roger. Concentration camps, North America : Japanese in the United States and Canada during World War II . Malabar, Fla. : R.E. Krieger Pub. Co., 1981.
Special Collections, PNW collection, Odegaard Undergraduate Library
D769.8 A6 D35 1981


Hayashi, Brian Masaru. Democratizing the Enemy: The Japanese American Internment. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004.
Suzzallo General Stacks
D769.8.A6 H39 2004


Wilson, Robert Arden. East to America : a history of the Japanese in the United States. New York : Morrow, 1980.
East Asia Library of Congress, Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks, Undergraduate General Stacks
E184.J3 W54


Takami, David. Executive Order 9066 : 50 years before and 50 years after : a history of Japanese Americans in Seattle. [Seattle, Wash.]: Wing Luke Asian Museum, 1992.
Special Collections PNW collection, Undergraduate General Stacks, UW- Tacoma Lib. Stacks
F899.S49 J38 1992


Conrat, Maisie.Executive order 9066: the internment of 110,000 Japanese Americans. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press for the California Historical Society [1972].
Special Collections PNW collection
D769.8.A6 C3


United States. Army. Western Defense Command and Fourth Army. Final report, Japanese evacuation from the West coast, 1942. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1943.
Government Publications
Supt. of Docs. no.: W 2.2:J 27.
Special Collections PNW collection
979 Un3158f
Suzzallo General Stacks
940.5472 Un3f


Magden, Ronald. Furusato: Tacoma-Pierce County Japanese 1888-1988. Tacoma, Wash.: R-4 Printing, Inc., c1998.
Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks
F900.J35 M25 1998


Kitano, Harry H.L. Generations and identity : the Japanese American. Needham Heights, MA : Ginn Press, c1993.
Special Collections PNW collection
E184.J3 K496 1993


Girdner, Audrie. The great betrayal; the evacuation of the Japanese-Americans during World War II. [New York] Macmillan [1969]
Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks, Undergraduate General Stacks
D769.8.A6 G5


Yoo, David. Growing up Nisei : race, generation, and culture among Japanese Americans of California, 1924-49. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000.
Suzzallo General Stacks, Undergraduate General Stacks, UW Bothell, UW Tacoma
F870.J3 Y66 2000


Fukei, Budd. The Japanese American story. Minneapolis : Dillon Press, 1976
Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks, Undergraduate General Stacks
E184.J3 F84


Fugita, Stephen. Japanese American ethnicity : the persistence of community. Seattle : University of Washington Press, c1991.
Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks, East Asia Library, UW-Tacoma Lib. Stacks
E184.J3 F78 1991


O’’Brien, David J .The Japanese American experience. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c1991
East Asia Library of Congress, Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks, UW-Bothell Lib. Stacks, UW-Tacoma Lib. Stacks
E184.J3 O27 1991


Kashima, Tesuden. Judgment without Trial: Japanese American Imprisonment during World War II. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Suzzallog General Stacks, Special Collections PNW collection
D769.8.A6 K37 2003


Irons, Peter H. Justice at war. New York : Oxford University Press, 1983
Suzzallo General Stacks, Undergraduate General Stacks
KF7224.5 .I76 1983


Hosokawa, Bill. Nisei : the quiet Americans : the story of a people. Niwot, Colo. : University Press of Colorado, c1992
Special Collections PNW collection
E184.J3 H62 1992

United States. Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians. Personal justice denied : report of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians : report for the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs by George Miller, chairman. Washington : U.S. Government .Printing.Office, 1992.
Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks, UW-Bothell Lib. Stacks
D769.8.A6 U39 1997
Government Pub Stacks
US Y 3.W19/10:J 98


Sherman, Mark and George Katagiri, eds. Touching the stones : tracing one hundred years of Japanese American history. Portland, Or. : Oregon Nikkei Endowment, 1994
Special Collections PNW collection
D769.8.A6 T68 1994


What did the internment of Japanese Americans mean?: readings. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2000.
Suzzallo General Stacks, Undergraduate General Stacks, UW-Bothell Library
D769.8.A6 W53 2000


Pak, Yoon K. Wherever I Go, I Will Always Be a Loyal American: Schooling Seattle’s Japanese Americans during World War II. New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2002.
Suzzallo General Stacks
LC3175.S43 P35 2002


Okihiro, Gary Y. Whispered silences : Japanese Americans and World War II. Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1996
Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks, UW-Bothell Lib. Stacks
D769.8.A6 O36 1996


Weglyn, Mich. Years of infamy : the untold story of America’s concentration camps. Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1996
Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks, UW-Bothell Lib. Stacks
D769.8.A6 W43 1996

Life in the Incarceration Camps

Tateishi, John, ed. And justice for all : an oral history of the Japanese American detention camps. New York : Random House, c1984
Suzzallo General Stacks, Undergraduate General Stacks
D769.8.A6 A67 1984


Gesensway, Deborah. Beyond words : images from America’s concentration camps . Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1987
Suzzallo General Stacks, Undergraduate General Stacks
D805.U5 G47 1987


Okubo, Mine. Citizen 13660. Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1983.
East Asia Library of Congress, Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks, Undergraduate General Stacks
D805 .U504 1983


Uchida, Yoshiko. Desert exile : the uprooting of a Japanese American family. Seattle : University of Washington Press, c1982.
Children’s Literature General Stacks, East Asia Library of Congress, Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks, Undergraduate General Stacks
D769.8.A6 U25


Egami, Hatsuye. The evacuation diary of Hatsuye Egami. Pasadena, CA : Intentional Productions, 1995
Suzzallo General Stacks
E184.J3 E33 1995


Leighton, Alexander H. The governing of men; general principles and recommendations based on experience at a Japanese relocation camp. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1945
Social Work General Stacks, Suzzallo General Stacks
940.5472 L533g
Special Collections PNW collection
979 L533g
Undergraduate General Stacks, East Asia Library of Congress
D805.U5 L4 1968


Mackey, Mike. Heart Mountain: life in Wyoming’s concentration camp. Powell, Wyo.: Western History Publications, c2000.
Suzzallo General Stacks
D769.8.A6 M23 2000


United States. War Relocation Authority. Impounded people; Japanese-Americans in the relocation centers. Tucson, University of Arizona Press [1969]
Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks
D769.8.A6 A5


The Japanese American internment, 1942-45 : a lesson from recent history. [prepared by Japanese American Internment Instructional Unit Committee and the National Pacific/Asia Resource Center on Aging]. Olympia, WA: Superintendent of Public Instruction, [1983]
Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks
D769.8.A6 J36 1983


Adams, Ansel. Manzanar. Commentary by John Hersey; compiled by John Armor & Peter Wright. [New York] : Times Books, 1988.
Social Work General Stacks, Special Collections PNW COLLECTION, Undergraduate General Stacks
D769.8.A6 A63 1988


May sky : there is always tomorrow : an anthology of Japanese American concentration camp kaiko haiku. Compiled, translated, and prefaced by Violet Kazue de Cristoforo. Los Angeles : Sun & Moon Press, 1997.
Suzzallo General Stacks
PL782.E3 M39 1997


Sone, Monica Itoi. Nisei daughter. Seattle : University of Washington Press, [1979] c1953
Special Collections PNW collection, East Asia Library; Undergraduate Library stack
F899.S49 J376 1979


United States. War Relocation Authority. Publications of the War Relocation Authority [microform] : arranged by SuDocs numbers, 1942-1946.
Microforms Newspapers
Microfilm A6945, 3 microfilm reels


The View from within : Japanese American art from the internment camps, 1942- 1945 . An exhibition at the Wight Art Gallery October 13 through December 6, 1992. Pub. Info.: [Los Angeles, Calif.] : Japanese American National Museum Seattle : Distributed by University of Washington Press, 1994
Special Collections PNW collection, UW-Bothell Lib. Stacks, UW-Tacoma Lib. Stacks
N6538.J3 V54 1994

Return and Redress

Shimabukuro, Robert Sadamu. Born in Seattle: the campaign for Japanese American redress. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2001.
Suzzallo General Stacks
D819.U6 S45 2001


Daniels, Roger, Sandra C. Taylor and Harry H.L. Kitano, eds. Japanese Americans, from relocation to redress. Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1991.
Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks, Undergraduate General Stacks, UW-Tacoma Lib. Stacks
D769.8.A6 J364 1991


Irons, Peter, ed. Justice delayed : the record of the Japanese American internment cases. Middleton, Conn. : Wesleyan University Press, 1989
Special Collections PNW collection, Undergraduate General Stacks
KF7224.5 .J87 1989


McClain, Charles, ed. The mass internment of Japanese Americans and the quest for legal redress. New York : Garland, 1994.
Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks, UW-Tacoma Lib. Stacks
D769.8.A6 M33 1994


Okada, John. No-no boy; a novel. Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1979
Special Collections PNW collection, UW-Tacoma Lib. Stacks, East Asia Library of Congress, Suzzallo General Stacks
PS3529.K33 N6 1976


Broom, Leonard. Removal and return; the socio-economic effects of the war on Japanese Americans. Berkeley, University of California Press [1973, c1949].
Suzzallo General Stacks, Undergraduate General Stacks
D769.8.A6 B78 1949a


Hohri, William Minoru. Repairing America: an account of the movement for Japanese-American redress. Pullman, Wash. : Washington State University Press, 1988 c1984
Special Collections PNW collection
D769.8.A6 H64 1988


Hatamiya, Leslie T. Righting a wrong: Japanese Americans and the passage of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1993.
Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks, Undergraduate General Stacks
D769.8.A6 H38 1993


Myer, Dillon S. Uprooted Americans; the Japanese Americans and the War Relocation Authority during World War II. Tucson, University of Arizona Press [1971].
East Asia Library of Congress, Special Collections PNW collection, Suzzallo General Stacks
D769.8.A6 M9


After Silence
Media Center – Videorecord FOXG 001
Beyond barbed wire: untold stories of American courage
Media Center – Videorecord NAATA 010
Children of the camps: a documentary and educational project
Media Center – Videorecord NAATA 004
Conscience and the Constitution
Media Center – Videorecord TMC 002
Of Civil Rights and Wrongs: The Fred Korematsu Story
Media Center – Videorecord NAATA 020
A Personal matter: Gordon Hirabayashi versus the United States
Media Center – Videorecord CCM 021
Rabbit in the Moon
Media Center – Videorecord NDF 024
Visible target
Media Center – Videorecord WBT 008
When You’re Smiling
Media Center – Videorecord UCEMC 38541