Elizabeth Bayley Willis Papers. Box 1. Manuscripts and University Archives, UW Libraries.
May 28, 1942
Dear Mrs. Willis
The letters I’ve written to you are the first real attempts I’ve made to write letters. I used to think letter writing was very hard but when you really know the person it isn’t so hard. I hope you don’t mind my writing so many letters but it’s something to occupy my time. It was good to hear from you again.
Everyone seems happy and well contented. The children are always playing baseball or some other sort of game. They’ve made basketball courts and a volley-ball court on which we play and have much fun. All in all they have the place pretty well organized.
Nearly every night the man who sleeps in the next room snores. He snores so loudly that sometimes I can’t get to sleep for quite a while. I try to beat him to sleep but usually he beats me. It isn’t agony but it’s terrible and yet it’s funny. As some would say, he saws wood. Occasionally he comes to a knot and bzzz bzzzzzz.
I’ve tried writing something everyday but without much success. It’s been so long since I’ve done it that it’s very hard. Occasionally I put down some ideas about my hobby. Lincoln said that ideas are made of fleeting things and I find it very true.
Yes, it is true that one doesn’t appreciate what he has until he has been deprived of them. I miss many things but it’s no use to become sordid over it so I make the best of what is at hand. One thing I learned is that what one is doing is best for him, provided that it is worth while. There may be better things but I find that if you do go to the better things, you’ll wish you were back where you were. Even now I feel that what I am going through is best for me at the time because I’m learning something. This may sound as if one should not look for advancement and success, but I don’t mean that.
The only way I know of that you can come out to see us is to meet us at the gate. The only trouble is that there may be some difficulty in locating us once you get here.
A pupil