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Instructions to All Japanese Living on Bainbridge Island

Instructions to All Japanese Living on Bainbridge Island. In American concentration camps: a documentary history of the relocation and incarceration of Japanese Americans, 1942-1945. New York: Garland, 1989.

Instructions to All Japanese Living on Bainbridge Island

All Japanese persons, both alien and nonalien, will be evacuated from this area by twelve noon, Monday, March 30, 1942.

No Japanese person will be permitted to leave or enter Bainbridge Island after 9:00 a.m., March 24, 1942, without obtaining special permission from the Civil Control Office established on this island near the ferryboat landing at the Anderson Dock Store in Winslow.

The Civil Control Office is equipped to assist the Japanese population affected by this evacuation in the following ways:

  1. Give advice and instructions on the evacuation.
  2. Provide services with respect to the management, leasing, sale, storage, or other dispostion of most kinds of property, including farms, livestock and farm equipment, boats, tools, household goods, automobiles, etc.
  3. Provide temporary residence for all Japanese in family groups, elsewhere.
  4. Transport persons and a limited amount of clothing and equipment to their new residence, as specified below.
  5. Give medical examinations and make provision for all invalided persons affected by the evacuation order.
  6. Give special permission to individuals and families who are able to leave the area and proceed to an approved destination of their own choosing on or prior to March 29, 1942.

The following instructions must be observed:

  1. A responsible member of each family, preferably the head of the family, or person in whose name most of the property is held, and each individual living alone, will report to the Civil Control Office to receive further instruction. This must be done between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 25, 1942.
  2. Before leaving the area all persons will be given a medical examination. For this purpose all members of the family should be present at the same time when directed by the Civil Control Office.
  3. Under special conditions, individuals and families will be permitted to leave the area prior to the date for complete evacuation indicated above. In general conditions imposed on voluntary evacuation are as follows: (a) That the destination be outside of Military Area No. 1, prescribed by Proclamation No. 1 of the Commanding General, Western Defense Command and Fourth Army, March 2, 1942; (b) That arrangements have been made for employment and shelter at the destination.
  4. Provisions have been made to give temporary residence in a reception center elsewhere. Evacuees who do not go to an approved destination of their own choice, but who go to a reception center under Government supervision, must carry with them the following property, not exceeding that which can be carried by the family or individual:
    1. Blankets and linens for each member of the family;
    2. Toilet articles for each member of the family;
    3. Clothing for each member of the family;
    4. Sufficient knives, forks, spoons, plates, bowls, and cups for each member of the family;
    5. All items carried will be securely packaged, tied, and plainly marked with the name of the owner and numbered in accordance with instructions received at the Civil Control Office;
    6. No contraband items may be carried.
  5. The United States Government through its agencies will provide for storage at the sole risk of the owner of only the more substantial household items, such as ice boxes, washing machines, pianos, and other heavy furniture. Cooking utensils and other small items must be crated, packed, and plainly marked with the name and address of the owner. Only one name and address will be used by a given family.
  6. Each family and individual living alone who goes to a reception center will be furnished transportation and food for the trip. Transportation by private means will not be permitted. Instructions will be given by the Civil Control Office as to when evacuees must be fully prepared to travel.


Go to the Civil Control Office at the Anderson Dock Store in Winslow between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on March 25, 1942, to receive further instructions.

J.L. DeWitt
Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Commanding