Higano Family Papers, Acc. 2870, Box 1, folders 9-11. University of Washington Libraries: Manuscripts, Special Collections, University Archives.
Kenji Okuda wrote a number of letters to his friend Norio Higano during 1942 and 1943. Higano was studying at the University of Chicago and at Washington University in St. Louis during this period. A finding guide to the Higano Family Papers is available online.
- April 4, 1942
- May 12, 1942
- May 30, 1942
- June 24, 1942
- July 10, 1942
- August 3, 1942
- August 27, 1942
- September 14, 1942
- November 7, 1942
- December 11, 1942
- March 8, 1943
- March 28, 1943
- April 29, 1943
- June 10, 1943
- July 15, 1943
- September 4, 1943
- December 28, 1943
Ring Family Papers, Acc. 4241, Box 1, folder 13. University of Washington Libraries: Manuscripts, Special Collections, University Archives.
Kenji Okuda wrote a number of letters to Eleanor Ring and her parents. Eleanor Ring was a classmate at the University of Washington and was active in the YWCA. A finding guide to the Ring Family Papers is available online.
- June 2, 1942
- July 26, 1942
- November 9, 1942
- December 20, 1942
- January 6, 1943
- September 20, 1944
- June 9, 1945
Mary Farquharson Papers, Acc. 397-5, Box 1. University of Washington Libraries: Manuscripts, Special Collections, University Archives.
A finding guide to the Mary Farquharson Papers is available online.