All segments of the Japanese American Exhibit and Access project are copyrighted by the University of Washington Libraries. The project may be used online or parts of it downloaded for personal use or the URL included in another electronic document.
- Camp Harmony Exhibit
Most of the material for the exhibit is available in the University of Washington Libraries: Manuscripts and University Archives Division, Special Collections and Preservation Division and Microforms and Newspapers Collection. Additional material came from the Museum of History and Industry, Seattle, Washington and the Hoover Institution Archives. The University of Washington Press gave permission to provide the chapter from Nisei Daughter.The exhibition curator is Theresa Mudrock.
Additional help with scanning, identifying documents and OCR provided by Rachel Davies and Wendy Bagwell Cleary. Calligraphy used in the exhibit banner provided by Shigeko Podgorny. Proofreading provided by Mary Whiting and Glenda Pearson.
Editorial comments and corrections provided by Dr. Louis Fiset.
Please send comments and corrections to Theresa Mudrock ([email protected]).
- Archival Guides
Two University of Washington graduate students, Wendy Bagwell Cleary and Rachel Davies mounted the finding aids on the web with the support of staff of the Manuscripts and University Archives Division. - Bibliography
The bibliography compiled by Carla Rickerson, Pacific Northwest Librarian and updated by Theresa Mudrock. - Canadian Experience
Introduction by Linda Di Biase, Collection Development Librarian, UW Libraries; bibliography compiled by Linda Di Biase and Douglas Yancey.Page designed by Douglas Yancey