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Pacific Northwest Sheet Music

from the Ashford Collection

Data Dictionary date: April 28, 2004; Updated: November 2, 2005 (changes in bold)

Project Lead: Judy Tsou

Metadata Liaisons: Kathleen Forsythe and Cathy Gerhart


Complete Score Record:

Project element

DC mapping

Authority file



Title: Searchable, public; required

Cover title of score.

Caption title

Title: Searchable, public

Caption title of score.

Other title

Title: Searchable, public

Any other title not covered by specific field names.


Creator: Searchable, public


Input last name, first name. If there is more than one name, separate with <br>.

Uniform title

Title: Searchable, public


Use for generic titles that need additional qualification, i.e., key, opus, etc.


Creator: Searchable, public


Input last name, first name. If there is more than one name, separate with <br>.


Creator: Searchable, public


Input last name, first name. If there is more than one name, separate with <br>.

Performer, Original

Creator: Searchable, public


Name of individual or performing group that made this piece popular. Input last name, first name. If there is more than one name, separate with <br>.

Performer, Audio file



Leave blank in record for score.

Performance description



Leave blank in record for score.

Original copyright holder

Rights: Searchable, public


Person or organization holding copyright for score. Only fill in when different from publisher.

Audio file copyright holder

Rights: Non-searchable, public


All records: Audio file copyrighted by the University of Washington. Include on main record for the score and sound clip record.


Publisher: Searchable, public



Place of publication

Publisher: Searchable, public


Place of publication. In the form United States — Washington (State) — Seattle so searchable across databases.

Date of publication

Date: Searchable, public


Year of publication.

Earliest Date

None: Non-searchable, staff only hidden field; required


Reflects the Date field. If the date is a single year, it is the same in both the Date and the Earliest Date fields. If the date in the Date field is a “circa” date (e.g. ca. 1895), the Earliest Date field contains the first date in the date range, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY, or YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD as needed).

If the Date field reads “1940,”: Earliest Date: 1940
If the Date field reads “ca. 1910,”: Earliest Date: 1905

Latest Date

None: Non-searchable, staff only hidden field; required


Reflects the Date field. If the date is a single year, it is the same in both the Date and the Latest Date fields. If the date in the Date field is a “circa” date (e.g. ca. 1895), the Latest Date field contains the first date in the date range, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY, or YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD as needed).

If the Date field reads “1940,”: Latest Date: 1940
If the Date field reads “ca. 1910,”: Latest Date: 1915

Performance medium

Description: Searchable, public


Example: For voice and piano. There will be an LCSH searchable version of this in subjects.

Physical description

Format: Non-searchable, public

Free text field giving any descriptive information about the score, example pages, size, condition.


Description: Searchable, public


Textual information found anywhere on the piece such as historical or performance notes, dedication statement.


Type: Searchable, public

Local list

Sheet music. This may be the only term used in this element.

Topical subject

Subject: Searchable, public


Contains subject headings that describe the theme of the song, e.g., Seattle (Wash.) — Songs and music. Separate each subject by <br>.

Cover description

Description: Searchable, public


Text description of cover illustration including color if appropriate.


Creator: Searchable, public


Creator of cover illustration. Input last name, first name. If there is more than one name, separate with <br>.


Creator: Searchable, public


If listed in addition to or instead of illustrator/artist of cover. Input last name, first name. If there is more than one name, separate with <br>.

Cover illustration (TGM)

Subject: Searchable, public


Controlled vocabulary terms for cover illustration.

Cover illustration (LCSH)

Subject: Searchable, public


Contolled vocabulary for terms and personal names for portraits on cover.

Cover genre (TGM)

Type: Searchable, public


Genre of cover illustrations.

First line

Title: Searchable, public

Example: Ship o’er the ocean, just a speck against the sky…

First line of chorus

Title: Searchable, public

Example: There’s a beautiful, beautiful field far away in a land that is …

Digital Collection

Relation-Is Part Of: Non-searchable, public; required


Pacific Northwest Sheet Music : from the Ashford Collection

Location number

None: Searchable, public


Number that users can reference that leads back to the physical item

Contact info

None: Non-searchable, public; required

For further information contact [email protected].

Digital Copyright

Rights: Non-searchable, public; required


Materials in the Pacific Northwest Sheet Music collection are in the public domain. No copyright permissions are needed. Acknowledgement of the Pacific Northwest Sheet Music collection as a source for borrowed images is requested.

The sound files (and performances) of the sheet music are still under copyright permission. Permission from the Head, Music Library, is required for obtaining copies (including downloading) of these files.


Source: Non-searchable, public

The institution where the item is physically located. University of Washington. Music Library.

Repository Collection

Source: Searchable, public

Ashford Collection.

Type limit

Type: Searchable, staff-only hidden field; required

DCMI Type Vocabulary

Used for cross database search limits. Scores are Text. If the cover has an illustration include  StillImage as well with <br> between example, Text<br>StillImage.

Sound should be added on sound clip metadata only.

Digital reproduction information

Format: Non-searchable, staff-only field


Describes the digital conversion process, date scanned, etc.

Audio clip record:

Project element

DC mapping

Authority file



Title: Searchable, public; required

Cover title of score.

Caption title


Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Other title


Leave blank in record for audio clip.


Creator: Searchable, public


Input last name, first name. If there is more than one name, separate with <br>.

Uniform title


Leave blank in record for audio clip.




Leave blank in record for audio clip.




Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Performer, Original



Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Performer, Audio file

Creator: Searchable, public


Input last name, first name. If there is more than one name, separate with <br>.

Performance description

Description: Searchable, public


Contains additional information about audio clip performance such as location and date of performance.

Original copyright holder



Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Audio file copyright holder

Rights: Non-searchable, public


All records: Audio file copyrighted by the University of Washington. Include on main record for the score and sound clip record.




Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Place of publication



Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Date of publication



Leave blank in record for audio clip.




Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Earliest Date



Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Latest Date



Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Performance medium



Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Physical description


Leave blank in record for audio clip.




Leave blank in record for audio clip.




Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Topical subject



Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Cover description



Leave blank in record for audio clip.




Leave blank in record for audio clip.




Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Cover illustration (TGM)



Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Cover illustration (LCSH)



Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Cover genre (TGM)



Leave blank in record for audio clip.

First line


Leave blank in record for audio clip.

First line of chorus



Leave blank in record for audio clip.

Digital Collection

Relation-Is Part Of: Non-searchable, public; required


Pacific Northwest Sheet Music : from the Ashford Collection

Location number

None: Searchable, public


Number that users can reference that leads back to the physical item.

Contact info

None: Non-searchable, public; required

For further information contact [email protected].

Digital Copyright

Rights: Non-searchable, public; required


Materials in the Pacific Northwest Sheet Music collection are in the public domain. No copyright permissions are needed. Acknowledgement of the Pacific Northwest Sheet Music collection as a source for borrowed images is requested.

The sound files (and performances) of the sheet music are still under copyright permission. Permission from the Head, Music Library, is required for obtaining copies (including downloading) of these files.


Source: Non-searchable, public

The institution where the item is physically located. University of Washington. Music Library.

Repository Collection

Source: Searchable, public

Ashford Collection.

Type limit

Type: Searchable, staff-only hidden field; required

DCMI Type Vocabulary

Used for cross database search limits. Scores are Text. If there is an illustration include StillImage as well with <br> between; example, Text<br>StillImage.

Sound should be added on sound clip metadata only.

Digital reproduction information

Format: Non-searchable, staff-only field


For audio clip, include capture and format information. This data will be in the record for the audio clip, not the main record for the score.

Sound fields to consider:Enter the characteristics of the digital sound file, separating each element with a semicolon. Include as known:
–Format of digital sound file/type of compression (.wav, MP3, RealAudio);
–Duration (of audio sound file, such as 3 min. 32 sec.
–Bits per sample (bit depth, e.g., 16 bit);
–Sampling frequency (number of samples per second, such as 22,050 samples per second, state as 22.05 kHz);
–Audio channel configuration (stereo, mono, surround sound, etc.);
–File size (byte, kilobyte, or megabyte size of digital file, such as 300 Kbytes, 12 Mbytes)

Example: MP3; 2 min., 38 sec.; 16 bit; 22.05 kHz; mono; 271208 bytes


Banding Information